Red Hat Training

A Red Hat training course is available for JBoss Enterprise SOA Platform

Chapter 15. Advanced Installation Options

15.1. JBOSS_HOME Environmental Variable

The JBOSS_HOME environmental variable is an optional .bash_profile setting. You do not normally need to configure this setting but some scripts and third-party software require it.


If you have more than one JBoss server installed on the one machine, Red Hat recommends that you avoid using this setting if you possibly can or only setting it within those scripts that require it.

15.2. Configure the JBOSS_HOME Environmental Variable

Procedure 15.1. Task

  1. Add the Variable on a Red Hat Enterprise Linux System

    Open the file with the vi ~./bash_profile command and add the following line:
    export JBOSS_HOME=path
    (export JBOSS_HOME=/path/to/SOA_ROOT.)
  2. Save and exit.
  3. Add the Variable on a Microsoft Windows System

    Click on Control PanelSystemAdvancedEnvironment Variables and then New. Set the variable name to JBOSS_HOME and the variable value to the SOA_ROOT directory.

15.3. Native Components Package

The Native Components package is an optional component for the JBoss Enterprise Application Platform that incorporates native operating system components and connectors for web servers.

15.4. Install Native JBoss Components

Procedure 15.2. Task

  • Refer to the JBoss Enterprise Application Platform's Installation Guide for instructions.


    That Guide instructs you to install the files into the jboss-eap-5.1 directory. Substitute your SOA_ROOT every time you see mention of that directory.

15.5. MRG-M

MRG-M is the messaging component of Red Hat's Messaging/Realtime/Grid offering.

15.6. Install MRG-M

Procedure 15.3. Task

  1. Download the Package

    Download the MRG JCA Adapter from the Red Hat Customer Portal. Save it in the SOA_ROOT/jboss-as/server/PROFILE/deploy directory.
  2. Create Queues

    To create queues, use the qpid-config add queue command.
  3. Edit the Configuration File

    Open the configuration file: vi qpid-jca-ds.xml. In here, there are three JCA administration objects. You must set the destination addresses for the inbound (MRG-ESB_GW) and outbound ( MRG-ESB_RESP) queues and the routingKey for the outbound queue.
  4. Save

    Save the file and exit.


The QpidConnectionFactory is the connection factory used to send out messages and is utilized in the JMSRouter action. Do not try to use the other two CF administration objects as these do not work with the ESB.

15.7. File Transfer Protocol

The File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is the standard protocol for sending files across networks. It can transmit text and binary files.

15.8. File Transfer Protocol and the JBoss Enterprise SOA Platform

The JBoss Enterprise SOA Platform renames all files so that they have the same filename prior to their transmission via FTP. (This prevents the individual files from being processed until the software renames them at the other end.) Unfortunately, some FTP servers retain a lock on the file after it has been written, which prevents the renaming process from taking place. If this problem occurs, the software will make a pre-defined number of attempts (the default being ten) to rename the files. If it still cannot do so after the maximum number of attempts, it generates an error message.

15.9. Configure File Transfer Protocol Settings

Procedure 15.4. Task

  1. Edit the Properties

    Open the global settings file in a text editor: vi SOA_ROOT/jboss-as/server/PROFILE/deployers/esb.deployer/jbossesb-properties.xml. Search for org.jboss.soa.esb.ftp.renameretry and alter the value for this setting. It will look like this:
    <property name="org.jboss.soa.esb.ftp.renameretry" value="10"/>
  2. Save

    Save the file and exit.

This changes the number of retry attempts.


Changing the settings in this file has a global effect. To do it on a per-instance basis, change the setting in the specific end-point reference instead.