Red Hat Training

A Red Hat training course is available for JBoss Enterprise Application Platform Common Criteria Certification

9.12. Source Code and Upgrading

Most problems relating to transactions can be diagnosed by Global Support Services, after you provide debug logging information from the server.
However, you can debug or review the source code yourself, using your own tools. You can download the source code using the Subversion repository at Enterprise Application Platform outputs the version of the Transaction Service at start-up, using a string similar to this one:
      INFO [TransactionManagerService] JBossTS Transaction Service (JTA version - tag:JBOSSTS_4_6_1_GA_CP02) - JBoss Inc.
The tag element corresponds to a tree under /tags/ in the Subversion repository. Note that the version refers to the version of the JBoss Transaction Service component used in the Enterprise Application Platform, not the version of EAP itself. If you build Enterprise Application Platform from source, you can also find the version by searching for the string version.jboss.jbossts in the component-matix/pom.xml file.


Installing any version of JBossTS other than those provided with the Enterprise Application Platform you are using is not supported. While some JBoss Transaction Service components are packaged separately, it is unsupported to use different versions than the ones suppolied with Enterprise Application Platform.