8.2. Uninstall JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6 From a Zip Installation

  1. Log into the server.

    Log into your server as a user who has write access to the JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6 installation directory.
  2. Remove the installation directory.

    JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6 installs in a single directory when you use the Zip installation method. Delete the installation directory to uninstall JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6.
  3. Optional: Remove any initialization scripts you created.

    If you created initialization scripts or other scripts which depended upon JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6 being installed on your computer, remove them.
  4. Optional: Microsoft Windows: Remove JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6 from your Services.

    To remove the JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6 service, run the following command at a command prompt, as an administrative user: sc delete "JBEAP6SVC".

JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6 is uninstalled from your server.