13.2. Configure Logging in the Management Console

The management console provides a graphical user interface for the configuration of the root logger, log handlers, and log categories. You can find the logger configuration in the management console by following these steps:
You can access this configuration by following steps below:
  1. Login to the Management Console
  2. Navigate to the logging subsystem configuration. This step varies between servers running as standalone servers and servers running in a managed domain.
    • Standalone Server

      Click on Profile, expand Core in the Profile pane, and then click on Logging.
    • Managed Domain

      Click on Profile, select the profile to edit, expand Core, and then click on Logging.
The tasks you can perform to configure the root logger are:
  • Edit the log level.
  • Add and remove log handlers.
The tasks you can perform to configure log categories are:
  • Add and remove log categories.
  • Edit log category properties.
  • Add and remove log handlers from a category.
The main tasks you can perform to configure log handlers are:
  • Adding new handlers.
  • Configuring handlers.
All six supported log handlers (including custom) can be configured in the management console.