3.8.3. About a Management Interface Audit Logging Formatter

The formatter specifies the format of the log entries.

Table 3.5. JSON Formatter Fields

Attribute Description
include-date Boolean value which defines whether or not the timestamp is included in the formatted log records.
date-separator A string containing characters to separate the date and the rest of the formatted log message. Will be ignored if include-date=false.
date-format The date format to use for the timestamp as understood by java.text.SimpleDateFormat. Ignored if include-date=false.
compact If true it will format the JSON on one line. There may still be values containing new lines, so if having the whole record on one line is important, set escape-new-line or escape-control-characters to true.
escape-control-characters If true it will escape all control characters (ASCII entries with a decimal value < 32) with the ASCII code in octal; for example, a new line becomes '#012'. If this is true, it will override escape-new-line=false.
escape-new-line If true it will escape all new lines with the ASCII code in octal; for example "#012".