A.2. Directory Structure of JBoss EAP 6


JBoss EAP 6 includes a simplified directory structure, compared to previous versions. This topic contains a listing of the directories, and a description of what each directory contains.

It also includes directory structures of the standalone/ and domain/ folders.

Table A.2. Top-level directories and files

Name Purpose
appclient/ Contains configuration details for the application client container.
bin/ Contains start-up scripts for JBoss EAP 6 on Red Hat Enterprise Linux and Microsoft Windows.
bundles/ Contains OSGi bundles which pertain to JBoss EAP 6 internal functionality.
docs/ License files, schemas, and examples.
domain/ Configuration files, deployment content, and writable areas used when JBoss EAP 6 runs as a managed domain.
modules/ Modules which are dynamically loaded by JBoss EAP 6 when services request them.
standalone/ Configuration files, deployment content, and writable areas used when JBoss EAP 6 runs as a standalone server.
welcome-content/ Contains content used by the Welcome web application which is available on port 8080 of a default installation.
The bootstrapping mechanism which loads modules.

Table A.3. Directories within the domain/ directory

Name Purpose
configuration/ Configuration files for the managed domain. These files are modified by the Management Console and Management CLI, and are not meant to be edited directly.
data/ Information about deployed services. Services are deployed using the Management Console and Management CLI, rather than by a deployment scanner. Therefore, do not place files in this directory manually.
log/ Contains the run-time log files for the host and process controllers which run on the local instance.
servers/ Contains the equivalent data/, log/, and tmp/ directories for each server instance in a domain, which contain similar data to the same directories within the top-level domain/ directory.
tmp/ Contains temporary data such as files pertaining to the shared-key mechanism used by the Management CLI to authenticate local users to the managed domain.

Table A.4. Directories within the standalone/ directory

Name Purpose
configuration/ Configuration files for the standalone server. These files are modified by the Management Console and Management CLI, and are not meant to be edited directly.
deployments/ Information about deployed services. The standalone server does include a deployment scanner, so you can place archives in this directory to be deployed. However, the recommended approach is to manage deployments using the Management Console or Management CLI.
lib/ External libraries which pertain to a standalone server mode. Empty by default.
tmp/ Contains temporary data such as files pertaining to the shared-key mechanism used by the Management CLI to authenticate local users to the server.