3.3.7. Use Operations and Commands in the Management CLI

Procedure 3.13. Task

  1. Construct the operation request

    Operation requests allow for low-level interaction with the management model. They provide a controlled way to edit server configurations. An operation request consists of three parts:
    • an address, prefixed with a slash (/).
    • an operation name, prefixed with a colon (:).
    • an optional set of parameters, contained within parentheses (()).
    1. Determine the address

      The configuration is presented as a hierarchical tree of addressable resources. Each resource node offers a different set of operations. The address specifies which resource node to perform the operation on. An address uses the following syntax:
      • node-type is the resource node type. This maps to an element name in the configuration XML.
      • node-name is the resource node name. This maps to the name attribute of the element in the configuration XML.
      • Separate each level of the resource tree with a slash (/).
      Refer to the configuration XML files to determine the required address. The EAP_HOME/standalone/configuration/standalone.xml file holds the configuration for a standalone server and the EAP_HOME/domain/configuration/domain.xml and EAP_HOME/domain/configuration/host.xml files hold the configuration for a managed domain.

      Example 3.1. Example operation addresses

      To perform an operation on the logging subsystem, use the following address in an operation request:
      To perform an operation on the Java datasource, use the following address in an operation request:
    2. Determine the operation

      Operations differ for each different type of resource node. An operation uses the following syntax:
      • operation-name is the name of the operation to request.
      Use the read-operation-names operation on any resource address in a standalone server to list the available operations.

      Example 3.2. Available operations

      To list all available operations for the logging subsystem, enter the following request for a standalone server:
      [standalone@localhost:9999 /] /subsystem=logging:read-operation-names
          "outcome" => "success",
          "result" => [
    3. Determine any parameters

      Each operation may require different parameters.
      Parameters use the following syntax:
      • parameter-name is the name of the parameter.
      • parameter-value is the value of the parameter.
      • Multiple parameters are separated by commas (,).
      To determine any required parameters, perform the read-children-types command on a resource node, passing the operation name as a parameter. Refer to Example 3.3, “Determine operation parameters” for details.

      Example 3.3. Determine operation parameters

      To determine any required parameters for the read-children-types operation on the logging subsystem, enter the read-operation-description command as follows:
      [standalone@localhost:9999 /] /subsystem=logging:read-operation-description(name=read-children-types)
          "outcome" => "success",
          "result" => {
              "operation-name" => "read-children-types",
              "description" => "Gets the type names of all the children under the selected resource",
              "reply-properties" => {
                  "type" => LIST,
                  "description" => "The children types",
                  "value-type" => STRING
              "read-only" => false
  2. Enter the full operation request

    Once the address, operation, and any parameters have been determined, enter the full operation request.

    Example 3.4. Example operation request

    [standalone@localhost:9999 /] /subsystem=web/connector=http:read-resource(recursive=true)

The management interface performs the operation request on the server configuration.