4.4. Enabling Custom Paths for Websockets

Websockets are used to create real-time events initiated by an OpenShift Enterprise application.
The ability to add a custom path for websocket URLs to a cartridge must be enabled in that cartridge's manifest.yml file before it can be used in a new application. Add the following information to the /usr/libexec/openshift/cartridges/Cart_Name/metadata/manifest.yml file of the desired cartridge:
- Private-IP-Name: IP2
  Private-Port-Name: PORT2
  Private-Port: 8080
  Public-Port-Name: PROXY_PORT2
  - http
  - ws
  - Frontend: '/file_path'
    Backend: '/file_path2'
      websocket: true
This adds a second endpoint to a cartridge with ws listed in the protocols and websockets set to true.
After a cartridge has been modified to use custom paths for websocket URLs, a new application can then be created with the modified cartridge. The application is accessible using the new endpoint, as shown in the following example: