8.2.3. Undeploy an Application Using the Management Console

Procedure 8.2. Task

  1. Navigate to the Manage Deployments panel in the Management Console

    1. Select the Runtime tab from the top right of the console.
    2. Select the DeploymentsManage Deployments option from the menu on the left of the console.
  2. Undeploy an application

    The undeployment method will differ depending on whether you are deploying to a standalone server instance or a managed domain.
    • Undeploy from a standalone server instance

      The Deployments table shows all available application deployments and their status.
      Available deployments

      Figure 8.6. Available deployments

      1. Disable the application in a standalone server instance

        Click on the Disable button in the Deployments table to disable the application.
      2. Confirm that you wish to disable the application

        Click on the confirm button to confirm that the application will be disabled on the server instance.
        Confirm the application to disable

        Figure 8.7. Confirm the application to disable

    • Undeploy from a managed domain

      The Deployment Content section contains a Content Repository table showing all available application deployments and their status.
      Available deployments in a managed domain

      Figure 8.8. Available deployments in a managed domain

      1. Disable the application in a Managed Domain

        Click on the Server Group Deployments tab to view the server groups and the status of their deployed applications.
        Server group deployments

        Figure 8.9. Server group deployments

      2. Select server group

        Click on the name of the server in the Server Group table to undeploy an application from.
      3. Disable the application from the selected server

        Click on the disable button to disable the application for the selected server.
      4. Confirm that you wish to disable the application

        Click on the confirm button to confirm that the application will be disabled on the server instance.
        Confirm the application to disable

        Figure 8.10. Confirm the application to disable

      5. Repeat undeployment for remaining server groups

        Repeat as required for other server groups. The application status is confirmed for each server group in the Deployments table.
        Confirmation of application undeployment from a server group

        Figure 8.11. Confirmation of application undeployment from a server group


The application is undeployed from the relevant server or server group.