Red Hat Training

A Red Hat training course is available for JBoss Enterprise Application Platform Common Criteria Certification

15.5. EJB2 RMI + SSL Configuration

Procedure 15.10. Configure SSL for EJB2 Overview

  1. Generate encryption keys and certificate
  2. Configure Unified Invoker for SSL
Generating encryption keys and certificates is covered in Section 15.2, “Generate encryption keys and certificate” .
Configured Unified Invoker for SSL

EJB2 remote invocation uses a single unified invoker, which runs by default on port 4446. The configuration of the unified invoker used for EJB2 remote method invocation is defined in the $JBOSS_HOME/server/deploy/remoting-jboss-beans.xml file of a JBoss Application Server profile. Add the following SSL Socket Factory bean and an SSL Domain bean in this file.

Example 15.7. SSL Server Factory for EJB2

<bean name="sslServerSocketFactoryEJB2" class="">
    <parameter><inject bean="EJB2SSLDomain"/></parameter>

<bean name="EJB2SSLDomain" class="">
  <property name="keyStoreURL">resource:localhost.keystore</property>
  <property name="keyStorePass">changeit</property>
  <property name="keyAlias">ejb-ssl</property>
  <property name="keyPassword">EJB-SSL_KEYPAIR_PASSWORD</property>
Now customize the SSLSocketBuilder, by adding the following to the $JBOSS_HOME/server/$PROFILE/conf/jboss-service.xml file of a JBoss Application Server profile:

Example 15.8. SSLSocketBuilder configuration

<!-- This section is for custom (SSL) server socket factory  -->
   <mbean code=""
      display-name="SSL Server Socket Factory Builder">
      <!-- IMPORTANT - If making ANY customizations, this MUST be set to false. -->
      <!-- Otherwise, will used default settings and the following attributes will be ignored. -->
      <attribute name="UseSSLServerSocketFactory">false</attribute>
      <!-- This is the url string to the key store to use -->
      <attribute name="KeyStoreURL">localhost.keystore</attribute>
      <!-- The password for the key store -->
      <attribute name="KeyStorePassword">sslsocket</attribute>
      <!-- The password for the keys (will use KeystorePassword if this is not set explicitly. -->
      <attribute name="KeyPassword">sslsocket</attribute>
      <!-- The protocol for the SSLContext.  Default is TLS. -->
      <attribute name="SecureSocketProtocol">TLS</attribute>
      <!-- The algorithm for the key manager factory.  Default is SunX509. -->
      <attribute name="KeyManagementAlgorithm">SunX509</attribute>
      <!-- The type to be used for the key store. -->
      <!-- Defaults to JKS.  Some acceptable values are JKS (Java Keystore - Sun's keystore format), -->
      <!-- JCEKS (Java Cryptography Extension keystore - More secure version of JKS), and -->
      <!-- PKCS12 (Public-Key Cryptography Standards #12
                 keystore - RSA's Personal Information Exchange Syntax Standard). -->
      <!-- These are not case sensitive. -->
      <attribute name="KeyStoreType">JKS</attribute>

  <mbean code=""
     display-name="SSL Server Socket Factory">
     <depends optional-attribute-name="SSLSocketBuilder"
Configure SSL Transport for Beans

In the deploy/remoting-jboss-beans.xml file in the JBoss Application Server profile, update the code to reflect the information below:

Example 15.9. SSL Transport for Beans

<bean name="UnifiedInvokerConnector" class="org.jboss.remoting.transport.Connector">
  <annotation>@org.jboss.aop.microcontainer.aspects.jmx.JMX(name="jboss.remoting:service=Connector,transport=socket", exposedInterface=org.jboss.remoting.transport.ConnectorMBean.class,registerDirectly=true)
  <property name="serverConfiguration"><inject bean="UnifiedInvokerConfiguration"/></property>
  <property name="serverSocketFactory"><inject bean="sslServerSocketFactoryEJB2"/></property>
  <!-- add this to configure the SSL socket for the UnifiedInvoker -->
<bean name="UnifiedInvokerConfiguration" class="org.jboss.remoting.ServerConfiguration">
  <!-- transport: Others include sslsocket, bisocket, sslbisocket, http, https, rmi, sslrmi, servlet, sslservlet. -->
    <parameter>sslsocket</parameter><!-- changed from socket to sslsocket -->