Chapter 4. Migrating to JBoss EAP CD for OpenShift JDK 11 Image

4.1. Prepare OpenShift for Application Deployment using JDK 11 Image

Preparing OpenShift for application deployment using the JDK 11 image stream follows the same procedure as described in Prepare OpenShift for Application Deployment.

4.2. Import JDK 11 Image

Use the following command to import the JBoss EAP CD for OpenShift JDK 11 image stream and templates into your OpenShift project’s namespace:

for resource in \
  eap73-openjdk11-image-stream.json \
  eap73-openjdk11-amq-persistent-s2i.json \
  eap73-openjdk11-amq-s2i.json \
  eap73-openjdk11-basic-s2i.json \
  eap73-openjdk11-https-s2i.json \
  eap73-openjdk11-sso-s2i.json \
  eap73-openjdk11-starter-s2i.json \
  eap73-openjdk11-third-party-db-s2i.json \
 oc replace --force -f \${resource}

4.3. Deploy a JBoss EAP S2I Application to OpenShift using JDK 11 Image

Deploying a JBoss EAP S2I application to OpenShift follows the same procedures as described in Deploy a JBoss EAP Source-to-Image (S2I) Application to OpenShift. The JDK 11 stream uses the eap73-openjdk11-basic-s2i for S2I builds, instead of the eap73-basic-s2i template used in JDK 8.

To deploy the kitchensink quickstart, use the following command to use the eap73-openjdk11-basic-s2i template with the kitchensink source code on GitHub:

oc new-app --template=eap73-openjdk11-basic-s2i
 -p CONTEXT_DIR=kitchensink

The eap73-openjdk11-basic-s2i template in the eap-demo project was created in Prepare OpenShift for Application Deployment.

4.4. Configure JBoss EAP CD for OpenShift Using Environment Variables for JDK 11 Image

Configuring JBoss EAP CD for OpenShift using environment variables for JDK 11 follows the same procedures as described in Configuring JBoss EAP for OpenShift Using Environment Variables.

To set the JBoss EAP instance’s management username and password using environment variables, use the following command when creating your OpenShift application.

oc new-app --template=eap73-openjdk11-basic-s2i \
-p CONTEXT_DIR=kitchensink \
-e ADMIN_USERNAME=myspecialuser \
-e ADMIN_PASSWORD=myspecialp@ssw0rd