7.8. Exposed Data

The Administration Console exposes OpenShift Enterprise system data for use by external tools. In the current iteration of the Administration Console, you can retrieve the raw data from some of the application controllers in JSON format. This is not a long-term API however, and is likely to change in future releases. You can access the following URLs by appending them to the appropriate host name:

Exposed Data Points

  • /admin-console/capacity/profiles.json returns all profile summaries from the Admin Stats library (the same library used by the oo-stats command). Add the ?reload=1 parameter to ensure the data is current rather than cached.
  • /admin-console/stats/gears_per_user.json returns frequency data for gears owned by a user.
  • /admin-console/stats/apps_per_domain.json returns frequency data for applications belonging to a domain.
  • /admin-console/stats/domains_per_user.json returns frequency data for domains owned by a user.
The following example shows how to access /admin-console/capacity/profiles.json on the broker host:
# curl http://localhost:8080/admin-console/capacity/profiles.json