10.2.3. Getting Started Create a JPA project in JBoss Developer Studio

Task Summary

This example covers the steps required to create a JPA project in JBoss Developer Studio.

Procedure 10.1. Task

  1. In the JBoss Developer Studio window, click FileNewJPA Project.
  2. In the project dialog, type the name of the project.
  3. Select a Target runtime from the dropdown box.
    1. If no Target runtime is available, click Target Runtime.
    2. Find the JBoss Community Folder in the list.
    3. Select JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6.x Runtime
    4. Click Next.
    5. In the Home Directory field, click Browse to set the JBoss EAP source folder as the Home Directory.
    6. Click Finish.
  4. Click Next.
  5. Leave the source folders on build path window as default, and click Next.
  6. In the Platform dropdown, ensure Hibernate (JPA 2.x) is selected.
  7. Click Finish.
  8. If prompted, choose whether you wish to open the JPA perspective window.