6.4.3. Create a JMS-based Message-Driven Bean in JBoss Developer Studio

This procedure shows how to add a JMS-based Message-Driven Bean to a project in JBoss Developer Studio. This procedure creates an EJB 3.x Message-Driven Bean that uses annotations.


  1. You must have an existing project open in JBoss Developer Studio.
  2. You must know the name and type of the JMS destination that the bean will be listening to.
  3. Support for Java Messaging Service (JMS) must be enabled in the JBoss Enterprise Application Platform configuration to which this bean will be deployed.

Procedure 6.6. Add a JMS-based Message-Driven Bean in JBoss Developer Studio

  1. Open the Create EJB 3.x Message-Driven Bean Wizard

    Go to FileNewOther. Select EJB/Message-Driven Bean (EJB 3.x) and click the Next button.
    Create EJB 3.x Message-Driven Bean Wizard

    Figure 6.9. Create EJB 3.x Message-Driven Bean Wizard

  2. Specify class file destination details

    There are three sets of details to specify for the bean class here: Project, Java class, and message destination.
    • If multiple projects exist in the Workspace, ensure that the correct one is selected in the Project menu.
    • The folder where the source file for the new bean will be created is ejbModule under the selected project's directory. Only change this if you have a specific requirement.
    Java class
    • The required fields are: Java package and class name.
    • It is not necessary to supply a Superclass unless the business logic of your application requires it.
    Message Destination
    These are the details you must supply for a JMS-based Message-Driven Bean:
    • Destination name. This is the queue or topic name that contains the messages that the bean will respond to.
    • By default the JMS checkbox is selected. Do not change this.
    • Set Destination type to Queue or Topic as required.
    Click the Next button.
  3. Enter Message-Driven Bean specific information

    The default values here are suitable for a JMS-based Message-Driven bean using Container-managed transactions.
    • Change the Transaction type to Bean if the Bean will use Bean-managed transactions.
    • Change the Bean name if a different bean name than the class name is required.
    • The JMS Message Listener interface will already be listed. You do not need to add or remove any interfaces unless they are specific to your applications business logic.
    • Leave the checkboxes for creating method stubs selected.
    Click the Finish button.
Result: The Message-Driven Bean is created with stub methods for the default constructor and the onMessage() method. A JBoss Developer Studio editor window opened with the corresponding file.