4.6. Connecting JBoss Developer Studio to the Asset Repository

Procedure 4.5. Connect JBDS to the Asset Repository

  1. Start the JBoss BRMS server by selecting the server from the server tab and click the start icon.
  2. Open the Guvnor repository by selecting WindowShow ViewOther.
    Select GuvnorGuvnor Repository and click OK.
  3. Add the Guvnor connection by selecting Add a Guvnor repository connection icon from the Guvnor Repository view.
  4. Confirm the repository details displayed are correct.
    Enter the Guvnor username and password and click Finish.
Guvnor Preferences

The JBoss Developer Studio preferences for the Guvnor plug-ins allows user to choose whether or not to save authentication information when connecting to a Guvnor repository, and it allows users to define a Guvnor URL template for creating new connections.

The Guvnor preferences are set by accessing the preferences menu. Select WindowPreferencesGuvnor to access the preferences.