Use a Proxy in an Injection


A proxy is used for injection when the lifecycles of the beans are different from each other. The proxy is a subclass of the bean that is created at run-time, and overrides all the non-private methods of the bean class. The proxy forwards the invocation onto the actual bean instance.

In this example, the PaymentProcessor instance is not injected directly into Shop. Instead, a proxy is injected, and when the processPayment() method is called, the proxy looks up the current PaymentProcessor bean instance and calls the processPayment() method on it.

Example 10.21. Proxy Injection

class PaymentProcessor
  public void processPayment(int amount)
    System.out.println("I'm taking $" + amount);
public class Shop
  PaymentProcessor paymentProcessor; 
  public void buyStuff()
Fore more information about proxies, including which types of classes can be proxied, refer to Section, “About Bean Proxies”.