9.3. Register the Work Definition

When using JBoss Developer Studio to edit processes, you are able to register custom work item definition files for your project using the drools.workDefinitions property. This property represents a list of files containing work definitions, which are separated using spaces. For example, include a drools.rulebase.conf file in the META-INF directory of your project and add the following line:
  drools.workDefinitions = MyWorkDefinitions.wid
This will replace the default domain specific node types EMAIL and LOG with the newly defined NOTIFICATION node in the JBoss Developer Studio process editor. Should you wish to just add a newly created node definition to the existing palette nodes, adjust the drools.workDefinitions property as follows and include the default set configuration file:
  drools.workDefinitions = MyWorkDefinitions.conf WorkDefinitions.conf


It is recommended to use extension .wid for your own definitions of domain specific nodes.
To update work definitions in the JBoss Enterprise BRMS user interface, please refer to Section 5.6, “Defining Domain-Specific Service Nodes”.