5.2.5. Configure Port Offsets

  • Configure Port Offsets

    Choose either the Management CLI or the Management Console to configure your port offsets.
    • Configure Port Offsets Using the Management CLI

      Use the Management CLI to configure port offsets.
      1. Edit Port Offsets

        Use the write-attribute operation to write a new value to the port offset atttribute. The following example updates the socket-binding-port-offset value of server-two to 250. This server is a member of the default local host group. A restart is required for the changes to take affect.
        [domain@localhost:9999 /] /host=master/server-config=server-two/:write-attribute(name=socket-binding-port-offset,value=250)
      2. Confirm Port Offset Attributes

        Confirm the values are changed by running the read-resource operation with the include-runtime=true parameter to expose all current values active in the server model.
        [domain@localhost:9999 /] /host=master/server-config=server-two/:read-resource(include-runtime=true)
    • Configure Port Offsets Using the Management Console

      Use the Management Console to configure port offsets.
      1. Log into the Management Console.

        Log into the Management Console of your Managed Domain.
      2. Select the Hosts tab

        Select the Hosts tab at the top right.
      3. Edit Port Offset Attributes

        1. Select the server under the Configuration Name section and click the Edit button.
        2. Enter any desired values in the Port Offset field.
        3. Click the Save button to finish.