2.10.4. Recreating /etc/passwd Entries

For node host recovery, you can recreate the /etc/passwd entries for all gears if this backup file was lost.


If you are using OpenShift Enterprise 2.1.6 or later, you can instead run the oo-admin-regenerate-gear-metadata tool on a node host to replace and recover the failed gear data, including /etc/passwd entries.

Procedure 2.8. To Recreate /etc/passwd Entries:

  1. Get a list of UUIDs from the directories in /var/lib/openshift.
  2. For each UUID, ensure the UNIX UID and GID values correspond to the group ID of the /var/lib/openshift/UUID directory. See the fourth value in the output from the following command:
    # ls -d -n /var/lib/openshift/UUID
  3. Create the corresponding entries in /etc/passwd, using another node's /etc/passwd file for reference.