3.6. Text-based RPM Installation

3.6.1. Install JBoss EAP 6 (Text-based RPM Installation)


The RPM package method of installing JBoss EAP 6 is appropriate for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6. This topic covers the steps required to install an instance using the command line.

Procedure 3.11. Text-based Installation Steps

Access and install the RPM package by using the YUM install via the Red Hat Network.
  1. Install the RPM package by using YUM and the Red Hat Network

    Use YUM to install the default JBoss EAP 6 group package by using the groupinstall command.
    [user@host ~]$ yum groupinstall jboss-eap6
  2. Configure init options.

    The RPM install contains init scripts for launching the server. The configuration for the init scripts are contained in several additional files. Refer to Section A.4, “RPM Installation Configuration Files for JBoss EAP 6” for details about these files and the options contained within.

The installation is complete. The default EAP_HOME path for the RPM installation is /usr/share/jbossas. Refer to Section A.3, “RPM Package List for JBoss EAP 6” for a complete list of all the packages installed.