Red Hat Training

A Red Hat training course is available for JBoss Enterprise Application Platform Common Criteria Certification

14.2. Enabling/Disabling Descriptor Based Property Replacement


Finite control over descriptor property replacement was introduced in jboss-as-ee_1_1.xsd. This task covers the steps required to configure descriptor based property replacement.


  • Start the JBoss Enterprise Application Platform instance.
  • Launch the Management CLI.
Descriptor based property replacement flags have boolean values:
  • When set to true, property replacements are enabled.
  • When set to false, property replacements are disabled.

Procedure 14.1. jboss-descriptor-property-replacement

jboss-descriptor-property-replacement is used to enable or disable property replacement in the following descriptors:
  • jboss-ejb3.xml
  • jboss-app.xml
  • jboss-web.xml
  • *-jms.xml
  • *-ds.xml
The default value for jboss-descriptor-property-replacement is true.
  1. In the Management CLI, run the following command to determine the value of jboss-descriptor-property-replacement:
  2. Run the following command to configure the behavior:

Procedure 14.2. spec-descriptor-property-replacement

spec-descriptor-property-replacement is used to enable or disable property replacement in the following descriptors:
  • ejb-jar.xml
  • persistence.xml
The default value for spec-descriptor-property-replacement is false.
  1. In the Management CLI, run the following command to confirm the value of spec-descriptor-property-replacement:
  2. Run the following command to configure the behavior:

The descriptor based property replacement tags have been successfully configured.