6.2. Known Issues

Apache Server (httpd) and Connectors

900620 - APR natives are not being loaded if UAC is in place (Windows Server 2008 R2)

On Windows servers, Apache portable runtime (APR) libraries will fail to load unless a user with administration rights is being used with User Account Control (UAC) disabled.


901164 - Stale session data received after failover, sessions are lost
900707 - Property substition breaks when the string "localhost" is used as part of the default value

Property substitution does not work correctly when the string localhost was used as part of a default value in the JGroups subsystem configuration. Property substitution is a feature provided for JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6 subsystems. However not all subsystems have it enabled, and some subsystems (like JGroups) actually do some of their own substitution. However this behaviour is not standardised and differs from the supported subsystem properties. Red Hat recommends not to use property substitution with the JGroups subsystem until this issue is resolved.
900378 - CDI beans with SET replication trigger are not replicating

Due to a bug in the Weld component, the setAttribute method is not called correctly. This causes CDI beans with the SET replication trigger to fail to be replicated. The workaround is to use the SET_AND_NON_PRIMITIVE_GET trigger for these beans. This will be fixed in a future release.
900549 - transient "WeldListener: java.lang.NullPointerException" with clustering and session replication

A WeldListener: java.lang.NullPointerException is thrown occasionally. The client receives a HTTP response 503, along with the exception text. The cause of this bug is under investigation.
900483 - CLONE - Stale session data received when using DIST SYNC on node shutdown

During testing, a few cases showed that stale session data was received when a node shut down and DIST SYNC or DIST ASYNC cache mode was used. This issue is still under investigation.
959753 - DIST SYNC: Service jboss.infinispan.web.default-host/XY won't start after node restart with "Initial state transfer timed out"


959216 - Cannot send larger messages using Stomp protocol
959616 - Deadlock during clean shutdown of backup during activation

An JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6 server that is configured as a HornetQ backup server will fail to shutdown in the following situation:
  • Message-Driven Beans are locally deployed on the server, and
  • the shutdown command is performed during the server’s activation.

In this scenario the shutdown will result in a deadlock that prevents the shutdown process from completing. Once deadlocked, the server must be forcibly terminated. On Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 this can be done using the kill -9 command.

To avoid this situation, only attempt to shutdown the server before or after activation, and not during the journal loading process.
959789 - HQ core bridge does not failover
928400 - pageSize >= maxSize causing inappropriate server state
912653 - Clone: Remote JNDI is not working with a HornetQ-only JMS bridge
922184 - Replicated journal - NullPointerException on backup side when saving add/commit message to non-existing journal
928288 - Replicated Journal - Illegal backup state if network failures present while initial journal replication from live
899966 - Problem with Netty on IPv6 link-local addresses

Due to a JDK bug, if you use link local addresses, zone IDs are used to distinguish which interface is chosen. This problem does not affect global addresses. A workaround will be included in a future version of the Netty component.

Scripts and Commands

965315 - jboss-ec2-eap timeout of user script does not work properly

The timeout feature implemented in the user script on JBoss Enterprise Application Platform's AMI images does not work. If a command in the user script hangs, this will prevent the virtual machine booting successfully. The timeout feature was intended to allow the virtual machine to continue to boot, regardless of a hung user script commmand, allowing diagnostics to be carried out on the user script. The cause of this problem is that the Bash shell does not support job control in non-interactive shells and this feature is required by the timeout implemented in the user script. No workaround is currently available but it is expected to be resolved in the next release.
956281 - Starting EAP 6.1 on 32bit jvm can result in failure to start JVM

On Windows 8 32-bit JVMs, the default max perm gen space setting causes the JVM to not be created, which then prevents the server from starting. To work around this issue, remove the -XX:MaxPermSize=256m parameter from the startup parameters of the JVM. Once this is done the JVM will be created, and the server will start.
916960 - Standalone.bat does not work if parentheses are on path to EAP.

This release of JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6 has a known issue with the Windows installer and installations to a default directory containing parentheses. For example; C: Program Files (x86)\jboss-eap-6.1\.

In these circumstances the standalone.bat file may fail with a message \jboss-eap-6.1 was unexpected at this time.

This is because the DOS processor interprets the ending parenthesis in the "echoed" JBoss path name as the end of the preceding if statement.

To resolve this issue:
  1. Open the JBOSS_HOME\bin\standalone.bat file in an editor.
  2. Find the following line:
    echo    JBOSS_HOME: %JBOSS_HOME%
  3. Add double-quotes around the %JBOSS_HOME% variable:
    echo    JBOSS_HOME: "%JBOSS_HOME%"

This will ensure the parenthesis are interpreted correctly and the standalone.bat will execute successfully.


920160 - Unauthorized access to a web application protected with a custom authorization module results in HTTP 200 (OK) instead of HTTP 403 (Forbidden)
963277 - Debugging Java Security Managers results in a StackOverflow on boot

Running with a security manager enabled and -Djava.security.debug=access:failure results in a StackOverflow error message and an unbootable JBoss Enterprise Application Platform instance. This problem is caused because the AccessControllercontext’s debug output to the System streams causes an infinite loop while checking permissions. The root cause of this problem has been identified and it is expected to be fixed in a future release.

Apache Server (httpd) and Connectors,Documentation

900580 - httpd: libaprutil-1.so.0: file too short

Apache portable runtime (APR) binaries are not natively packaged as part of JBoss Enterprise Application Platform, or JBoss Enterprise Web Server, for Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Symlinks are used to reference the base Red Hat Enterprise Linux libraries. This can result in an issue with unresolvable symlinks when trying to use APR binaries if the following packages are not installed: apr, apr-util, apr-devel, apr-util-devel.

The fix for this issue will be shipped in a future Red Hat Enterprise Linux APR update.


927895 - META-INF "Dependencies: org.foo.module services" doesn't work for CDI Portable extensions

A Known Issue exists in this release of JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6 wherein deployments with dependencies on CDI Portable Extensions delivered within modules will fail to deploy with the following exception:
org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DeploymentException: WELD-001408 Unsatisfied dependencies for type [<Extension Name>]

This is because deployments do not load CDI Portable Extensions from modules declared as dependencies.

In order for an application to load a CDI Portable Extension defined in a extension JBoss Module, it is not sufficient for the application to declare a dependency on the extension JBoss Module. The application must also declare a dependency on the Portable Extension class in its META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension file.


928444 - Unable to start CLI on windows if parent directory of aesh.log doesn't exist

The CLI tool fails to launch if the parent directory of its log file does not exist. The CLI throws an exception ( IOException) with with following error message.
java.io.IOException: Couldn't get lock for C:\Users\hudson\AppData\Local\Temp\2\\aesh.log

To avoid this error, ensure that the specified directory exists before launching the CLI tool.


900480 - CLONE - Extremely slow response times in Remote EJB invocation on cluster membership change

On server shutdown or crash, membership changes can take up to one minute to complete. This issue is currently under investigation.


923836 - remote:// protocol does not work over SSL with IBM JDK

There is a Known Issue in this release of JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6 wherein the remote naming lookup fails intermittently on an IBM JDK with the following exception:
org.jboss.remoting3.NotOpenException: Endpoint is not open.

This issue appears to present when the client uses the IBM JDK. In instances where the server is on the IBM JDK and the and the client uses another JDK, the issue does not present.

The issue is being investigated for a resolution.


962734 - IOException during EJB invocation causes a hang

If a server-side EJB protocol receiver received invalid message headers from a client, a message similar to the following would be logged, and the client would hang.
15:06:46,092 WARN  [org.jboss.as.ejb3] (Remoting "dhcp-4-126" task-4) JBAS014254: Received unsupported message header 0xffffffff on channel Channel ID 0c51fad8 (inbound) of Remoting connection 4589adff to /

When the invalid message header is received and logged, the EJB protocol receiver did not re-enrol itself on the channel, so it would not respond to any further messages. The client would be left waiting for a response which would never be sent because the original message was not processed by the server. No workaround is known for this issue but it is expected to be fixed in a future release.

EJB,Transaction Manager

952746 - Fix transaction recovery failures involving remote EJB resource


900321 - HHH-7287 Problem in caching proper natural-id-values when obtaining result by naturalIdQuery using NaturalIdLoadAccess

NaturalIdLoadAccess behaves inconsistently when trying to load entities from the Level Two(L2) Cache after an update of their natural-id values from a non-transactional scenario.

Hibernate currently does not support proper L2 caching of entities with natural IDs in scenarios where there is a mix of transactional and non-transactional access to the database.

IPv6 support

900564 - Wrong format of IPv6 addresses in log entries

IPv6 addresses should be formatted with square brackets ([ and ]) around them, such as in http://[2620:52:0:105f::ffff:2]:9990. The brackets are missing in the log files for JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6. This issue is scheduled to be fixed in a future release.
900609 - Opened IPv4 sockets on Windows when server is bound to IPv6

If JBoss Enterprise Application 6 is started in Microsoft Windows server with the IPv4 stack disabled and the IPv6 stack enabled, IPv4 sockets are still opened. This issue is still under investigation.


952277 - disable xa-data-source causes that data-source loses its attribute enabled set to false and after reload it becomes enabled


958896 - RESTEasy: Invalid Content-Type in response - Bad behavior when invalid accept header is specified in request header


913189 - Backward compatibility for JMS clients with JNDI lookups


911496 - Change in module structure prevents JBDS to create an EAP 6.1 server

Web Services

900634 - JBossWS-CXF doesn't send fault message to a FaultTo endpoint when request-response message.

If the FaultTo element of WS-Addressing is set to a WS client, the WS server does not send fault messages to the FaultTo destination. However, if the ReplyTo element is set, the WS server does send the responses to the ResponseTo destination. The cause of this issue is still under investigation.


901227 - node-timeout, worker-timeout, flush-wait and ttl mod_cluster attributes in web console
960243 - Regression in ProxyPass integration
958991 - mod_cluster core when use ProxyPass / balancer://bal and CreateBalancers 1

Users of JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6, who have CreateBalancers 1 set in /conf.d/mod_cluster.conf, and who have not set the stickysession=JSESSIONID|jsessionid configuration will encounter the following segmentation fault:
[notice] child pid 7787 exit signal Segmentation fault (11)

Adding the stickysession element to the CreateBalancers configuration will resolve the issue.

For example:
CreateBalancers 1
ProxyPass / balancer://qacluster stickysession=JSESSIONID|jsessionid
900801 - Adding modcluster via the CLI fails.
963720 - mod_cluster: proxy DNS lookup failure with IPv6 on Solaris


900047 - SystemMemoryUsageLoadMetric is not correct on Linux/Unix

The SystemMemoryUsageLoadMetric does not show useful information on Linux or UNIX operating systems. For these systems, HeapMemoryUsageLoadMetric provides more useful information. The solution to this problem will be to change the algorithm of SystemMemoryUsageLoadMetric to subtract the buffers/cache value from the used number. The best method for doing this is under investigation.
901231 - Usage of finalize() needs extra guards on IBM JDK

JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6 can experience intermittent failures when running on the IBM JDK 6 and 7. This is because the IBM garbage collector is much more aggressive than that of other JVMs. This can sometimes result in memory being reclaimed in situations that were unanticipated and did not manifest when testing on other JVMs.

Until this issue is resolved Red Hat recommends using the OpenJDK or Oracle JDK to run JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6 on Red Hat Enterprise Linux.