Security Guide

JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6.1

For Use with Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6

Sande Gilda

David Ryan

Misty Stanley-Jones


This book is a guide to securing Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6 and its patch releases.

Part I. Security for Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6

Chapter 1. Introduction

1.1. About Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6 (JBoss EAP 6)

Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6 (JBoss EAP 6) is a fast, secure, powerful middleware platform built upon open standards, and compliant with the Java Enterprise Edition 6 specification. It integrates JBoss Application Server 7 with high-availability clustering, powerful messaging, distributed caching, and other technologies to create a stable and scalable platform.
The new modular structure allows for services to be enabled only when required, significantly increasing start up speed. The Management Console and Management Command Line Interface remove the need to edit XML configuration files by hand, adding the ability to script and automate tasks. In addition, it includes APIs and development frameworks that can be used to develop secure, powerful, and scalable Java EE applications quickly.

1.2. About Security

Computer security is the all encompassing term given to the field of information technology that deals with securing the virtual environments that power the digital age. This can include data protection and integrity, application security, risk and vulnerability assessment and authentication and authorization protocols.
Computer data is an all important asset for most organizations. Data protection is vital and forms the core of most businesses. JBoss EAP 6 provides a multi-layered approach to security to take care of data at all stages.
Truly secure systems are the ones that are designed from the ground up with security as the main feature. Such systems use the principle of Security by Design. In such systems, malicious attacks and infiltration's are accepted as part and parcel of normal security apparatus and systems are designed to work around them.
Security can be applied at the operating system, middleware and application level. For more information about security at the operating system level as it applies to RHEL, refer to the following document:
In the coming chapters, you will read about the different levels and layers of security within JBoss EAP 6. These layers provides the infrastructure for all security functionality within the platform.

1.3. Security for the System Administrator

System Administrators, tasked with providing always on computer systems and networks, must be proficient in dealing with attacks on their networks and must also be proactive in thwarting such attacks by the use of planned security drills and audits.
For a successful system administrator, planning for security breaches is a combination of art and science. Security threats, whether they be physical, network or data based, are varying in nature and a successful security system administrator can prepare for outages.

1.4. Security for the J2EE Developer

Application level security falls in the hands of the J2EE Developer. Even this can be divided into three separate roles:
  • Application Developer - responsible for security at the development level and for defining the roles, rules and business logic into the application logic.
  • Application Assembler - responsible for ensuring that the packaging of EAR's and WAR's is done so that cross-application vulnerabilities are minimized.
  • Application Deployer - responsible for securing the deployment of EAR's and assigning and maintaining access control lists.
It is not uncommon for all three roles to be played by the same set of developers.
JBoss EAP 6, as a component platform, provides declarative security. Rather than embed security logic into a business component, you describe the security roles and permissions in a standard XML descriptor. This way, business level code is isolated from the security code. Read more about declarative security in JBoss EAP 6 here Section 2.4, “About Declarative Security”.
Declarative security is bolstered by programmatic security. J2EE developers can use J2EE APIs in code to determine authorization and enforce enhanced security.

Part II. Securing the Platform

Chapter 2. The Security Subsystem

2.1. About the Security Subsystem

The security subsystem provides the infrastructure for all security functionality in JBoss EAP 6. Most configuration elements rarely need to be changed. The only configuration element which may need to be changed is whether to use deep-copy-subject-mode. In addition, you can configure system-wide security properties. Most of the configuration relates to security domains.
Deep Copy Mode

If deep copy subject mode is disabled (the default), copying a security data structure makes a reference to the original, rather than copying the entire data structure. This behavior is more efficient, but is prone to data corruption if multiple threads with the same identity clear the subject by means of a flush or logout operation.

Deep copy subject mode causes a complete copy of the data structure and all its associated data to be made, as long as they are marked cloneable. This is more thread-safe, but less efficient.
System-Wide Security Properties

You can set system-wide security properties, which are applied to class.

Security Domain

A security domain is a set of Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS) declarative security configurations which one or more applications use to control authentication, authorization, auditing, and mapping. Three security domains are included by default: jboss-ejb-policy, jboss-web-policy, and other. You can create as many security domains as you need to accommodate the needs of your applications.

2.2. About the Structure of the Security Subsystem

The security subsystem is configured in the managed domain or standalone configuration file. Most of the configuration elements can be configured using the web-based management console or the console-based management CLI. The following is the XML representing an example security subsystem.

Example 2.1. Example Security Subsystem Configuration

<subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:security:1.2">
        <security-domain name="other" cache-type="default">
                <login-module code="Remoting" flag="optional">
                    <module-option name="password-stacking" value="useFirstPass"/>
                <login-module code="RealmUsersRoles" flag="required">
                    <module-option name="usersProperties" value="${jboss.domain.config.dir}/"/>
                    <module-option name="rolesProperties" value="${jboss.domain.config.dir}/"/>
                    <module-option name="realm" value="ApplicationRealm"/>
                    <module-option name="password-stacking" value="useFirstPass"/>
        <security-domain name="jboss-web-policy" cache-type="default">
                <policy-module code="Delegating" flag="required"/>
        <security-domain name="jboss-ejb-policy" cache-type="default">
                <policy-module code="Delegating" flag="required"/>

The <security-management>, <subject-factory> and <security-properties> elements are not present in the default configuration. The <subject-factory> and <security-properties> elements have been deprecated in JBoss EAP 6.1 onwards.

2.3. About Encryption

Encryption refers to obfuscating sensitive information by applying mathematical algorithms to it. Encryption is one of the foundations of securing your infrastructure from data breaches, system outages, and other risks.
Encryption can be applied to simple string data, such as passwords. It can also be applied to data communication streams. The HTTPS protocol, for instance, encrypts all data before transferring it from one party to another. If you connect from one server to another using the Secure Shell (SSH) protocol, all of your communication is sent in an encrypted tunnel .

2.4. About Declarative Security

Declarative security is a method to separate security concerns from your application code by using the container to manage security. The container provides an authorization system based on either file permissions or users, groups, and roles. This approach is usually superior to programmatic security, which gives the application itself all of the responsibility for security.
JBoss EAP 6 provides declarative security via security domains.

2.5. Security References

Both Enterprise Java Beans (EJBs) and servlets can declare one or more <security-role-ref> elements.
Illustration of Security Roles Reference Model

Figure 2.1. Security Roles Reference Model

This element declares that a component is using the <role-name> element's role-nameType attribute value as an argument to the isCallerInRole(String) method. By using the isCallerInRole method, a component can verify whether the caller is in a role that has been declared with a <security-role-ref> or <role-name> element. The <role-name> element value must link to a <security-role> element through the <role-link> element. The typical use of isCallerInRole is to perform a security check that cannot be defined by using the role-based <method-permissions> elements.

Example 2.2. ejb-jar.xml descriptor fragment

  <!-- A sample ejb-jar.xml fragment -->


This fragment is an example only. In deployments, the elements in this section must contain role names and links relevant to the EJB deployment.

Example 2.3. web.xml descriptor fragment


2.6. Configure the Security Subsystem

You can configure the security subsystem using the Management CLI or web-based Management Console.
Each top-level element within the security subsystem contains information about a different aspect of the security configuration. Refer to Section 2.2, “About the Structure of the Security Subsystem” for an example of security subsystem configuration.
This section overrides high-level behaviors of the security subsystem. Each setting is optional. It is unusual to change any of these settings except for deep copy subject mode.
Option Description
Specifies whether to copy or link to security tokens, for additional thread safety.
Specifies an alternate AuthenticationManager implementation class name to use.
Specifies an alternate AuthorizationManager implementation class name to use.
Specifies an alternate AuditManager implementation class name to use.
Specifies an alternate IdentityTrustManager implementation class name to use.
Specifies the MappingManager implementation class name to use.
The subject factory controls creation of subject instances. It may use the authentication manager to verify the caller. The main use of the subject factory is for JCA components to establish a subject.It is unusual to need to modify the subject factory.
A container element which holds multiple security domains. A security domain may contain information about authentication, authorization, mapping, and auditing modules, as well as JASPI authentication and JSSE configuration. Your application would specify a security domain to manage its security information.
Contains names and values of properties which are set on the class.

2.7. Java EE Declarative Security Overview

The J2EE security model is declarative in that you describe the security roles and permissions in a standard XML descriptor rather than embedding security into your business component. This isolates security from business-level code because security tends to be more a function of where the component is deployed than an inherent aspect of the component's business logic. For example, consider an Automated Teller Machine (ATM) that is to be used to access a bank account. The security requirements, roles and permissions will vary independent of how you access the bank account, based on what bank is managing the account, where the ATM is located, and so on.
Securing a J2EE application is based on the specification of the application security requirements via the standard J2EE deployment descriptors. You secure access to EJBs and web components in an enterprise application by using the ejb-jar.xml and web.xml deployment descriptors.

2.8. Security Identity

An Enterprise Java Bean (EJB) can specify the identity another EJB must use when it invokes methods on components using the <security-identity> element.
Illustration of J2EE Security Identity Model

Figure 2.2. J2EE Security Identity Data Model

The invocation identity can be that of the current caller, or it can be a specific role. The application assembler uses the <security-identity> element with a <use-caller-identity> child element. This indicate that the current caller's identity should be propagated as the security identity for method invocations made by the EJB. Propagation of the caller's identity is the default used in the absence of an explicit <security-identity> element declaration.
Alternatively, the application assembler can use the <run-as> or <role-name> child element to specify that a specific security role supplied by the <role-name> element value must be used as the security identity for method invocations made by the EJB.
Note that this does not change the caller's identity as seen by the EJBContext.getCallerPrincipal() method. Rather, the caller's security roles are set to the single role specified by the <run-as> or <role-name> element value.
One use case for the <run-as> element is to prevent external clients from accessing internal EJBs. You configure this behavior by assigning the internal EJB <method-permission> elements, which restrict access to a role never assigned to an external client. EJBs that must in turn use internal EJBs are then configured with a <run-as> or <role-name> equal to the restricted role. The following descriptor fragment describes an example<security-identity> element usage.

            <!-- ... -->
            <!-- ... -->
                    <description>A private internal role</description>
    <!-- ... -->
When you use <run-as> to assign a specific role to outgoing calls, a principal named anonymous is assigned to all outgoing calls. If you want another principal to be associated with the call, you must associate a <run-as-principal> with the bean in the jboss.xml file. The following fragment associates a principal named internal with RunAsBean from the prior example.

The <run-as> element is also available in servlet definitions in a web.xml file. The following example shows how to assign the role InternalRole to a servlet:

    <!-- ... -->
Calls from this servlet are associated with the anonymous principal. The <run-as-principal> element is available in the jboss-web.xml file to assign a specific principal to go along with the run-as role. The following fragment shows how to associate a principal named internal to the servlet above.


2.9. Security Roles

The security role name referenced by either the security-role-ref or security-identity element needs to map to one of the application's declared roles. An application assembler defines logical security roles by declaring security-role elements. The role-name value is a logical application role name like Administrator, Architect, SalesManager, etc.
The J2EE specifications note that it is important to keep in mind that the security roles in the deployment descriptor are used to define the logical security view of an application. Roles defined in the J2EE deployment descriptors should not be confused with the user groups, users, principals, and other concepts that exist in the target enterprise's operational environment. The deployment descriptor roles are application constructs with application domain-specific names. For example, a banking application might use role names such as BankManager, Teller, or Customer.
In JBoss EAP, a security-role element is only used to map security-role-ref/role-name values to the logical role that the component role references. The user's assigned roles are a dynamic function of the application's security manager. JBoss does not require the definition of security-role elements in order to declare method permissions. However, the specification of security-role elements is still a recommended practice to ensure portability across application servers and for deployment descriptor maintenance.

Example 2.4. An ejb-jar.xml descriptor fragment that illustrates the security-role element usage.

<!-- A sample ejb-jar.xml fragment -->
            <description>The single application role</description>

Example 2.5. An example web.xml descriptor fragment that illustrates the security-role element usage.

<!-- A sample web.xml fragment -->
    <description>The single application role</description>

2.10. EJB Method Permissions

An application assembler can set the roles that are allowed to invoke an EJB's home and remote interface methods through method-permission element declarations.
Illustration of the J2EE method permissions element

Figure 2.3. J2EE Method Permissions Element

Each method-permission element contains one or more role-name child elements that define the logical roles that are allowed to access the EJB methods as identified by method child elements. You can also specify an unchecked element instead of the role-name element to declare that any authenticated user can access the methods identified by method child elements. In addition, you can declare that no one should have access to a method that has the exclude-list element. If an EJB has methods that have not been declared as accessible by a role using a method-permission element, the EJB methods default to being excluded from use. This is equivalent to defaulting the methods into the exclude-list.
Illustration of the J2EE method element

Figure 2.4. J2EE Method Element

There are three supported styles of method element declarations.
The first is used for referring to all the home and component interface methods of the named enterprise bean:
The second style is used for referring to a specified method of the home or component interface of the named enterprise bean:
If there are multiple methods with the same overloaded name, this style refers to all of the overloaded methods.
The third style is used to refer to a specified method within a set of methods with an overloaded name:
        <!-- ... -->
The method must be defined in the specified enterprise bean's home or remote interface. The method-param element values are the fully qualified name of the corresponding method parameter type. If there are multiple methods with the same overloaded signature, the permission applies to all of the matching overloaded methods.
The optional method-intf element can be used to differentiate methods with the same name and signature that are defined in both the home and remote interfaces of an enterprise bean.

Example 2.6. An ejb-jar.xml descriptor fragment that illustrates the method-permission element usage.

            <description>The employee and temp-employee roles may access any
                method of the EmployeeService bean </description>
            <description>The employee role may access the findByPrimaryKey,
                getEmployeeInfo, and the updateEmployeeInfo(String) method of
                the AardvarkPayroll bean </description>
            <description>The admin role may access any method of the
                EmployeeServiceAdmin bean </description>
            <description>Any authenticated user may access any method of the
                EmployeeServiceHelp bean</description>
            <description>No fireTheCTO methods of the EmployeeFiring bean may be
                used in this deployment</description>

2.11. Enterprise Beans Security Annotations

Enterprise beans use Annotations to pass information to the deployer about security and other aspects of the application. The deployer can set up the appropriate enterprise bean security policy for the application if specified in annotations, or the deployment descriptor.
Any method values explicitly specified in the deployment descriptor override annotation values. If a method value is not specified in the deployment descriptor, those values set using annotations are used. The overriding granularity is on a per-method basis
Those annotations that address security and can be used in an enterprise beans include the following:
Declares each security role declared in the code. For information about configuring roles, refer to the Java EE 5 Tutorial Declaring Security Roles Using Annotations.
@RolesAllowed, @PermitAll, and @DenyAll
Specifies method permissions for annotations. For information about configuring annotation method permissions, refer to the Java EE 5 Tutorial Specifying Method Permissions Using Annotations.
Configures the propagated security identity of a component. For information about configuring propagated security identities using annotations, refer to the Java EE 5 Tutorial Configuring a Component’s Propagated Security Identity.

2.12. Web Content Security Constraints

In a web application, security is defined by the roles that are allowed access to content by a URL pattern that identifies the protected content. This set of information is declared by using the web.xmlsecurity-constraint element.
Illustration of Web Content Security Constraints

Figure 2.5. Web Content Security Constraints

The content to be secured is declared using one or more <web-resource-collection> elements. Each <web-resource-collection> element contains an optional series of <url-pattern> elements followed by an optional series of <http-method> elements. The <url-pattern> element value specifies a URL pattern against which a request URL must match for the request to correspond to an attempt to access secured content. The <http-method> element value specifies a type of HTTP request to allow.
The optional <user-data-constraint> element specifies the requirements for the transport layer of the client to server connection. The requirement may be for content integrity (preventing data tampering in the communication process) or for confidentiality (preventing reading while in transit). The <transport-guarantee> element value specifies the degree to which communication between the client and server should be protected. Its values are NONE, INTEGRAL, and CONFIDENTIAL. A value of NONE means that the application does not require any transport guarantees. A value of INTEGRAL means that the application requires the data sent between the client and server to be sent in such a way that it can not be changed in transit. A value of CONFIDENTIAL means that the application requires the data to be transmitted in a fashion that prevents other entities from observing the contents of the transmission. In most cases, the presence of the INTEGRAL or CONFIDENTIAL flag indicates that the use of SSL is required.
The optional <login-config> element is used to configure the authentication method that should be used, the realm name that should be used for the application, and the attributes that are needed by the form login mechanism.
Illustration of Web Login Configuration

Figure 2.6. Web Login Configuration

The <auth-method> child element specifies the authentication mechanism for the web application. As a prerequisite to gaining access to any web resources that are protected by an authorization constraint, a user must have authenticated using the configured mechanism. Legal <auth-method> values are BASIC, DIGEST, FORM, and CLIENT-CERT. The <realm-name> child element specifies the realm name to use in HTTP basic and digest authorization. The <form-login-config> child element specifies the log in as well as error pages that should be used in form-based log in. If the <auth-method> value is not FORM, then form-login-config and its child elements are ignored.
The following configuration example indicates that any URL lying under the web application's /restricted path requires an AuthorizedUser role. There is no required transport guarantee and the authentication method used for obtaining the user identity is BASIC HTTP authentication.

Example 2.7. web.xml Descriptor Fragment

            <web-resource-name>Secure Content</web-resource-name>
    <!-- ... -->
        <realm-name>The Restricted Zone</realm-name>
    <!-- ... -->
        <description>The role required to access restricted content </description>

2.13. Enable Form-based Authentication

Form-based authentication provides flexibility in defining a custom JSP/HTML page for log in, and a separate page to which users are directed if an error occurs during login.
Form-based authentication is defined by including <auth-method>FORM</auth-method> in the <login-config> element of the deployment descriptor, web.xml. The login and error pages are also defined in <login-config>, as follows:
When a web application with form-based authentication is deployed, the web container uses FormAuthenticator to direct users to the appropriate page. JBoss EAP maintains a session pool so that authentication information does not need to be present for each request. When FormAuthenticator receives a request, it queries org.apache.catalina.session.Manager for an existing session. If no session exists, a new session is created. FormAuthenticator then verifies the credentials of the session.


Each session is identified by a session ID, a 16 byte string generated from random values. These values are retrieved from /dev/urandom (Linux) by default, and hashed with MD5. Checks are performed at session ID creation to ensure that the ID created is unique.
Once verified, the session ID is assigned as part of a cookie, and then returned to the client. This cookie is expected in subsequent client requests and is used to identify the user session.
The cookie passed to the client is a name value pair with several optional attributes. The identifier attribute is called JSESSIONID . Its value is a hex-string of the session ID. This cookie is configured to be non-persistent. This means that on the client side it will be deleted when the browser exits. On the server side, sessions expire after 60 seconds of inactivity, at which time session objects and their credential information are deleted.
Say a user attempts to access a web application that is protected with form-based authentication. FormAuthenticator caches the request, creates a new session if necessary, and redirects the user to the login page defined in login-config. (In the previous example code, the login page is login.html.) The user then enters their user name and password in the HTML form provided. User name and password are passed to FormAuthenticator via the j_security_check form action.
The FormAuthenticator then authenticates the user name and password against the realm attached to the web application context. In JBoss Enterprise Application Platform, the realm is JBossWebRealm. When authentication is successful, FormAuthenticator retrieves the saved request from the cache and redirects the user to their original request.


The server recognizes form authentication requests only when the URI ends with /j_security_check and at least the j_username and j_password parameters exist.

2.14. Enable Declarative Security

The Java EE security elements that have been covered so far describe the security requirements only from the application's perspective. Because Java EE security elements declare logical roles, the application deployer maps the roles from the application domain onto the deployment environment. The Java EE specifications omit these application server-specific details.
To map application roles onto the deployment environment, you must specify a security manager that implements the Java EE security model using JBoss EAP-specific deployment descriptors. Refer to the custom login module example for details of this security configuration.

Chapter 3. Management Interface Security

3.1. Secure the Management Interfaces


In a test environment, it is typical to run JBoss EAP 6 with no security layer on the management interfaces, comprised of the Management Console, Management CLI, and any other API implementation. This allows for rapid development and configuration changes.

In addition, a silent authentication mode is present by default, allowing a local client on the host machine to connect to the Management CLI without requiring a username or password. This behavior is a convenience for local users and Management CLI scripts, but it can be disabled if required. The procedure is described in the topic Section 3.5, “Remove Silent Authentication from the Default Security Realm”.
When you begin testing and preparing your environment to move to production, it is vitally important to secure the management interfaces by at least the following methods:

3.2. Default User Security Configuration


All management interfaces in JBoss EAP 6 are secured by default. This security takes two different forms:

  • Local interfaces are secured by a SASL contract between local clients and the server they connect to. This security mechanism is based on the client's ability to access the local filesystem. This is because access to the local filesystem would allow the client to add a user or otherwise change the configuration to thwart other security mechanisms. This adheres to the principle that if physical access to the filesystem is achieved, other security mechanisms are superfluous. The mechanism happens in four steps:


    HTTP access is considered to be remote, even if you connect to the localhost using HTTP.
    1. The client sends a message to the server which includes a request to authenticate with the local SASL mechanism.
    2. The server generates a one-time token, writes it to a unique file, and sends a message to the client with the full path of the file.
    3. The client reads the token from the file and sends it to the server, verifying that it has local access to the filesystem.
    4. The server verifies the token and then deletes the file.
  • Remote clients, including local HTTP clients, use realm-based security. The default realm with the permissions to configure the JBoss EAP 6 remotely using the management interfaces is ManagementRealm. A script is provided which allows you to add users to this realm (or realms you create). For more information on adding users, refer to the Getting Started chapter of the Installation guide for JBoss EAP 6. For each user, the username, a hashed password, and the realm are stored in a file.
    Standalone server
    Even though the contents of the are masked, the file should still be treated as a sensitive file. It is recommended that it be set to the file mode of 600, which gives no access other than read and write access by the file owner.

3.3. Overview of Advanced Management Interface Configuration

The Management interface configuration in the EAP_HOME/domain/configuration/host.xml or EAP_HOME/standalone/configuration/standalone.xml controls which network interfaces the host controller process binds to, which types of management interfaces are available at all, and which type of authentication system is used to authenticate users on each interface. This topic discusses how to configure the Management Interfaces to suit your environment.
The Management subsystem consists of a <management> element that includes several configurable attributes, and the following three configurable child elements. The security realms and outbound connections are each first defined, and then applied to the management interfaces as attributes.
  • <security-realms>
  • <outbound-connections>
  • <management-interfaces>
Security Realms

The security realm is responsible for the authentication and authorization of users allowed to administer JBoss EAP 6 via the Management API, Management CLI, or web-based Management Console.

Two different file-based security realms are included in a default installation: ManagementRealm and ApplicationRealm. Each of these security realms uses a file to store users and hashed passwords, and a to store mappings between users and roles. Support is also included for an LDAP-enabled security realm.


Security realms can also be used for your own applications. The security realms discussed here are specific to the management interfaces.
Outbound Connections

Some security realms connect to external interfaces, such as an LDAP server. An outbound connection defines how to make this connection. A pre-defined connection type, ldap-connection, sets all of the required and optional attributes to connect to the LDAP server and verify the credential.

Management Interfaces

A management interface includes properties about how connect to and configure JBoss EAP. Such information includes the named network interface, port, security realm, and other configurable information about the interface. Two interfaces are included in a default installation:

  • http-interface is the configuration for the web-based Management Console.
  • native-interface is the configuration for the command-line Management CLI and the REST-like Management API.
Each of the three main configurable elements of the host management subsystem are interrelated. A security realm refers to an outbound connection, and a management interface refers to a security realm.

3.4. Disable the HTTP Management Interface

In a managed domain, you only need access to the HTTP interface on the domain controller, rather than on domain member servers. In addition, on a production server, you may decide to disable the web-based Management Console altogether.


Other clients, such as JBoss Operations Network, also operate using the HTTP interface. If you want to use these services, and simply disable the Management Console itself, you can set the console-enabled attribute of the HTTP interface to false, instead of disabling the interface completely.
To disable access to the HTTP interface, which also disables access to the web-based Management Console, you can delete the HTTP interface altogether.
The following JBoss CLI command allows you to read the current contents of your HTTP interface, in case you decide to add it again.

Example 3.1. Read the Configuration of the HTTP Interface

    "outcome" => "success",
    "result" => {
        "console-enabled" => true,
        "interface" => "management",
        "port" => expression "${}",
        "secure-port" => undefined,
        "security-realm" => "ManagementRealm"
To remove the HTTP interface, issue the following command:

Example 3.2. Remove the HTTP Interface

To re-enable access, issue the following commands to re-create the HTTP Interface with the default values.

Example 3.3. Re-Create the HTTP Interface


3.5. Remove Silent Authentication from the Default Security Realm


The default installation of JBoss EAP 6 contains a method of silent authentication for a local Management CLI user. This allows the local user the ability to access the Management CLI without username or password authentication. This functionality is enabled as a convenience, and to assist local users running Management CLI scripts without requiring authentication. It is considered a useful feature given that access to the local configuration typically also gives the user the ability to add their own user details or otherwise disable security checks.

The convenience of silent authentication for local users can be disabled where greater security control is required. This can be achieved by removing the local element within the security-realm section of the configuration file. This applies to both the standalone.xml for a Standalone Server instance, or host.xml for a Managed Domain. You should only consider the removal of the local element if you understand the impact that it might have on your particular server configuration.
The preferred method of removing silent authentication is by use of the Management CLI, which directly removes the local element visible in the following example.

Example 3.4. Example of the local element in the security-realm

    <security-realm name="ManagementRealm">
            <local default-user="$local"/>
            <properties path="" relative-to="jboss.server.config.dir"/>
    <security-realm name="ApplicationRealm">
            <local default-user="$local" allowed-users="*"/>
            <properties path="" relative-to="jboss.server.config.dir"/>
            <properties path="" relative-to="jboss.server.config.dir"/>

Procedure 3.1. Remove Silent Authentication from the Default Security Realm

  • Remove silent authentication with the Management CLI

    Remove the local element from the Management Realm and Application Realm as required.
    1. Remove the local element from the Management Realm.
      • For Standalone Servers

      • For Managed Domains

    2. Remove the local element from the Application Realm.
      • For Standalone Servers

      • For Managed Domains


The silent authentication mode is removed from the ManagementRealm and the ApplicationRealm.

3.6. Disable Remote Access to the JMX Subsystem

Remote JMX connectivity allows you to trigger JDK and application management operations. In order to secure an installation, disable this function. You can do this either by removing the remote connection configuration, or removing the JMX subsystem entirely. The JBoss CLI commands reference the default profile in a managed domain configuration. To modify a different profile, modify the /profile=default part of the command. For a standalone server, remove that portion of the command completely.


In a managed domain the remoting connector is removed from the JMX subsystem by default. This command is provided for your information, in case you add it during development.

Example 3.5. Remove the Remote Connector from the JMX Subsystem


Example 3.6. Remove the JMX Subsystem

Run this command for each profile you use, if you use a managed domain.

3.7. Configure Security Realms for the Management Interfaces

The Management Interfaces use security realms to control authentication and access to the configuration mechanisms of JBoss EAP 6. This topic shows you how to read and configure security realms. These commands use the Management CLI.
Read a Security Realm's Configuration

This example shows the default configuration for the ManagementRealm security realm. It uses a file called to store its configuration information.

Example 3.7. Default ManagementRealm

    "outcome" => "success",
    "result" => {
        "authorization" => undefined,
        "server-identity" => undefined,
        "authentication" => {"properties" => {
            "path" => "",
            "plain-text" => false,
            "relative-to" => "jboss.domain.config.dir"
Write a Security Realm

The following commands create a new security realm called TestRealm and set the name and directory for the relevant properties file.

Example 3.8. Writing a Security Realm

/host=master/core-service=management/security-realm=TestRealm/authentication=properties/:add(, relative-to=jboss.domain.config.dir)
Apply a Security Realm to the Management Interface

After adding a security realm, supply its name as a reference to the Management Interface.

Example 3.9. Add a Security Realm to a Management Interface


3.8. Password Vaults for Sensitive Strings

3.8.1. About Securing Sensitive Strings in Clear-Text Files

Web applications and other deployments often include clear-text files, such as XML deployment descriptors, which include sensitive information such as passwords and other sensitive strings. JBoss EAP 6 includes a password vault mechanism which enables you to encrypt sensitive strings and store them in an encrypted keystore. The vault mechanism manages decrypting the strings for use with security domains, security realms, or other verification systems. This provides an extra layer of security. The mechanism relies upon tools that are included in all supported Java Development Kit (JDK) implementations.

3.8.2. Create a Java Keystore to Store Sensitive Strings


  • The keytool command must be available to use. It is provided by the Java Runtime Environment (JRE). Locate the path for the file. In Red Hat Enterprise Linux, it is installed to /usr/bin/keytool.

Procedure 3.2. Setup a Java Keystore

  1. Create a directory to store your keystore and other encrypted information.

    Create a directory to hold your keystore and other important information. The rest of this procedure assumes that the directory is /home/USER/vault/.
  2. Determine the parameters to use with keytool.

    Determine the following parameters:
    The alias is a unique identifier for the vault or other data stored in the keystore. The alias in the example command at the end of this procedure is vault. Aliases are case-insensitive.
    The algorithm to use for encryption. The default is DSA. The example in this procedure uses RSA. Check the documentation for your JRE and operating system to see which other choices may be available to you.
    The size of an encryption key impacts how difficult it is to decrypt through brute force. The default size of keys is 1024. It must be between 512 and 2048, and a multiple of 64. The example in this procedure uses 2048.
    The keystore is a database which holds encrypted information and the information about how to decrypt it. If you do not specify a keystore, the default keystore to use is a file called .keystore in your home directory. The first time you add data to a keystore, it is created. The example in this procedure uses the vault.keystore keystore.
    The keytool command has many other options. Refer to the documentation for your JRE or your operating system for more details.
  3. Determine the answers to questions the keystore command will ask.

    The keystore needs the following information in order to populate the keystore entry:
    Keystore password
    When you create a keystore, you must set a password. In order to work with the keystore in the future, you need to provide the password. Create a strong password that you will remember. The keystore is only as secure as its password and the security of the file system and operating system where it resides.
    Key password (optional)
    In addition to the keystore password, you can specify a password for each key it holds. In order to use such a key, the password needs to be given each time it is used. Usually, this facility is not used.
    First name (given name) and last name (surname)
    This, and the rest of the information in the list, helps to uniquely identify the key and place it into a hierarchy of other keys. It does not necessarily need to be a name at all, but it should be two words, and must be unique to the key. The example in this procedure uses Accounting Administrator. In directory terms, this becomes the common name of the certificate.
    Organizational unit
    This is a single word that identifies who uses the certificate. It may be the application or the business unit. The example in this procedure uses AccountingServices. Typically, all keystores used by a group or application use the same organizational unit.
    This is usually a single-word representation of your organization's name. This typically remains the same across all certificates used by an organization. This example uses MyOrganization.
    City or municipality
    Your city.
    State or province
    Your state or province, or the equivalent for your locality.
    The two-letter code for your country.
    All of this information together will create a hierarchy for your keystores and certificates, ensuring that they use a consistent naming structure but are unique.
  4. Run the keytool command, supplying the information that you gathered.

    Example 3.10. Example input and output of keystore command

    $ keytool -genkey -alias vault -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -keystore /home/USER/vault/vault.keystore
    Enter keystore password: vault22 
    Re-enter new password:vault22 
    What is your first and last name?
      [Unknown]:  Accounting Administrator
    What is the name of your organizational unit?
      [Unknown]:  AccountingServices
    What is the name of your organization?
      [Unknown]:  MyOrganization
    What is the name of your City or Locality?
      [Unknown]:  Raleigh
    What is the name of your State or Province?
      [Unknown]:  NC
    What is the two-letter country code for this unit?
      [Unknown]:  US
    Is CN=Accounting Administrator, OU=AccountingServices, O=MyOrganization, L=Raleigh, ST=NC, C=US correct?
      [no]:  yes
    Enter key password for <vault>
            (RETURN if same as keystore password):

A file named vault.keystore is created in the /home/USER/vault/ directory. It stores a single key, called vault, which will be used to store encrypted strings, such as passwords, for JBoss EAP 6.

3.8.3. Mask the Keystore Password and Initialize the Password Vault


  1. Run the command.

    Run EAP_HOME/bin/ Start a new interactive session by typing 0.
  2. Enter the directory where encrypted files will be stored.

    This directory should be reasonably secure, but JBoss EAP 6 needs to be able to access it. If you followed Section 3.8.2, “Create a Java Keystore to Store Sensitive Strings”, your keystore is in a directory called vault/ in your home directory. This example uses the directory /home/USER/vault/.


    Do not forget to include the trailing slash on the directory name. Either use / or \, depending on your operating system.
  3. Enter the path to the keystore.

    Enter the full path to the keystore file. This example uses /home/USER/vault/vault.keystore.
  4. Encrypt the keystore password.

    The following steps encrypt the keystore password, so that you can use it in configuration files and applications securely.
    1. Enter the keystore password.

      When prompted, enter the keystore password.
    2. Enter a salt value.

      Enter an 8-character salt value. The salt value, together with the iteration count (below), are used to create the hash value.
    3. Enter the iteration count.

      Enter a number for the iteration count.
    4. Make a note of the masked password information.

      The masked password, the salt, and the iteration count are printed to standard output. Make a note of them in a secure location. An attacker could use them to decrypt the password.
    5. Enter the alias of the vault.

      When prompted, enter the alias of the vault. If you followed Section 3.8.2, “Create a Java Keystore to Store Sensitive Strings” to create your vault, the alias is vault.
  5. Exit the interactive console.

    Type 2 to exit the interactive console.

Your keystore password has been masked for use in configuration files and deployments. In addition, your vault is fully configured and ready to use.

3.8.4. Configure JBoss EAP 6 to Use the Password Vault


Before you can mask passwords and other sensitive attributes in configuration files, you need to make JBoss EAP 6 aware of the password vault which stores and decrypts them. Follow this procedure to enable this functionality.

Procedure 3.3. Setup a Password Vault

  1. Determine the correct values for the command.

    Determine the values for the following parameters, which are determined by the commands used to create the keystore itself. For information on creating a keystore, refer to the following topics: Section 3.8.2, “Create a Java Keystore to Store Sensitive Strings” and Section 3.8.3, “Mask the Keystore Password and Initialize the Password Vault”.
    Parameter Description
    The file system path or URI of the keystore file, usually called something like vault.keystore
    The password used to access the keystore. This value should be masked.
    The name of the keystore.
    The salt used to encrypt and decrypt keystore values.
    The number of times the encryption algorithm is run.
    The path to the directory from which the keystore commands are run. Typically the directory containing the password vault.
    host (managed domain only)
    The name of the host you are configuring
  2. Use the Management CLI to enable the password vault.

    Run one of the following commands, depending on whether you use a managed domain or standalone server configuration. Substitute the values in the command with the ones from the first step of this procedure.
    • Managed Domain

    • Standalone Server

    The following is an example of the command with hypothetical values:
    /core-service=vault:add(vault-options=[("KEYSTORE_URL" => "/home/user/vault/vault.keystore"), ("KEYSTORE_PASSWORD" => "MASK-3y28rCZlcKR"), ("KEYSTORE_ALIAS" => "vault"), ("SALT" => "12438567"),("ITERATION_COUNT" => "50"), ("ENC_FILE_DIR" => "/home/user/vault/")])

JBoss EAP 6 is configured to decrypt masked strings using the password vault. To add strings to the vault and use them in your configuration, refer to the following topic: Section 3.8.5, “Store and Retrieve Encrypted Sensitive Strings in the Java Keystore”.

3.8.5. Store and Retrieve Encrypted Sensitive Strings in the Java Keystore


Including passwords and other sensitive strings in plain-text configuration files is insecure. JBoss EAP 6 includes the ability to store and mask these sensitive strings in an encrypted keystore, and use masked values in configuration files.

Procedure 3.4. Setup the Java Keystore

  1. Run the command.

    Run EAP_HOME/bin/ Start a new interactive session by typing 0.
  2. Enter the directory where encrypted files will be stored.

    If you followed Section 3.8.2, “Create a Java Keystore to Store Sensitive Strings”, your keystore is in a directory called vault/ in your home directory. In most cases, it makes sense to store all of your encrypted information in the same place as the key store. This example uses the directory /home/USER/vault/.


    Do not forget to include the trailing slash on the directory name. Either use / or \, depending on your operating system.
  3. Enter the path to the keystore.

    Enter the full path to the keystore file. This example uses /home/USER/vault/vault.keystore.
  4. Enter the keystore password, vault name, salt, and iteration count.

    When prompted, enter the keystore password, vault name, salt, and iteration count. A handshake is performed.
  5. Select the option to store a password.

    Select option 0 to store a password or other sensitive string.
  6. Enter the value.

    When prompted, enter the value twice. If the values do not match, you are prompted to try again.
  7. Enter the vault block.

    Enter the vault block, which is a container for attributes which pertain to the same resource. An example of an attribute name would be ds_ExampleDS. This will form part of the reference to the encrypted string, in your datasource or other service definition.
  8. Enter the attribute name.

    Enter the name of the attribute you are storing. An example attribute name would be password.

    A message such as the one below shows that the attribute has been saved.

    Attribute Value for (ds_ExampleDS, password) saved
  9. Make note of the information about the encrypted string.

    A message prints to standard output, showing the vault block, attribute name, shared key, and advice about using the string in your configuration. Make note of this information in a secure location. Example output is shown below.
    Vault Block:ds_ExampleDS
    Attribute Name:password
    Configuration should be done as follows:
  10. Use the encrypted string in your configuration.

    Use the string from the previous step in your configuration, in place of a plain-text string. A datasource using the encrypted password above is shown below.
      <subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:datasources:1.0">
          <datasource jndi-name="java:jboss/datasources/ExampleDS" enabled="true" use-java-context="true" pool-name="H2DS">
             <driver name="h2" module="com.h2database.h2">
    You can use an encrypted string anywhere in your domain or standalone configuration file where expressions are allowed.


    To check if expressions are allowed within a particular subsystem, run the following CLI command against that subsystem:
    From the output of running this command, look for the value for the expressions-allowed parameter. If this is true, then you can use expressions within the configuration of this particular subsystem.
    After you store your string in the keystore, use the following syntax to replace any clear-text string with an encrypted one.
    Here is a sample real-world value, where the vault block is ds_ExampleDS and the attribute is password.

3.8.6. Store and Resolve Sensitive Strings In Your Applications


Configuration elements of JBoss EAP 6 support the ability to resolve encrypted strings against values stored in a Java Keystore, via the Security Vault mechanism. You can add support for this feature to your own applications.

First, add the password to the vault. Second, replace the clear-text password with the one stored in the vault. You can use this method to obscure any sensitive string in your application.

Before performing this procedure, make sure that the directory for storing your vault files exists. It does not matter where you place them, as long as the user who executes JBoss EAP 6 has permission to read and write the files. This example places the vault/ directory into the /home/USER/vault/ directory. The vault itself is a file called vault.keystore inside the vault/ directory.

Example 3.11. Adding the Password String to the Vault

Add the string to the vault using the EAP_HOME/bin/ command. The full series of commands and responses is included in the following screen output. Values entered by the user are emphasized. Some output is removed for formatting. In Microsoft Windows, the name of the command is vault.bat. Note that in Microsoft Windows, file paths use the \ character as a directory separator, rather than the / character.
[user@host bin]$ ./ 
****  JBoss Vault ********
Please enter a Digit::   0: Start Interactive Session  1: Remove Interactive Session  2: Exit
Starting an interactive session
Enter directory to store encrypted files:/home/user/vault/
Enter Keystore URL:/home/user/vault/vault.keystore
Enter Keystore password: ...
Enter Keystore password again: ...
Values match
Enter 8 character salt:12345678
Enter iteration count as a number (Eg: 44):25

Enter Keystore Alias:vault
Vault is initialized and ready for use
Handshake with Vault complete
Please enter a Digit::   0: Store a password  1: Check whether password exists  2: Exit
Task:  Store a password
Please enter attribute value: sa
Please enter attribute value again: sa
Values match
Enter Vault Block:DS
Enter Attribute Name:thePass
Attribute Value for (DS, thePass) saved

Please make note of the following:
Vault Block:DS
Attribute Name:thePass
Configuration should be done as follows:

Please enter a Digit::   0: Store a password  1: Check whether password exists  2: Exit
The string that will be added to the Java code is the last value of the output, the line beginning with VAULT.
The following servlet uses the vaulted string instead of a clear-text password. The clear-text version is commented out so that you can see the difference.

Example 3.12. Servlet Using a Vaulted Password

package vaulterror.web;
import javax.annotation.Resource;
import javax.annotation.sql.DataSourceDefinition;
import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.annotation.WebServlet;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import javax.sql.DataSource;
        name = "java:jboss/datasources/LoginDS",
        user = "sa",
        password = "sa",
        className = "org.h2.jdbcx.JdbcDataSource",
        url = "jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost/mem:test"
        name = "java:jboss/datasources/LoginDS",
        user = "sa",
        password = "VAULT::DS::thePass::OWY5M2I5NzctYzdkOS00MmZhLWExZGYtNjczM2U5ZGUyOWIxTElORV9CUkVBS3ZhdWx0",
        className = "org.h2.jdbcx.JdbcDataSource",
        url = "jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost/mem:test"
@WebServlet(name = "MyTestServlet", urlPatterns = { "/my/" }, loadOnStartup = 1)
public class MyTestServlet  extends HttpServlet {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
    @Resource(lookup = "java:jboss/datasources/LoginDS")
    private DataSource ds;
    protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException {
        Writer writer = resp.getWriter();
        writer.write((ds != null) + "");
Your servlet is now able to resolve the vaulted string.

3.9. LDAP

3.9.1. About LDAP

Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is a protocol for storing and distributing directory information across a network. This directory information includes information about users, hardware devices, access roles and restrictions, and other information.
Some common implementations of LDAP include OpenLDAP, Microsoft Active Directory, IBM Tivoli Directory Server, Oracle Internet Directory, and others.
JBoss EAP 6 includes several authentication and authorization modules which allow you to use a LDAP server as the authentication and authorization authority for your Web and EJB applications.

3.9.2. Use LDAP to Authenticate to the Management Interfaces

To use an LDAP directory server as the authentication source for the Management Console, Management CLI, or Management API, you need to perform the following procedures:
  1. Create an outbound connection to the LDAP server.
  2. Create an LDAP-enabled security realm.
  3. Reference the new security domain in the Management Interface.
Create an Outbound Connection to an LDAP Server

The LDAP outbound connection allows the following attributes:

Table 3.1. Attributes of an LDAP Outbound Connection

Attribute Required Description
name yes
The name to identify this connection. This name is used in the security realm definition.
url yes
The URL address of the directory server.
search-dn yes
The fully distinguished name (DN) of the user authorized to perform searches.
search-credentials yes
The password of the user authorized to perform searches.
initial-context-factory no
The initial context factory to use when establishing the connection. Defaults to com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory.

Example 3.13. Add an LDAP Outbound Connection

This example adds an outbound connection with the following properties set:
  • Search DN: cn=search,dc=acme,dc=com
  • Search Credential: myPass
  • URL: ldap://

Example 3.14. XML Representing an LDAP Outbound Connection

   <ldap name="ldap_connection" url="ldap://" search-dn="cn=search,dc=acme,dc=com" search-credential="myPass" />

Create an LDAP-Enabled Security Realm

The Management Interfaces can authenticate against LDAP server instead of the property-file based security realms configured by default. The LDAP authenticator operates by first establishing a connection to the remote directory server. It then performs a search using the username which the user passed to the authentication system, to find the fully-qualified distinguished name (DN) of the LDAP record. A new connection is established, using the DN of the user as the credential, and password supplied by the user. If this authentication to the LDAP server is successful, the DN is verified to be valid.

The LDAP security realm needs the following configuration attributes and elements in order to perform its functions.
The name of the connection defined in <outbound-connections> to use to connect to the LDAP directory.
The distinguished name of the context to begin searching for the user.
Whether the search should be recursive throughout the LDAP directory tree, or only search the specified context. Defaults to false.
The attribute of the user that holds the distinguished name. This is subsequently used to test authentication as the user can complete. Defaults to dn.
One of username-filter or advanced-filter, as a child element
The username-filter takes a single attribute called attribute, whose value is the name of the LDAP attribute which holds the username, such as userName or sambaAccountName.
The advanced-filter takes a single attribute called filter. This attribute contains a filter query in standard LDAP syntax. Be cautious to escape any & characters by changing them to &amp;. An example of a filter is:
After escaping the ampersand character, the filter appears as:

Example 3.15. XML Representing an LDAP-enabled Security Realm

This example uses the following parameters:
  • connection - ldap_connection
  • base-dn - cn=users,dc=acme,dc=com.
  • username-filter - attribute="sambaAccountName"
<security-realm name="TestRealm">
      <ldap connection="ldap_connection" base-dn="cn=users,dc=acme,dc=com">
         <username-filter attribute="sambaAccountName" />


It is important to ensure that you do not allow empty LDAP passwords; unless you specifically desire this in your environment, it is a serious security concern.
EAP 6.1 includes a patch for CVE-2012-5629, which sets the allowEmptyPasswords option for the LDAP login modules to false if the option is not already configured. For older versions, this option should be configured manually

Example 3.16. Add an LDAP Security Realm

The command below adds a security realm and sets its attributes for a standalone server.
/host=master/core-service=management/security-realm=ldap_security_realm/authentication=ldap:add(base-dn="DC=mycompany,DC=org", recursive=true, username-attribute="MyAccountName", connection="ldap_connection")
Apply the New Security Realm to the Management Interface

After you create a security realm, you need to reference it in the configuration of your management interface. The management interface will use the security realm for HTTP digest authentication.

Example 3.17. Apply the Security Realm to the HTTP Interface

After this configuration is in place, and you restart the host controller, the web-based Management Console will use LDAP to authenticate its users.

Chapter 4. Java Security Manager

4.1. About the Java Security Manager

Java Security Manager
The Java Security Manager is a class that manages the external boundary of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) sandbox, controlling how code executing within the JVM can interact with resources outside the JVM. When the Java Security Manager is activated, the Java API checks with the security manager for approval before executing a wide range of potentially unsafe operations.
The Java Security Manager uses a security policy to determine whether a given action will be permitted or denied.

4.2. About Java Security Manager Policies

Security Policy
A set of defined permissions for different classes of code. The Java Security Manager compares actions requested by applications against the security policy. If an action is allowed by the policy, the Security Manager will permit that action to take place. If the action is not allowed by the policy, the Security Manager will deny that action. The security policy can define permissions based on the location of code or on the code's signature.
The Java Security Manager and the security policy used are configured using the Java Virtual Machine options and

4.3. Run JBoss EAP 6 Within the Java Security Manager

To specify a Java Security Manager policy, you need to edit the Java options passed to the domain or server instance during the bootstrap process. For this reason, you cannot pass the parameters as options to the or scripts. The following procedure guides you through the steps of configuring your instance to run within a Java Security Manager policy.


  • Before you following this procedure, you need to write a security policy, using the policytool command which is included with your Java Development Kit (JDK). This procedure assumes that your policy is located at EAP_HOME/bin/server.policy.
  • The domain or standalone server must be completely stopped before you edit any configuration files.
Perform the following procedure for each physical host or instance in your domain, if you have domain members spread across multiple systems.

Procedure 4.1. Edit Configuration Files

  1. Open the configuration file.

    Open the configuration file for editing. This file is located in one of two places, depending on whether you use a managed domain or standalone server. This is not the executable file used to start the server or domain.
    • Managed Domain

    • Standalone Server

  2. Add the Java options at the end of the file.

    Add the following line to a new line at the very end of the file. You can modify the value to specify the exact location of your security policy. It should go onto one line only, with no line break. You can modify the to log more or less information, by specifying the debug level. The most verbose is failure,access,policy.
    JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Djboss.home.dir=$PWD/..$PWD/server.policy"
  3. Start the domain or server.

    Start the domain or server as normal.

4.4. Write a Java Security Manager Policy


An application called policytool is included with most JDK and JRE distributions, for the purpose of creating and editing Java Security Manager security policies. Detailed information about policytool is linked from

Basic Information

A security policy consists of the following configuration elements:

The URL location (excluding the host and domain information) where the code originates from. This parameter is optional.
The alias used in the keystore to reference the signer whose private key was used to sign the code. This can be a single value or a comma-separated list of values. This parameter is optional. If omitted, presence or lack of a signature has no impact on the Java Security Manager.
A list of principal_type/principal_name pairs, which must be present within the executing thread's principal set. The Principals entry is optional. If it is omitted, it signifies "any principals".
A permission is the access which is granted to the code. Many permissions are provided as part of the Java Enterprise Edition 6 (Java EE 6) specification. This document only covers additional permissions which are provided by JBoss EAP 6.

Procedure 4.2. Setup a new Java Security Manager Policy

  1. Start policytool.

    Start the policytool tool in one of the following ways.
    • Red Hat Enterprise Linux

      From your GUI or a command prompt, run /usr/bin/policytool.
    • Microsoft Windows Server

      Run policytool.exe from your Start menu or from the bin\ of your Java installation. The location can vary.
  2. Create a new policy.

    To create a new policy, select Add Policy Entry. Add the parameters you need, then click Done.
  3. Edit an existing policy

    Select the policy from the list of existing policies, and select the Edit Policy Entry button. Edit the parameters as needed.
  4. Delete an existing policy.

    Select the policy from the list of existing policies, and select the Remove Policy Entry button.

Permission Specific to JBoss EAP 6
Provides access to the getPrincipal() and getCredential() methods. The risk involved with using this runtime permission is the ability to see the current thread caller and credentials.
Provides access to the getSubject() method.
Provides access to the setPrincipal(), setCredential(), setSubject(), pushSubjectContext(), and popSubjectContext() methods. The risk involved with using this runtime permission is the ability to set the current thread caller and credentials.
Provides access to the setServer() method. The risk involved with using this runtime permission is the ability to enable or disable multi-thread storage of the caller principal and credential.
Provides access to the pushRunAsRole(), popRunAsRole(), pushRunAsIdentity(), and popRunAsIdentity() methods. The risk involved with using this runtime permission is the ability to change the current caller run-as role principal.
Provides access to the accessContextInfo(), and accessContextInfo() getter and setter methods. This allows you to both set and get the current security context info.
Provides special permissions to files and directories in a specified JNDI tree path, or recursively to all files and subdirectories. A JndiPermission consists of a pathname and a set of valid permissions related to the file or directory.
The available permissions include:
  • bind
  • rebind
  • unbind
  • lookup
  • list
  • listBindings
  • createSubcontext
  • all
Pathnames ending in /* indicate that the specified permissions apply to all files and directories of the pathname. Pathnames ending in /- indicate recursive permissions to all files and subdirectories of the pathname. Pathnames consisting of the special token <<ALL BINDINGS>> matches any file in any directory.
A custom permission class for protecting access to sensitive SRP information like the private session key and private key. This permission does not have any actions defined. The getSessionKey() target provides access to the private session key which results from the SRP negotiation. Access to this key allows you to encrypt and decrypt messages that have been encrypted with the session key.
This permission class provides basic permissions to secure Hibernate sessions. The target for this property is the entity name. The available actions include:
  • insert
  • delete
  • update
  • read
  • * (all)
Provides a custom permission class for controlling how callers interact with the metadata stack. The available permissions are:
  • modify
  • push (onto the stack)
  • pop (off the stack)
  • peek (onto the stack)
  • * (all)
Secures setting of configuration properties. Defines only permission target names, and no actions. The targets for this property include:
  • <property name> (the property this code has permission to set)
  • * (all properties)
Secures access to the kernel configuration. Defines only permission target names and no actions. The targets for this property include:
  • access (to the kernel configuration)
  • configure (implies access)
  • * (all)
Secures access to the kernel. Defines only permission target names and no actions. The targets for this property include:
  • kernel
  • * (all)

4.5. Debug Security Manager Policies

You can enable debugging information to help you troubleshoot security policy-related issues. The option configures the level of security-related information reported. The command java will produce help output with the full range of debugging options. Setting the debug level to all is useful when troubleshooting a security-related failure whose cause is completely unknown, but for general use it will produce too much information. A sensible general default is access:failure.

Procedure 4.3. Enable general debugging

  • This procedure will enable a sensible general level of security-related debug information.

    Add the following line to the server configuration file.
    • If the JBoss EAP 6 instance is running in a managed domain, the line is added to the bin/domain.conf file for Linux or the bin/domain.conf.bat file for Windows.
    • If the JBoss EAP 6 instance is running as a standalone server, the line is added to the bin/standalone.conf file for Linux, or the bin\standalone.conf.bat file for Windows.

A general level of security-related debug information has been enabled.

Chapter 5. Patch Installation

5.1. About Patching Mechanisms

JBoss security and bug patches are released in two forms.
  • Planned updates: As part of a micro, minor or major upgrade of an existing product.
  • Asynchronous updates: As a one off patch which is released outside the normal upgrade cycle of the existing product.
Deciding whether a patch is released as part of a planned update or an out-of-cycle one-off depends on the severity of the flaw being fixed. Flaws of low impact are typically deferred, to be resolved in the next minor release of the affected products. Flaws of moderate or higher impact are typically addressed in order of importance as an update to the product with an asynchronous release and contain only a resolution to the flaw at hand.
The severity of a security flaw is based on the assessment of the bug by the Security Response Team at Red Hat, combined with several consistent factors:
  • How easily can a flaw be exploited?
  • What kind of damage can be done if exploited?
  • Are there typically other factors involved that lower the impact of the flaw (such as firewalls, Security-Enhanced Linux, compiler directives, and so forth)?
Red Hat maintains a mailing list for notifying subscribers about security related flaws. See Section 5.2, “Subscribe to Patch Mailing Lists”
For more information on how Red Hat rates JBoss security flaws, please click on the following link:

5.2. Subscribe to Patch Mailing Lists


The JBoss team at Red Hat maintains a mailing list for security announcements for Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Middleware products. This topic covers what you need to do to subscribe to this list.


  • None

Procedure 5.1. Subscribe to the JBoss Watch List

  1. Click the following link to go to the JBoss Watch mailing list page: JBoss Watch Mailing List.
  2. Enter your email address in the Subscribing to Jboss-watch-list section.
  3. [You may also wish to enter your name and select a password. Doing so is completely optional but recommended.]
  4. Press the Subscribe button to start the subscription process.
  5. You can browse the archives of the mailing list by going to: JBoss Watch Mailing List Archives.

After confirmation of your email account, you will be subscribed to receive security related announcements from the JBoss patch mailing list.

5.3. Install Patches in zip form


JBoss security patches are distributed in two forms: zip (for all products) and RPM (for a subset of products). JBoss bug fix patches are only distributed in zip format. This task describes the steps you need to take to install the patches (security or bug fixes) via the zip format.


  • Valid access and subscription to the Red Hat Customer Portal.
  • A current subscription to a JBoss product installed in a zip format.

Procedure 5.2.  Apply a patch to a JBoss product via the zip method

Security updates for JBoss products are provided by an erratum (for both zip and RPM methods). The erratum encapsulates a list of the resolved flaws, their severity ratings, the affected products, textual description of the flaws, and a reference to the patches. Bug fix updates are not announced via an erratum.
For zip distributions of JBoss products, the errata includes a link to a URL on the Customer Portal where the patch zip can be downloaded. This download contains the patched versions of existing JBoss products and only includes the files that have been changed from the previous install.


Before installing a patch, you must backup your JBoss product along with all customized configuration files.
  1. Get notified about the security patch either via being a subscriber to the JBoss watch mailing list or by browsing the JBoss watch mailing list archives.


    Only security patches are announced on the JBoss watch mailing list.
  2. Read the errata for the security patch and confirm that it applies to a JBoss product in your environment.
  3. If the security patch applies to a JBoss product in your enviornment, then follow the link to download the patch from the Red Hat Customer Portal.
  4. The downloadable zip file from the customer portal will contain all the files required to fix the security issue or bug. Download this patch zip file in the same location as your JBoss product.
  5. Unzip the patch file in the same location where the JBoss product is installed. The patched versions overwrite the existing files.

The JBoss product is patched with the latest update using the zip format.

5.4. Install Patches in RPM form


JBoss patches are distributed in two forms: ZIP (for all products) and RPM (for a subset of products). This task describes the steps you need to take to install the patches via the RPM format. This RPM update method is used to ship security asynchronous patches and macro/minor/major product updates only.


  • A valid subscription to the Red Hat Network.
  • A current subscription to a JBoss product installed via an RPM package.

Procedure 5.3.  Apply a patch to a JBoss product via the RPM method

Security updates for JBoss products are provided by an erratum (for both zip and RPM methods). The erratum encapsulates a list of the resolved flaws, their severity ratings, the affected products, textual description of the flaws, and a reference to the patches.
For RPM distributions of JBoss products, the errata include references to the updated RPM packages. The patch can be installed by using yum or another RPM tool to update the relevant packages.


Before installing a patch, you must backup your JBoss product along with all customized configuration files.
  1. Get notified about the security patch either via being a subscriber to the JBoss watch mailing list or by browsing the JBoss watch mailing list archives.
  2. Read the errata for the security patch and confirm that it applies to a JBoss product in your environment.
  3. If the security patch applies to a JBoss product in your environment, then follow the link to download the updated RPM package which is included in the errata.
  4. Use
    yum update
    or a similar command to install the patch.

The JBoss product is patched with the latest update using the RPM format.

5.5. Severity and Impact Rating of JBoss Security Patches

To communicate the risk of each JBoss security flaw, Red Hat uses a four-point severity scale of low, moderate, important and critical, in addition to Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) version 2 base scores which can be used to identify the impact of the flaw.

Table 5.1. Severity Ratings of JBoss Security Patches

Severity Description
This rating is given to flaws that could be easily exploited by a remote unauthenticated attacker and lead to system compromise (arbitrary code execution) without requiring user interaction. These are the types of vulnerabilities that can be exploited by worms. Flaws that require an authenticated remote user, a local user, or an unlikely configuration are not classed as critical impact.
This rating is given to flaws that can easily compromise the confidentiality, integrity, or availability of resources. These are the types of vulnerabilities that allow local users to gain privileges, allow unauthenticated remote users to view resources that should otherwise be protected by authentication, allow authenticated remote users to execute arbitrary code, or allow local or remote users to cause a denial of service.
This rating is given to flaws that may be more difficult to exploit but could still lead to some compromise of the confidentiality, integrity, or availability of resources, under certain circumstances. These are the types of vulnerabilities that could have had a critical impact or important impact but are less easily exploited based on a technical evaluation of the flaw, or affect unlikely configurations.
This rating is given to all other issues that have a security impact. These are the types of vulnerabilities that are believed to require unlikely circumstances to be able to be exploited, or where a successful exploit would give minimal consequences.
The impact component of a CVSS v2 score is based on a combined assessment of three potential impacts: Confidentiality (C), Integrity (I) and Availability (A). Each of these can be rated as None (N), Partial (P) or Complete (C).
Because the JBoss server process runs as an unprivileged user and is isolated from the host operating system, JBoss security flaws are only rated as having impacts of either None (N) or Partial (P).

Example 5.1. CVSS v2 Impact Score

The example below shows a CVSS v2 impact score, where exploiting the flaw would have no impact on system confidentiality, partial impact on system integrity and complete impact on system availability (that is, the system would become completely unavailable for any use, for example, via a kernel crash).
Combined with the severity rating and the CVSS score, organizations can make informed decisions on the risk each issue places on their unique environment and schedule upgrades accordingly.
For more information about CVSS2, please see: CVSS2 Guide.

Chapter 6. Security Domains

6.1. About Security Domains

Security domains are part of the JBoss EAP 6 security subsystem. All security configuration is now managed centrally, by the domain controller of a managed domain, or by the standalone server.
A security domain consists of configurations for authentication, authorization, security mapping, and auditing. It implements Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS) declarative security.
Authentication refers to verifying the identity of a user. In security terminology, this user is referred to as a principal. Although authentication and authorization are different, many of the included authentication modules also handle authorization.
An authorization is a security policy, which contains information about actions which are allowed or prohibited. In security terminology, this is often referred to as a role.
Security mapping refers to the ability to add, modify, or delete information from a principal, role, or attribute before passing the information to your application.
The auditing manager allows you to configure provider modules to control the way that security events are reported.
If you use security domains, you can remove all specific security configuration from your application itself. This allows you to change security parameters centrally. One common scenario that benefits from this type of configuration structure is the process of moving applications between testing and production environments.

6.2. About Picketbox

Picketbox is the foundational security framework that provides the authentication, authorization, audit and mapping capabilities to Java applications running in JBoss EAP 6. It provides the following capabilities, in a single framework with a single configuration:

6.3. About Authentication

Authentication refers to identifying a subject and verifying the authenticity of the identification. The most common authentication mechanism is a username and password combination. Other common authentication mechanisms use shared keys, smart cards, or fingerprints. The outcome of a successful authentication is referred to as a principal, in terms of Java Enterprise Edition declarative security.
JBoss EAP 6 uses a pluggable system of authentication modules to provide flexibility and integration with the authentication systems you already use in your organization. Each security domain contains one or more configured authentication modules. Each module includes additional configuration parameters to customize its behavior. The easiest way to configure the authentication subsystem is within the web-based management console.
Authentication is not the same as authorization, although they are often linked. Many of the included authentication modules can also handle authorization.

6.4. Configure Authentication in a Security Domain

To configure authentication settings for a security domain, log into the management console and follow this procedure.

Procedure 6.1. Setup Authentication Settings for a Security Domain

  1. Open the security domain's detailed view.

    Click the Profiles label at the top right of the management console. In a managed domain, select the profile to modify from the Profile selection box at the top left of the Profile view. Click the Security menu item at the left, and click Security Domains from the expanded menu. Click the View link for the security domain you want to edit.
  2. Navigate to the Authentication subsystem configuration.

    Click the Authentication label at the top of the view if it is not already selected.
    The configuration area is divided into two areas: Login Modules and Details. The login module is the basic unit of configuration. A security domain can include several login modules, each of which can include several attributes and options.
  3. Add an authentication module.

    Click the Add button to add a JAAS authentication module. Fill in the details for your module. The Code is the class name of the module. The Flags controls how the module relates to other authentication modules within the same security domain.
    Explanation of the Flags

    The Java Enterprise Edition 6 specification provides the following explanation of the flags for security modules. The following list is taken from Refer to that document for more detailed information.

    Flag Details
    The LoginModule is required to succeed. If it succeeds or fails, authentication still continues to proceed down the LoginModule list.
    LoginModule is required to succeed. If it succeeds, authentication continues down the LoginModule list. If it fails, control immediately returns to the application (authentication does not proceed down the LoginModule list).
    The LoginModule is not required to succeed. If it does succeed, control immediately returns to the application (authentication does not proceed down the LoginModule list). If it fails, authentication continues down the LoginModule list.
    The LoginModule is not required to succeed. If it succeeds or fails, authentication still continues to proceed down the LoginModule list.
    After you have added your module, you can modify its Code or Flags by clicking the Edit button in the Details section of the screen. Be sure the Attributes tab is selected.
  4. Optional: Add or remove module options.

    If you need to add options to your module, click its entry in the Login Modules list, and select the Module Options tab in the Details section of the page. Click the Add button, and provide the key and value for the option. Use the Remove button to remove an option.

Your authentication module is added to the security domain, and is immediately available to applications which use the security domain.

The Module Option

By default, each login module defined in a security domain has the module option added to it automatically. This option causes problems with login modules which check to make sure that only known options are defined. The IBM Kerberos login module, is one of these.

You can disable the behavior of adding this module option by setting the system property to true when starting JBoss EAP 6. Add the following to your start-up parameters.
You can also set this property using the web-based Management Console. In a standalone server, you can set system properties in the Profile section of the configuration. In a managed domain, you can set system properties for each server group.

6.5. About Authorization

Authorization is a mechanism for granting or denying access to a resource based on identity. It is implemented as a set of declarative security roles which can be granted to principals.
JBoss EAP 6 uses a modular system to configure authorization. Each security domain can contain one or more authorization policies. Each policy has a basic module which defines its behavior. It is configured through specific flags and attributes. The easiest way to configure the authorization subsystem is by using the web-based management console.
Authorization is different from authentication, and usually happens after authentication. Many of the authentication modules also handle authorization.

6.6. Configure Authorization in a Security Domain

To configure authorization settings for a security domain, log into the management console and follow this procedure.

Procedure 6.2. Setup Authorization in a Security Domain

  1. Open the security domain's detailed view.

    Click the Profiles label at the top right of the management console. In a managed domain, select the profile to modify from the Profile selection box at the top left of the Profile view. Click the Security menu item at the left, and click Security Domains from the expanded menu. Click the View link for the security domain you want to edit.
  2. Navigate to the Authorization subsystem configuration.

    Click the Authorization label at the top of the view if it is not already selected.
    The configuration area is divided into two areas: Policies and Details. The login module is the basic unit of configuration. A security domain can include several authorization policies, each of which can include several attributes and options.
  3. Add a policy.

    Click the Add button to add a JAAS authorization policy module. Fill in the details for your module. The Code is the class name of the module. The Flags controls how the module relates to other authorization policy modules within the same security domain.
    Explanation of the Flags

    The Java Enterprise Edition 6 specification provides the following explanation of the flags for security modules. The following list is taken from Refer to that document for more detailed information.

    Flag Details
    The LoginModule is required to succeed. If it succeeds or fails, authorization still continues to proceed down the LoginModule list.
    LoginModule is required to succeed. If it succeeds, authorization continues down the LoginModule list. If it fails, control immediately returns to the application (authorization does not proceed down the LoginModule list).
    The LoginModule is not required to succeed. If it does succeed, control immediately returns to the application (authorization does not proceed down the LoginModule list). If it fails, authorization continues down the LoginModule list.
    The LoginModule is not required to succeed. If it succeeds or fails, authorization still continues to proceed down the LoginModule list.
    After you have added your module, you can modify its Code or Flags by clicking the Edit button in the Details section of the screen. Be sure the Attributes tab is selected.
  4. Optional: Add, edit, or remove module options.

    If you need to add options to your module, click its entry in the Login Modules list, and select the Module Options tab in the Details section of the page. Click the Add button, and provide the key and value for the option. To edit an option that already exists, click the key or to change it. Use the Remove button to remove an option.

Your authorization policy module is added to the security domain, and is immediately available to applications which use the security domain.

6.7. About Security Auditing

Security auditing refers to triggering events, such as writing to a log, in response to an event that happens within the security subsystem. Auditing mechanisms are configured as part of a security domain, along with authentication, authorization, and security mapping details.
Auditing uses provider modules. You can use one of the included ones, or implement your own.

6.8. Configure Security Auditing

To configure security auditing settings for a security domain, log into the management console and follow this procedure.

Procedure 6.3. Setup Security Auditing for a Security Domain

  1. Open the security domain's detailed view.

    Click the Profiles label at the top right of the management console. In a standalone server, the tab is labeled Profile. In a managed domain, select the profile to modify from the Profile selection box at the top left of the Profile view. Click the Security menu item at the left, and click Security Domains from the expanded menu. Click the View link for the security domain you want to edit.
  2. Navigate to the Auditing subsystem configuration.

    Click the Audit label at the top of the view if it is not already selected.
    The configuration area is divided into two areas: Provider Modules and Details. The provider module is the basic unit of configuration. A security domain can include several provider modules each of which can include attributes and options.
  3. Add a provider module.

    Click the Add button to add a provider module. Fill in the Code section with the classname of the provider module.
    After you have added your module, you can modify its Code by clicking the Edit button in the Details section of the screen. Be sure the Attributes tab is selected.
  4. Verify if your module is working

    The goal of an audit module is to provide a way to monitor the events in the security subsystem. This monitoring can be done by means of writing to a log file, email notifications or any other measurable auditing mechanism.
    For example, JBoss EAP 6 includes the LogAuditProvider module by default. If enabled following the steps above, this audit module writes security notifications to a audit.log file in the log subfolder within the EAP_HOME directory.
    To verify if the steps above have worked in the context of the LogAuditProvider, perform an action that is likely to trigger a notification and then check the audit log file.
    For a full list of included security auditing provider modules, see here: Section A.4, “Included Security Auditing Provider Modules”
  5. Optional: Add, edit, or remove module options.

    If you need to add options to your module, click its entry in the Modules list, and select the Module Options tab in the Details section of the page. Click the Add button, and provide the key and value for the option. To edit an option that already exists, remove it by clicking the Remove label, and add it again with the correct options by clicking the Add button.

Your security auditing module is added to the security domain, and is immediately available to applications which use the security domain.

6.9. About Security Mapping

Security mapping allows you to combine authentication and authorization information after the authentication or authorization happens, but before the information is passed to your application. One example of this is using an X509 certificate for authentication, and then converting the principal from the certificate to a logical name which your application can display.
You can map principals (authentication), roles (authorization), or credentials (attributes which are not principals or roles).
Role Mapping is used to add, replace, or remove roles to the subject after authentication.
Principal mapping is used to modify a principal after authentication.
Attribute mapping is used to convert attributes from an external system to be used by your application, and vice versa.

6.10. Configure Security Mapping in a Security Domain

To configure security mapping settings for a security domain, log into the management console and follow this procedure.

Procedure 6.4. Setup Security Mapping Settings in a Security Domain

  1. Open the security domain's detailed view.

    Click the Profiles label at the top right of the management console. This tab is labeled Profile in a standalone server. In a managed domain, select the profile to modify from the Profile selection box at the top left of the Profile view. Click the Security menu item at the left, and click Security Domains from the expanded menu. Click the View link for the security domain you want to edit.
  2. Navigate to the Mapping subsystem configuration.

    Click the Mapping label at the top of the view if it is not already selected.
    The configuration area is divided into two areas: Modules and Details. The mapping module is the basic unit of configuration. A security domain can include several mapping modules, each of which can include several attributes and options.
  3. Add a module.

    Click the Add button to add a security mapping module. Fill in the details for your module. The Code is the class name of the module. The Type field refers to the type of mapping this module performs. Allowed values are principal, role, attribute or credential.
    After you have added your module, you can modify its Code or Type by clicking the Edit button in the Details section of the screen. Be sure the Attributes tab is selected.
  4. Optional: Add, edit, or remove module options.

    If you need to add options to your module, click its entry in the Modules list, and select the Module Options tab in the Details section of the page. Click the Add button, and provide the key and value for the option. To edit an option that already exists, click the Remove label key to remove it, and add it again with the new value. Use the Remove button to remove an option.

Your security mapping module is added to the security domain, and is immediately available to applications which use the security domain.

Chapter 7. SSL Encryption

7.1. About SSL Encryption

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encrypts network traffic between two systems. Traffic between the two systems is encrypted using a two-way key, generated during the handshake phase of the connection and known only by those two systems.
For secure exchange of the two-way encryption key, SSL makes use of Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), a method of encryption that utilizes a key pair . A key pair consists of two separate but matching cryptographic keys - a public key and a private key. The public key is shared with others and is used to encrypt data, and the private key is kept secret and is used to decrypt data that has been encrypted using the public key.
When a client requests a secure connection, a handshake phase takes place before secure communication can begin. During the SSL handshake the server passes its public key to the client in the form of a certificate. The certificate contains the identity of the server (its URL), the public key of the server, and a digital signature that validates the certificate. The client then validates the certificate and makes a decision about whether the certificate is trusted or not. If the certificate is trusted, the client generates the two-way encryption key for the SSL connection, encrypts it using the public key of the server, and sends it back to the server. The server decrypts the two-way encryption key, using its private key, and further communication between the two machines over this connection is encrypted using the two-way encryption key.

7.2. Implement SSL Encryption for the JBoss EAP 6 Web Server


Many web applications require a SSL-encrypted connection between clients and server, also known as a HTTPS connection. You can use this procedure to enable HTTPS on your server or server group.


  • You need a set of SSL encryption keys and a SSL encryption certificate. You may purchase these from a certificate-signing authority, or you can generate them yourself using command-line utilities. To generate encryption keys using Red Hat Enterprise Linux utilities, refer to Section 7.3, “Generate a SSL Encryption Key and Certificate”.
  • You need to know the following details about your specific environment and set-up:
    • The full directory name and path to your certificate files
    • The encryption password for your encryption keys.
  • You need to run the Management CLI and connect it to your domain controller or standalone server.


This procedure uses commands appropriate for a JBoss EAP 6 configuration that uses a managed domain. If you use a standalone server, modify Management CLI commands by removing the /profile=default from the beginning of any Management CLI commands.

Procedure 7.1. Configure the JBoss Web Server to use HTTPS

  1. Add a new HTTPS connector.

    Execute the following Management CLI command, changing the profile as appropriate. This creates a new secure connector, called HTTPS, which uses the https scheme, the https socket binding (which defaults to 8443), and is set to be secure.

    Example 7.1. Management CLI Command

  2. Configure the SSL encryption certificate and keys.

    Execute the following CLI commands to configure your SSL certificate, substituting your own values for the example ones. This example assumes that the keystore is copied to the server configuration directory, which is EAP_HOME/domain/configuration/ for a managed domain.

    Example 7.2. Management CLI Command

    /profile=default/subsystem=web/connector=HTTPS/ssl=configuration:add(name=https,certificate-key-file="${jboss.server.config.dir}/keystore.jks",password=SECRET, key-alias=KEY_ALIAS)
    For a full listing of parameters you can set for the SSL properties of the connector, refer to Section 7.4, “SSL Connector Reference”.
  3. Deploy an application.

    Deploy an application to a server group which uses the profile you have configured. If you use a standalone server, deploy an application to your server. HTTP requests to it use the new SSL-encrypted connection.

7.3. Generate a SSL Encryption Key and Certificate

To use a SSL-encrypted HTTP connection (HTTPS), as well as other types of SSL-encrypted communication, you need a signed encryption certificate. You can purchase a certificate from a Certificate Authority (CA), or you can use a self-signed certificate. Self-signed certificates are not considered trustworthy by many third parties, but are appropriate for internal testing purposes.
This procedure enables you to create a self-signed certificate using utilities which are available on Red Hat Enterprise Linux.


  • You need the keytool utility, which is provided by any Java Development Kit implementation. OpenJDK on Red Hat Enterprise Linux installs this command to /usr/bin/keytool.
  • Understand the syntax and parameters of the keytool command. This procedure uses extremely generic instructions, because further discussion of the specifics of SSL certificates or the keytool command are out of scope for this documentation.

Procedure 7.2. Generate a SSL Encryption Key and Certificate

  1. Generate a keystore with public and private keys.

    Run the following command to generate a keystore named server.keystore with the alias jboss in your current directory.
    keytool -genkeypair -alias jboss -keyalg RSA -keystore server.keystore -storepass mykeystorepass --dname "CN=jsmith,OU=Engineering,,L=Raleigh,S=NC,C=US"
    The following table describes the parameters used in the keytool command:
    Parameter Description
    -genkeypair The keytool command to generate a key pair containing a public and private key.
    -alias The alias for the keystore. This value is arbitrary, but the alias jboss is the default used by the JBoss Web server.
    -keyalg The key pair generation algorithm. In this case it is RSA.
    -keystore The name and location of the keystore file. The default location is the current directory. The name you choose is arbitrary. In this case, the file will be named server.keystore.
    -storepass This password is used to authenticate to the keystore so that the key can be read. The password must be at least 6 characters long and must be provided when the keystore is accessed. In this case, we used mykeystorepass. If you omit this parameter, you will be prompted to enter it when you execute the command.
    This is the password for the actual key.


    Due to an implementation limitation this must be the same as the store password.
    --dname A quoted string describing the distinguished name for the key, for example: "CN=jsmith,OU=Engineering,,L=Raleigh,C=US". This string is a concatenation of the following components:
    • CN - The common name or host name. If the hostname is "", the CN is "jsmith".
    • OU - The organizational unit, for example "Engineering"
    • O - The organization name, for example "".
    • L - The locality, for example "Raleigh" or "London"
    • S - The state or province, for example "NC". This parameter is optional.
    • C - The 2 letter country code, for example "US" or "UK",
    When you execute the above command, you are prompted for the following information:
    • If you did not use the -storepass parameter on the command line, you are asked to enter the keystore password. Re-enter the new password at the next prompt.
    • If you did not use the -keypass parameter on the command line, you are asked to enter the key password. Press Enter to set this to the same value as the keystore password.
    When the command completes, the file server.keystore now contains the single key with the alias jboss.
  2. Verify the key.

    Verify that the key works properly by using the following command.
    keytool -list -keystore server.keystore
    You are prompted for the keystore password. The contents of the keystore are displayed (in this case, a single key called jboss). Notice the type of the jboss key, which is keyEntry. This indicates that the keystore contains both a public and private entry for this key.
  3. Generate a certificate signing request.

    Run the following command to generate a certificate signing request using the public key from the keystore you created in step 1.
    keytool -certreq -keyalg RSA -alias jboss -keystore server.keystore -file certreq.csr
    You are prompted for the password in order to authenticate to the keystore. The keytool command then creates a new certificate signing request called certreq.csr in the current working directory.
  4. Test the newly generated certificate.

    Test the contents of the certificate by using the following command.
    openssl req -in certreq.csr -noout -text
    The certificate details are shown.
  5. Optional: Submit your certificate to a Certificate Authority (CA).

    A Certificate Authority (CA) can authenticate your certificate so that it is considered trustworthy by third-party clients. The CA supplies you with a signed certificate, and optionally with one or more intermediate certificates.
  6. Optional: Export a self-signed certificate from the keystore.

    If you only need it for testing or internal purposes, you can use a self-signed certificate. You can export one from the keystore you created in step 1 as follows:
    keytool -export -alias jboss -keystore server.keystore -file server.crt
    You are prompted for the password in order to authenticate to the keystore. A self-signed certificate, named server.crt, is created in the current working directory.
  7. Import the signed certificate, along with any intermediate certificates.

    Import each certificate, in the order that you are instructed by the CA. For each certificate to import, replace or server.crt with the actual file name. If your certificates are not provided as separate files, create a separate file for each certificate, and paste its contents into the file.


    Your signed certificate and certificate keys are valuable assets. Be cautious with how you transport them between servers.
    keytool -import -keystore server.keystore -alias intermediateCA -file
    keytool -import -alias jboss -keystore server.keystore -file server.crt
  8. Test that your certificates imported successfully.

    Run the following command, and enter the keystore password when prompted. The contents of your keystore are displayed, and the certificates are part of the list.
    keytool -list -keystore server.keystore

Your signed certificate is now included in your keystore and is ready to be used to encrypt SSL connections, including HTTPS web server communications.

7.4. SSL Connector Reference

JBoss Web connectors may include the following SSL configuration attributes. The CLI commands provided are designed for a managed domain using profile default. Change the profile name to the one you wish to configure, for a managed domain, or omit the /profile=default portion of the command, for a standalone server.

Table 7.1. SSL Connector Attributes

Attribute Description CLI Command
The display name of the SSL connector.
Set to true to require a valid certificate chain from the client before accepting a connection. Set to want if you want the SSL stack to request a client Certificate, but not fail if one is not presented. Set to false (the default) to not require a certificate chain unless the client requests a resource protected by a security constraint that uses CLIENT-CERT authentication.
The maximum number of intermediate certificate issuers checked before deciding that the clients do not have a valid certificate. The default value is 10.
The full file path and file name of the keystore file where the signed server certificate is stored. With JSSE encryption, this certificate file will be the only one, while OpenSSL uses several files. The default value is the .keystore file in the home directory of the user running JBoss EAP 6. If your keystoreType does not use a file, set the parameter to an empty string.
If you use OpenSSL encryption, set the value of this parameter to the path to the file containing the server certificate.
The password for both the trustore and keystore. In the following example, replace PASSWORD with your own password.
The version of the SSL protocol to use. Supported values include SLv2, SSLv3, TLSv1, SSLv2+SSLv3, and ALL. The default is ALL.
A comma-separated list of the encryption ciphers which are allowed. The JVM default for JSSE contains weak ciphers which should not be used. The example only lists two possible ciphers, but real-world examples will likely use more.
/profile=default/subsystem=web/connector=HTTPS/ssl=configuration/:write-attribute(name=cipher-suite, value="TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA,TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA")
The alias used to for the server certificate in the keystore. In the following example, replace KEY_ALIAS with your certificate's alias.
The type of the truststore. Various types of keystores are available, including PKCS12 and Java's standard JKS.
The type of the keystore, Various types of keystores are available, including PKCS12 and Java's standard JKS.
The file containing the CA certificates. This is the truststoreFile, in the case of JSSE, and uses the same password as the keystore. The ca-certificate-file file is used to validate client certificates.
The Certificate password for the ca-certificate-file. In the following example, replace the MASKED_PASSWORD with your own masked password.
A file or URL which contains the revocation list. It refers to the crlFile for JSSE or the SSLCARevocationFile for SSL.
The size of the SSLSession cache. This attribute applies only to JSSE connectors. The default is 0, which specifies an unlimited cache size.
The number of seconds before a cached SSLSession expires. This attribute applies only to JSSE connectors. The default is 86400 seconds, which is 24 hours.

Chapter 8. Security Realms

8.1. About Security Realms

A security realm is a series of mappings between users and passwords, and users and roles. Security realms are a mechanism for adding authentication and authorization to your EJB and Web applications. JBoss EAP 6 provides two security realms by default:
  • ManagementRealm stores user, password, and role information for the Management API, which provides the functionality for the Management CLI and web-based Management Console. It provides an authentication system for managing JBoss EAP 6 itself. You could also use the ManagementRealm if your application needed to authenticate with the same business rules you use for the Management API.
  • ApplicationRealm stores user, password, and role information for Web Applications and EJBs.
Each realm is stored in two files on the filesystem:
  • stores usernames and hashed passwords.
  • REALM-users.roles stores user-to-role mappings.
The properties files are stored in the domain/configuration/ and standalone/configuration/ directories. The files are written simultaneously by the or add-user.bat command. When you run the command, the first decision you make is which realm to add your new user to.

8.2. Add a New Security Realm

  1. Run the Management CLI.

    Start the or jboss-cli.bat command and connect to the server.
  2. Create the new security realm itself.

    Run the following command to create a new security realm named MyDomainRealm on a domain controller or a standalone server.
  3. Create the references to the properties file which will store information about the new role.

    Run the following command to create a pointer a file named, which will contain the properties pertaining to the new role.


    The newly-created properties file is not managed by the included and add-user.bat scripts. It must be managed externally.

Your new security realm is created. When you add users and roles to this new realm, the information will be stored in a separate file from the default security realms. You can manage this new file using your own applications or procedures.

8.3. Add a User to a Security Realm

  1. Run the or add-user.bat command.

    Open a terminal and change directories to the EAP_HOME/bin/ directory. If you run Red Hat Enterprise Linux or another UNIX-like operating system, run If you run Microsoft Windows Server, run add-user.bat.
  2. Choose whether to add a Management User or Application User.

    For this procedure, type b to add an Application User.
  3. Choose the realm the user will be added to.

    By default, the only available realm is ApplicationRealm. If you have added a custom realm, you can type its name instead.
  4. Type the username, password, and roles, when prompted.

    Type the desired username, password, and optional roles when prompted. Verify your choice by typing yes, or type no to cancel the changes. The changes are written to each of the properties files for the security realm.

Chapter 9. Subsystem Configuration

9.1. Transaction Subsystem Configuration

9.1.1. Configure the ORB for JTS Transactions

In a default installation of JBoss EAP 6, the ORB is disabled. You can enable the ORB using the command-line Management CLI.


In a managed domain, the JacORB subsystem is available in full and full-ha profiles only. In a standalone server, it is available when you use the standalone-full.xml or standalone-full-ha.xml configurations.

Procedure 9.1. Configure the ORB using the Management Console

  1. View the profile settings.

    Select Profiles (managed domain) or Profile (standalone server) from the top right of the management console. If you use a managed domain, select either the full or full-ha profile from the selection box at the top left.
  2. Modify the Initializers Settings

    Expand the Subsystems menu at the left, if necessary. Expand the Container sub-menu and click JacORB.
    In the form that appears in the main screen, select the Initializers tab and click the Edit button.
    Enable the security interceptors by setting the value of Security to on.
    To enable the ORB for JTS, set the Transaction Interceptors value to on, rather than the default spec.
    Refer to the Need Help? link in the form for detailed explanations about these values. Click Save when you have finished editing the values.
  3. Advanced ORB Configuration

    Refer to the other sections of the form for advanced configuration options. Each section includes a Need Help? link with detailed information about the parameters.
Configure the ORB using the Management CLI

You can configure each aspect of the ORB using the Management CLI. The following commands configure the initializers to the same values as the procedure above, for the Management Console. This is the minimum configuration for the ORB to be used with JTS.

These commands are configured for a managed domain using the full profile. If necessary, change the profile to suit the one you need to configure. If you use a standalone server, omit the /profile=full portion of the commands.

Example 9.1. Enable the Security Interceptors


Example 9.2. Enable the ORB for JTS


9.2. JMS Configuration

9.2.1. Reference for HornetQ Configuration Attributes

The JBoss EAP 6 implementation of HornetQ exposes the following attributes for configuration. You can use the Management CLI in particular to exposure the configurable or viewable attributes with the read-resource operation.

Example 9.3. Example

[standalone@localhost:9999 /] /subsystem=messaging/hornetq-server=default:read-resource

Table 9.1. HornetQ Attributes

Attribute Example Value Type
allow-failback true BOOLEAN
async-connection-execution-enabled true BOOLEAN
backup false BOOLEAN
cluster-password somethingsecure STRING
clustered false BOOLEAN
connection-ttl-override -1 LONG
create-bindings-dir true BOOLEAN
create-journal-dir true BOOLEAN
failback-delay 5000 LONG
failover-on-shutdown false BOOLEAN
id-cache-size 2000 INT
jmx-domain org.hornetq STRING
jmx-management-enabled false BOOLEAN
journal-buffer-size 100 LONG
journal-buffer-timeout 100 LONG
journal-compact-min-files 10 INT
journal-compact-percentage 30 INT
journal-file-size 102400 LONG
journal-max-io 1 INT
journal-min-files 2 INT
journal-sync-non-transactional true BOOLEAN
journal-sync-transactional true BOOLEAN
journal-type ASYNCIO STRING
live-connector-ref reference STRING
log-journal-write-rate false BOOLEAN
management-address STRING
management-notification-address hornetq.notifications STRING
memory-measure-interval -1 LONG
memory-warning-threshold 25 INT
message-counter-enabled false BOOLEAN
message-counter-max-day-history 10 INT
message-counter-sample-period 10000 LONG
message-expiry-scan-period 30000 LONG
message-expiry-thread-priority 3 INT
page-max-concurrent-io 5 INT
perf-blast-pages -1 INT
persist-delivery-count-before-delivery false BOOLEAN
persist-id-cache true BOOLEAN
persistence-enabled true BOOLEAN
remoting-interceptors undefined LIST
run-sync-speed-test false BOOLEAN
scheduled-thread-pool-max-size 5 INT
security-domain other STRING
security-enabled true BOOLEAN
security-invalidation-interval 10000 LONG
server-dump-interval -1 LONG
shared-store true BOOLEAN
started true BOOLEAN
thread-pool-max-size 30 INT
transaction-timeout 300000 LONG
transaction-timeout-scan-period 1000 LONG
version 2.2.16.Final (HQ_2_2_16_FINAL, 122) STRING
wild-card-routing-enabled true BOOLEAN


The value of journal-file-size must be higher than the size of message sent to server, or the server won't be able to store the message.

Chapter 10. Web, HTTP Connectors, and HTTP Clustering

10.1. Configure a mod_cluster Worker Node

The master is only configured once, via the mod_cluster subsystem. To configure the mod_cluster subsystem, refer to Configure the mod_cluster Subsystem in the Administration and Configuration Guide. Each worker node is configured separately, so repeat this procedure for each node you wish to add to the cluster.
If you use a managed domain, each server in a server group is a worker node which shares an identical configuration. Therefore, configuration is done to an entire server group. In a standalone server, configuration is done to a single JBoss EAP 6 instance. The configuration steps are otherwise identical.

Worker Node Configuration

  • If you use a standalone server, it must be started with the standalone-ha profile.
  • If you use a managed domain, your server group must use the ha or full-ha profile, and the ha-sockets or full-ha-sockets socket binding group. JBoss EAP 6 ships with a cluster-enabled server group called other-server-group which meets these requirements.


Where Management CLI commands are given, they assume you use a managed domain. If you use a standalone server, remove the /profile=full-ha portion of the commands.

Procedure 10.1. Configure a Worker Node

  1. Configure the network interfaces.

    By default, the network interfaces all default to Every physical host which hosts either a standalone server or one or more servers in a server group needs its interfaces to be configured to use its public IP address, which the other servers can see.
    To change the IP address of a JBoss EAP 6 host, you need to shut it down and edit its configuration file directly. This is because the Management API which drives the Management Console and Management CLI relies on a stable management address.
    Follow these steps to change the IP address on each server in your cluster to the master's public IP address.
    1. Shut down the server completely.
    2. Edit either the host.xml, which is in EAP_HOME/domain/configuration/ for a managed domain, or the standalone-ha.xml file, which is in EAP_HOME/standalone/configuration/ for a standalone server.
    3. Locate the <interfaces> element. Three interfaces are configured, management, public, and unsecured. For each of these, change the value to the external IP address of the host.
    4. For hosts that participate in a managed domain but are not the master, locate the <host element. Note that it does not have the closing > symbol, because it contains attributes. Change the value of its name attribute from master to a unique name, a different one per slave. This name will also be used for the slave to identify to the cluster, so make a note of it.
    5. For newly-configured hosts which need to join a managed domain, find the <domain-controller> element. Comment out or remove the <local /> element, and add the following line, changing the IP address (X.X.X.X) to the address of the domain controller. This step does not apply for a standalone server.
      <remote host="X.X.X.X" port="${jboss.domain.master.port:9999}" security-realm="ManagementRealm"/>
    6. Save the file and exit.
  2. Configure authentication for each slave server.

    Each slave server needs a username and password created in the domain controller's or standalone master's ManagementRealm. On the domain controller or standalone master, run the EAP_HOME/ command. Add a user with the same username as the slave, to the ManagementRealm. When asked if this user will need to authenticate to an external JBoss AS instance, answer yes. An example of the input and output of the command is below, for a slave called slave1, with password changeme.
    user:bin user$ ./
    What type of user do you wish to add? 
     a) Management User ( 
     b) Application User (
    (a): a
    Enter the details of the new user to add.
    Realm (ManagementRealm) : 
    Username : slave1
    Password : changeme
    Re-enter Password : changeme
    About to add user 'slave1' for realm 'ManagementRealm'
    Is this correct yes/no? yes
    Added user 'slave1' to file '/home/user/jboss-eap-6.0/standalone/configuration/'
    Added user 'slave1' to file '/home/user/jboss-eap-6.0/domain/configuration/'
    Is this new user going to be used for one AS process to connect to another AS process e.g. slave domain controller?
    yes/no? yes
    To represent the user add the following to the server-identities definition <secret value="Y2hhbmdlbWU=" />
  3. Copy the Base64-encoded <secret> element from the output.

    If you plan to specify the Base64-encoded password value for authentication, copy the <secret> element value from the last line of the output as you will need it in the step below.
  4. Modify the slave host's security realm to use the new authentication.

    1. Re-open the slave host's host.xml or standalone-ha.xml file.
    2. Locate the <security-realms> element. This is where you configure the security realm.
    3. You can specify the secret value in one of the following ways:
      • Specify the Base64-encoded password value in the configuration file.

        1. Add the following block of XML code directly below the <security-realm name="ManagementRealm"> line,
              <secret value="Y2hhbmdlbWU="/>
        2. Replace the "Y2hhbmdlbWU=" with the secret value returned from the output in the previous step.
      • Configure the host to get the password from the vault.

        1. Use the script to generate a masked password. It will generate a string like the following: VAULT::secret::password::ODVmYmJjNGMtZDU2ZC00YmNlLWE4ODMtZjQ1NWNmNDU4ZDc1TElORV9CUkVBS3ZhdWx0.
          You can find more information on the vault in the Password Vaults for Sensitive Strings section of this guide starting here: Section 3.8.1, “About Securing Sensitive Strings in Clear-Text Files”.
        2. Add the following block of XML code directly below the <security-realm name="ManagementRealm"> line.
              <secret value="${VAULT::secret::password::ODVmYmJjNGMtZDU2ZC00YmNlLWE4ODMtZjQ1NWNmNDU4ZDc1TElORV9CUkVBS3ZhdWx0}"/>
          Be sure to replace the secret value with the masked password generated in the previous step.


          When creating a password in the vault, it must be specified in plain text, not Base64-encoded.
      • Specify the password as a system property.

        1. Add the following block of XML code directly below the <security-realm name="ManagementRealm"> line
              <secret value=${server.identity.password}/>
        2. When you specify the password as a system property, you can configure the host in either of the following ways:
          • Start the server entering the password in plain text as a command line argument, for example:


            The password must be entered in plain text and will be visible to anyone who issues a ps -ef command.
          • Place the password in a properties file and pass the properties file URL as a command line argument.
            1. Add the key/value pair to a properties file. For example:
            2. Start the server with the command line arguments
    4. Save and exit the file.
  5. Restart the server.

    The slave will now authenticate to the master using its host name as the username and the encrypted string as its password.

Chapter 11. Network Security

11.1. Secure the Management Interfaces


In a test environment, it is typical to run JBoss EAP 6 with no security layer on the management interfaces, comprised of the Management Console, Management CLI, and any other API implementation. This allows for rapid development and configuration changes.

In addition, a silent authentication mode is present by default, allowing a local client on the host machine to connect to the Management CLI without requiring a username or password. This behavior is a convenience for local users and Management CLI scripts, but it can be disabled if required. The procedure is described in the topic Section 3.5, “Remove Silent Authentication from the Default Security Realm”.
When you begin testing and preparing your environment to move to production, it is vitally important to secure the management interfaces by at least the following methods:

11.2. Specify Which Network Interface JBoss EAP 6 Uses


Isolating services so that they are accessible only to the clients who need them increases the security of your network. JBoss EAP 6 includes two interfaces in its default configuration, both of which bind to the IP address, or localhost, by default. One of the interfaces is called management, and is used by the Management Console, CLI, and API. The other is called public, and is used to deploy applications. These interfaces are not special or significant, but are provided as a starting point.

The management interface uses ports 9990 and 9999 by default, and the public interface uses port 8080, or port 8443 if you use HTTPS.
You can change the IP address of the management interface, public interface, or both.


If you expose the management interfaces to other network interfaces which are accessible from remote hosts, be aware of the security implications. Most of the time, it is not advisable to provide remote access to the management interfaces.
  1. Stop JBoss EAP 6.

    Stop JBoss EAP 6 by sending an interrupt in the appropriate way for your operating system. If you are running JBoss EAP 6 as a foreground application, the typical way to do this is to press Ctrl+C.
  2. Restart JBoss EAP 6, specifying the bind address.

    Use the -b command-line switch to start JBoss EAP 6 on a specific interface.

    Example 11.1. Specify the public interface.

    EAP_HOME/bin/ -b

    Example 11.2. Specify the management interface.

    EAP_HOME/bin/ -bmanagement=

    Example 11.3. Specify different addresses for each interface.

    EAP_HOME/bin/ -bmanagement= -b

    Example 11.4. Bind the public interface to all network interfaces.

    EAP_HOME/bin/ -b
It is possible to edit your XML configuration file directly, to change the default bind addresses. However, if you do this, you will no longer be able to use the -bcommand-line switch to specify an IP address at run-time, so this is not recommended. If you do decide to do this, be sure to stop JBoss EAP 6 completely before editing the XML file.

11.3. Configure Network Firewalls to Work with JBoss EAP 6


Most production environments use firewalls as part of an overall network security strategy. If you need multiple server instances to communicate with each other or with external services such as web servers or databases, your firewall needs to take this into account. A well-managed firewall only opens the ports which are necessary for operation, and limits access to the ports to specific IP addresses, subnets, and network protocols.

A full discussion of firewalls is out of the scope of this documentation.


  • Determine the ports you need to open. Refer to Section 11.4, “Network Ports Used By JBoss EAP 6” to determine the list of ports for your situation.
  • An understanding of your firewall software is required. This procedure uses the system-config-firewall command in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6. Microsoft Windows Server includes a built-in firewall, and several third-party firewall solutions are available for each platform.

This procedure configures a firewall in an environment with the following assumptions:

  • The operating system is Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.
  • JBoss EAP 6 runs on host Optionally, the server has its own firewall.
  • The network firewall server runs on host on interface eth0, and has an external interface eth1.
  • You want traffic on port 5445 (a port used by JMS) forwarded to JBoss EAP 6. No other traffic should be allowed through the network firewall.

Procedure 11.1. Manage Network Firewalls and JBoss EAP 6 to work together

  1. Log into the Management Console.

    Log into the Management Console. By default, it runs on http://localhost:9990/console/.
  2. Determine the socket bindings used by the socket binding group.

    Click the Profiles label at the top right of the Management Console. At the left-hand side of the screen, a series of menus is shown. The bottom menu heading is General Configuration. Click the Socket Binding Groups item below this heading. The Socket Binding Declarations screen appears. Initially, the standard-sockets group is shown. You can choose a different group by selecting it from the combo box on the right-hand side.


    If you use a standalone server, it has only one socket binding group.
    The list of socket names and ports is shown, six values per page. You can go through the pages by using the arrow navigation below the table.
  3. Determine the ports you need to open.

    Depending on the function of the particular port and the needs of your environment, some of the ports may need to be accessible across your firewall. If you are unsure of the purpose of a socket binding, refer to Section 11.4, “Network Ports Used By JBoss EAP 6” for a list of the default socket bindings and their purposes.
  4. Configure your firewall to forward traffic to JBoss EAP 6.

    Perform these steps to configure your network firewall to allow traffic on the desired port.
    1. Log into your firewall machine and access a command prompt, as the root user.
    2. Issue the command system-config-firewall to launch the firewall configuration utility. A GUI or command-line utility launches, depending on the way you are logged into the firewall system. This task makes the assumption that you are logged in via SSH and using the command-line interface.
    3. Use the TAB key on your keyboard to navigate to the Customize button, and press the ENTER key. The Trusted Services screen appears.
    4. Do not change any values, but use the TAB key to navigate to the Forward button, and press ENTER to advanced to the next screen. The Other Ports screen appears.
    5. Use the TAB key to navigate to the <Add> button, and press ENTER. The Port and Protocol screen appears.
    6. Enter 5445 in the Port / Port Range field, then use the TAB key to move to the Protocol field, and enter tcp. Use the TAB key to navigate to the OK button, and press ENTER.
    7. Use the TAB key to navigate to the Forward button until you reach the Port Forwarding screen.
    8. Use the TAB key to navigate to the <Add> button, and press the ENTER key.
    9. Fill in the following values to set up port forwarding for port 5445.
      • Source interface: eth1
      • Protocol: tcp
      • Port / Port Range: 5445
      • Destination IP address:
      • Port / Port Range: 5445
      Use the TAB key to navigate to the OK button, and press ENTER.
    10. Use the TAB key to navigate to the Close button, and press ENTER.
    11. Use the TAB key to navigate to the OK button, and press ENTER. To apply the changes, read the warning and click Yes.
  5. Configure a firewall on your JBoss EAP 6 host.

    Some organizations choose to configure a firewall on the JBoss EAP 6 server itself, and close all ports that are not necessary for its operation. Consult Section 11.4, “Network Ports Used By JBoss EAP 6” and determine which ports to open, then close the rest. The default configuration of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 closes all ports except 22 (used for Secure Shell (SSH) and 5353 (used for multicast DNS). While you are configuring ports, make sure you have physical access to your server so that you do not inadvertently lock yourself out.

Your firewall is configured to forward traffic to your internal JBoss EAP 6 server in the way you specified in your firewall configuration. If you chose to enable a firewall on your server, all ports are closed except the ones needed to run your applications.

11.4. Network Ports Used By JBoss EAP 6

The ports used by the JBoss EAP 6 default configuration depend on several factors:
  • Whether your server groups use one of the default socket binding groups, or a custom group.
  • The requirements of your individual deployments.


A numerical port offset can be configured, to alleviate port conflicts when you run multiple servers on the same physical server. If your server uses a numerical port offset, add the offset to the default port number for its server group's socket binding group. For instance, if the HTTP port of the socket binding group is 8080, and your server uses a port offset of 100, its HTTP port is 8180.
Unless otherwise stated, the ports use the TCP protocol.

The default socket binding groups

  • full-ha-sockets
  • full-sockets
  • ha-sockets
  • standard-sockets

Table 11.1. Reference of the default socket bindings

Name Port Mulicast Port Description full-ha-sockets full-sockets ha-socket standard-socket
ajp 8009 Apache JServ Protocol. Used for HTTP clustering and load balancing. Yes Yes Yes Yes
http 8080 The default port for deployed web applications. Yes Yes Yes Yes
https 8443 SSL-encrypted connection between deployed web applications and clients. Yes Yes Yes Yes
jacorb 3528 CORBA services for JTS transactions and other ORB-dependent services. Yes Yes No No
jacorb-ssl 3529 SSL-encrypted CORBA services. Yes Yes No No
jgroups-diagnostics 7500 Multicast. Used for peer discovery in HA clusters. Yes No Yes No
jgroups-mping 45700 Multicast. Used to discover initial membership in a HA cluster. Yes No Yes No
jgroups-tcp 7600 Unicast peer discovery in HA clusters using TCP. Yes No Yes No
jgroups-tcp-fd 57600 Used for HA failure detection over TCP. Yes No Yes No
jgroups-udp 55200 45688 Unicast peer discovery in HA clusters using UDP. Yes No Yes No
jgroups-udp-fd 54200 Used for HA failure detection over UDP. Yes No Yes No
messaging 5445 JMS service. Yes Yes No No
messaging-group Referenced by HornetQ JMS broadcast and discovery groups. Yes Yes No No
messaging-throughput 5455 Used by JMS Remoting. Yes Yes No No
mod_cluster 23364 Multicast port for communication between JBoss EAP 6 and the HTTP load balancer. Yes No Yes No
osgi-http 8090 Used by internal components which use the OSGi subsystem. Yes Yes Yes Yes
remoting 4447 Used for remote EJB invocation. Yes Yes Yes Yes
txn-recovery-environment 4712 The JTA transaction recovery manager. Yes Yes Yes Yes
txn-status-manager 4713 The JTA / JTS transation manager. Yes Yes Yes Yes
Management Ports

In addition to the socket binding groups, each host controller opens two more ports for management purposes:

  • 9990 - The Web Management Console port
  • 9999 - The port used by the Management Console and Management API

Part III. Securing Applications

Chapter 12. Application Security

12.1. Enabling/Disabling Descriptor Based Property Replacement


Finite control over descriptor property replacement was introduced in jboss-as-ee_1_1.xsd. This task covers the steps required to configure descriptor based property replacement.

Descriptor based property replacement flags have boolean values:
  • When set to true, property replacements are enabled.
  • When set to false, property replacements are disabled.

Procedure 12.1. jboss-descriptor-property-replacement

jboss-descriptor-property-replacement is used to enable or disable property replacement in the following descriptors:
  • jboss-ejb3.xml
  • jboss-app.xml
  • jboss-web.xml
  • *-jms.xml
  • *-ds.xml
The default value for jboss-descriptor-property-replacement is true.
  1. In the Management CLI, run the following command to determine the value of jboss-descriptor-property-replacement:
  2. Run the following command to configure the behavior:

Procedure 12.2. spec-descriptor-property-replacement

spec-descriptor-property-replacement is used to enable or disable property replacement in the following descriptors:
  • ejb-jar.xml
  • persistence.xml
The default value for spec-descriptor-property-replacement is false.
  1. In the Management CLI, run the following command to confirm the value of spec-descriptor-property-replacement:
  2. Run the following command to configure the behavior:

The descriptor based property replacement tags have been successfully configured.

12.2. Datasource Security

12.2.1. About Datasource Security

The preferred solution for datasource security is the use of either security domains or password vaults. Examples of each are included below. For more information, refer to:

Example 12.1. Security Domain Example


Example 12.2. Password Vault Example


12.3. EJB Application Security

12.3.1. Security Identity About EJB Security Identity

The security identity, which is also known as invocation identity, refers to the <security-identity> tag in the security configuration. It refers to the identity another EJB must use when it invokes methods on components.
The invocation identity can be either the current caller, or it can be a specific role. In the first case, the <use-caller-identity> tag is present, and in the second case, the <run-as> tag is used.
For information about setting the security identity of an EJB, refer to Section, “Set the Security Identity of an EJB”. Set the Security Identity of an EJB

Example 12.3. Set the security identity of an EJB to be the same as its caller

This example sets the security identity for method invocations made by an EJB to be the same as the current caller's identity. This behavior is the default if you do not specify a <security-identity> element declaration.
		<!-- ... -->
	 <!-- ... -->

Example 12.4. Set the security identity of an EJB to a specific role

To set the security identity to a specific role, use the <run-as> and <role-name> tags inside the <security-identity> tag.
		<!-- ... -->
			 <description>A private internal role</description>
  <!-- ... -->
By default, when you use <run-as>, a principal named anonymous is assigned to outgoing calls. To assign a different principal, uses the <run-as-principal>.


You can also use the <run-as> and <run-as-principal> elements inside a servlet element.

12.3.2. EJB Method Permissions About EJB Method Permissions

EJB provides a <method-permisison> element declaration. This declaration sets the roles which are allowed to invoke an EJB's interface methods. You can specify permissions for the following combinations:
  • All home and component interface methods of the named EJB
  • A specified method of the home or component interface of the named EJB
  • A specified method within a set of methods with an overloaded name Use EJB Method Permissions


The <method-permission> element defines the logical roles that are allowed to access the EJB methods defined by <method> elements. Several examples demonstrate the syntax of the XML. Multiple method permission statements may be present, and they have a cumulative effect. The <method-permission> element is a child of the <assembly-descriptor> element of the <ejb-jar> descriptor.

The XML syntax is an alternative to using annotations for EJB method permissions.

Example 12.5. Allow roles to access all methods of an EJB

  <description>The employee and temp-employee roles may access any method
  of the EmployeeService bean </description>

Example 12.6. Allow roles to access only specific methods of an EJB, and limiting which method parameters can be passed.

  <description>The employee role may access the findByPrimaryKey,
  getEmployeeInfo, and the updateEmployeeInfo(String) method of
  the AcmePayroll bean </description>

Example 12.7. Allow any authenticated user to access methods of EJBs

Using the <unchecked/> element allows any authenticated user to use the specified methods.
  <description>Any authenticated user may access any method of the
  EmployeeServiceHelp bean</description>

Example 12.8. Completely exclude specific EJB methods from being used

  <description>No fireTheCTO methods of the EmployeeFiring bean may be
  used in this deployment</description>

Example 12.9. A complete <assembly-descriptor> containing several <method-permission> blocks

            <description>The employee and temp-employee roles may access any
                method of the EmployeeService bean </description>
            <description>The employee role may access the findByPrimaryKey,
                getEmployeeInfo, and the updateEmployeeInfo(String) method of
                the AcmePayroll bean </description>
            <description>The admin role may access any method of the
                EmployeeServiceAdmin bean </description>
            <description>Any authenticated user may access any method of the
                EmployeeServiceHelp bean</description>
            <description>No fireTheCTO methods of the EmployeeFiring bean may be
                used in this deployment</description>

12.3.3. EJB Security Annotations About EJB Security Annotations

EJBs use security annotations to pass information about security to the deployer. These include:
Declares which roles are available.
Specifies the security domain to use for the EJB. If the EJB is annotated for authorization with @RolesAllowed, authorization will only apply if the EJB is annotated with a security domain.
@RolesAllowed, @PermitAll, @DenyAll
Specifies which method permissions are allowed. For information about method permissions, refer to Section, “About EJB Method Permissions”.
@RolesAllowed, @PermitAll, @DenyAll
Specifies which method permissions are allowed. For information about method permissions, refer to Section, “About EJB Method Permissions”.
Configures the propagated security identify of a component. Use EJB Security Annotations


You can use either XML descriptors or annotations to control which security roles are able to call methods in your Enterprise JavaBeans (EJBs). For information on using XML descriptors, refer to Section, “Use EJB Method Permissions”.

Annotations for Controlling Security Permissions of EJBs

Use @DeclareRoles to define which security roles to check permissions against. If no @DeclareRoles is present, the list is built automatically from the @RolesAllowed annotation.
Specifies the security domain to use for the EJB. If the EJB is annotated for authorization with @RolesAllowed, authorization will only apply if the EJB is annotated with a security domain.
@RolesAllowed, @PermitAll, @DenyAll
Use @RolesAllowed to list which roles are allowed to access a method or methods. Use @PermitAll or @DenyAll to either permit or deny all roles from using a method or methods.
Use @RunAs to specify a role a method will always be run as.

Example 12.10. Security Annotations Example

public class WelcomeEJB implements Welcome {
	public String WelcomeEveryone(String msg) {
		return "Welcome to " + msg;
	public String GoodBye(String msg) {
	    return "Goodbye, " + msg;
	public String
	public String GoodbyeAdmin(String msg) {
		return "See you later, " + msg;
In this code, all roles can access method WelcomeEveryone. The GoodBye method runs as the tempemployee role. Only the admin role can access method GoodbyeAdmin, and any other methods with no security annotation..

12.3.4. Remote Access to EJBs About Remote Method Access

JBoss Remoting is the framework which provides remote access to EJBs, JMX MBeans, and other similar services. It works within the following transport types, with or without SSL:

Supported Transport Types

  • Socket / Secure Socket
  • RMI / RMI over SSL
  • Servlet / Secure Servlet
  • Bisocket / Secure Bisocket
JBoss Remoting also provides automatic discovery via Multicast or JNDI.
It is used by many of the subsystems within JBoss EAP 6, and also enables you to design, implement, and deploy services that can be remotely invoked by clients over several different transport mechanisms. It also allows you to access existing services in JBoss EAP 6.
Data Marshalling

The Remoting system also provides data marshalling and unmarshalling services. Data marshalling refers to the ability to safely move data across network and platform boundaries, so that a separate system can perform work on it. The work is then sent back to the original system and behaves as though it were handled locally.

Architecture Overview

When you design a client application which uses Remoting, you direct your application to communicate with the server by configuring it to use a special type of resource locator called an InvokerLocator, which is a simple String with a URL-type format. The server listens for requests for remote resources on a connector, which is configured as part of the remoting subsystem. The connector hands the request off to a configured ServerInvocationHandler. Each ServerInvocationHandler implements a method invoke(InvocationRequest), which knows how to handle the request.

The JBoss Remoting framework contains three layers that mirror each other on the client and server side.

JBoss Remoting Framework Layers

  • The user interacts with the outer layer. On the client side, the outer layer is the Client class, which sends invocation requests. On the server side, it is the InvocationHandler, which is implemented by the user and receives invocation requests.
  • The transport is controlled by the invoker layer.
  • The lowest layer contains the marshaller and unmarshaller, which convert data formats to wire formats. About Remoting Callbacks

When a Remoting client requests information from the server, it can block and wait for the server to reply, but this is often not the ideal behavior. To allow the client to listen for asynchronous events on the server, and continue doing other work while waiting for the server to finish the request, your application can ask the server to send a notification when it has finished. This is referred to as a callback. One client can add itself as a listener for asynchronous events generated on behalf of another client, as well. There are two different choices for how to receive callbacks: pull callbacks or push callbacks. Clients check for pull callbacks synchronously, but passively listen for push callbacks.
In essence, a callback works by the server sending an InvocationRequest to the client. Your server-side code works the same regardless of whether the callback is synchronous or asynchronous. Only the client needs to know the difference. The server's InvocationRequest sends a responseObject to the client. This is the payload that the client has requested. This may be a direct response to a request or an event notification.
Your server also tracks listeners using an m_listeners object. It contains a list of all listeners that have been added to your server handler. The ServerInvocationHandler interface includes methods that allow you to manage this list.
The client handles pull and push callback in different ways. In either case, it must implement a callback handler. A callback handler is an implementation of interface org.jboss.remoting.InvokerCallbackHandler, which processes the callback data. After implementing the callback handler, you either add yourself as a listener for a pull callback, or implement a callback server for a push callback.
Pull Callbacks

For a pull callback, your client adds itself to the server's list of listeners using the Client.addListener() method. It then polls the server periodically for synchronous delivery of callback data. This poll is performed using the Client.getCallbacks().

Push Callback

A push callback requires your client application to run its own InvocationHandler. To do this, you need to run a Remoting service on the client itself. This is referred to as a callback server. The callback server accepts incoming requests asynchronously and processes them for the requester (in this case, the server). To register your client's callback server with the main server, pass the callback server's InvokerLocator as the second argument to the addListener method. About Remoting Server Detection

Remoting servers and clients can automatically detect each other using JNDI or Multicast. A Remoting Detector is added to both the client and server, and a NetworkRegistry is added to the client.
The Detector on the server side periodically scans the InvokerRegistry and pulls all server invokers it has created. It uses this information to publish a detection message which contains the locator and subsystems supported by each server invoker. It publishes this message via a multicast broadcast or a binding into a JNDI server.
On the client side, the Detector receives the multicast message or periodically polls the JNDI server to retrieve detection messages. If the Detector notices that a detection message is for a newly-detected remoting server, it registers it into the NetworkRegistry. The Detector also updates the NetworkRegistry if it detects that a server is no longer available. Configure the Remoting Subsystem


JBoss Remoting has three top-level configurable elements: the worker thread pool, one or more connectors, and a series of local and remote connection URIs. This topic presents an explanation of each configurable item, example CLI commands for how to configure each item, and an XML example of a fully-configured subsystem. This configuration only applies to the server. Most people will not need to configure the Remoting subsystem at all, unless they use custom connectors for their own applications. Applications which act as Remoting clients, such as EJBs, need separate configuration to connect to a specific connector.


The Remoting subsystem configuration is not exposed to the web-based Management Console, but it is fully configurable from the command-line based Management CLI. Editing the XML by hand is not recommended.
Adapting the CLI Commands

The CLI commands are formulated for a managed domain, when configuring the default profile. To configure a different profile, substitute its name. For a standalone server, omit the /profile=default part of the command.

Configuration Outside the Remoting Subsystem

There are a few configuration aspects which are outside of the remoting subsystem:

Network Interface
The network interface used by the remoting subsystem is the unsecure interface defined in the domain/configuration/domain.xml or standalone/configuration/standalone.xml.
   <interface name="management"/>
   <interface name="public"/>
   <interface name="unsecure"/>

The per-host definition of the unsecure interface is defined in the host.xml in the same directory as the domain.xml or standalone.xml. This interface is also used by several other subsystems. Exercise caution when modifying it.
   <interface name="management">
      <inet-address value="${}"/>
   <interface name="public">
      <inet-address value="${jboss.bind.address:}"/>
   <interface name="unsecure">
      <!-- Used for IIOP sockets in the standard configuration.
         To secure JacORB you need to setup SSL -->
      <inet-address value="${jboss.bind.address.unsecure:}"/>

The default socket-binding used by the remoting subsystem binds to TCP port 4777. Refer to the documentation about socket bindings and socket binding groups for more information if you need to change this.
Remoting Connector Reference for EJB
The EJB subsystem contains a reference to the remoting connector for remote method invocations. The following is the default configuration:
<remote connector-ref="remoting-connector" thread-pool-name="default"/>            

Secure Transport Configuration
Remoting transports use StartTLS to use a secure (HTTPS, Secure Servlet, etc) connection if the client requests it. The same socket binding (network port) is used for secured and unsecured connections, so no additional server-side configuration is necessary. The client requests the secure or unsecured transport, as its needs dictate. JBoss EAP 6 components which use Remoting, such as EJBs, the ORB, and the JMS provider, request secured interfaces by default.


StartTLS works by activating a secure connection if the client requests it, and otherwise defaulting to an unsecured connection. It is inherently susceptible to a Man in the Middle style exploit, wherein an attacker intercepts the client's request and modifies it to request an unsecured connection. Clients must be written to fail appropriately if they do not receive a secure connection, unless an unsecured connection actually is an appropriate fall-back.
Worker Thread Pool

The worker thread pool is the group of threads which are available to process work which comes in through the Remoting connectors. It is a single element <worker-thread-pool>, and takes several attributes. Tune these attributes if you get network timeouts, run out of threads, or need to limit memory usage. Specific recommendations depend on your specific situation. Contact Red Hat Global Support Services for more information.

Table 12.1. Worker Thread Pool Attributes

Attribute Description CLI Command
The number of read threads to create for the remoting worker. Defaults to 1.
The number of write threads to create for the remoting worker. Defaults to 1.
The number of milliseconds to keep non-core remoting worker task threads alive. Defaults to 60.
The maximum number of threads for the remoting worker task thread pool. Defaults to 16.
The number of core threads for the remoting worker task thread pool. Defaults to 4.
The maximum number of remoting worker tasks to allow before rejecting. Defaults to 16384.

The connector is the main Remoting configuration element. Multiple connectors are allowed. Each consists of a element <connector> element with several sub-elements, as well as a few possible attributes. The default connector is used by several subsystems of JBoss EAP 6. Specific settings for the elements and attributes of your custom connectors depend on your applications, so contact Red Hat Global Support Services for more information.

Table 12.2. Connector Attributes

Attribute Description CLI Command
socket-binding The name of the socket binding to use for this connector.
The Java Authentication Service Provider Interface for Containers (JASPIC) module to use with this connector. The module must be in the classpath.
Optional. The security realm which contains your application's users, passwords, and roles. An EJB or Web Application can authenticate against a security realm. ApplicationRealm is available in a default JBoss EAP 6 installation.

Table 12.3. Connector Elements

Attribute Description CLI Command
Enclosing element for Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL) authentication mechanisms
Contains one or more <property> elements, each with a name attribute and an optional value attribute.
Outbound Connections

You can specify three different types of outbound connection:

  • Outbound connection to a URI.
  • Local outbound connection – connects to a local resource such as a socket.
  • Remote outbound connection – connects to a remote resource and authenticates using a security realm.
All of the outbound connections are enclosed in an <outbound-connections> element. Each of these connection types takes an outbound-socket-binding-ref attribute. The outbound-connection takes a uri attribute. The remote outbound connection takes optional username and security-realm attributes to use for authorization.

Table 12.4. Outbound Connection Elements

Attribute Description CLI Command
outbound-connection Generic outbound connection.
local-outbound-connection Outbound connection with a implicit local:// URI scheme.
Outbound connections for remote:// URI scheme, using basic/digest authentication with a security realm.
SASL Elements

Before defining the SASL child elements, you need to create the initial SASL element. Use the following command:

The child elements of the SASL element are described in the table below.
Attribute Description CLI Command
Contains a value attribute, which is a space-separated list of SASL mechanisms.
Contains a value attribute, which is a space-separated list of SASL Quality of protection values, in decreasing order of preference.
Contains a value attribute, which is a space-separated list of SASL cipher strength values, in decreasing order of preference.
Contains a value attribute which is a boolean value. If true, attempt to reuse sessions.
Contains a value attribute which is a boolean value. If true, the server authenticates to the client.
An enclosing element which contains zero or more of the following elements, which each take a single value.
  • forward-secrecy – whether mechanisms are required to implement forward secrecy (breaking into one session will not automatically provide information for breaking into future sessions)
  • no-active – whether mechanisms susceptible to non-dictionary attacks are permitted. A value of false permits, and true denies.
  • no-anonymous – whether mechanisms that accept anonymous login are permitted. A value of false permits, and true denies.
  • no-dictionary – whether mechanisms susceptible to passive dictionary attacks are allowed. A value of false permits, and true denies.
  • no-plain-text – whether mechanisms which are susceptible to simple plain passive attacks are allowed. A value of false permits, and true denies.
  • pass-credentials – whether mechanisms which pass client credentials are allowed.
Contains one or more <property> elements, each with a name attribute and an optional value attribute.

Example 12.11. Example Configurations

This example shows the default remoting subsystem that ships with JBoss EAP 6.
<subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:remoting:1.1">
    <connector name="remoting-connector" socket-binding="remoting" security-realm="ApplicationRealm"/>

This example contains many hypothetical values, and is presented to put the elements and attributes discussed previously into context.
<subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:remoting:1.1">
    <worker-thread-pool read-threads="1" task-keepalive="60' task-max-threads="16" task-core-thread="4" task-limit="16384" write-threads="1" />
    <connector name="remoting-connector" socket-binding="remoting" security-realm="ApplicationRealm">
            <include-mechanisms value="GSSAPI PLAIN DIGEST-MD5" />
            <qop value="auth" />
            <strength value="medium" />
            <reuse-session value="false" />
            <server-auth value="false" />
                <forward-secrecy value="true" />
                <no-active value="false" />
                <no-anonymous value="false" />
                <no-dictionary value="true" />
                <no-plain-text value="false" />
                <pass-credentials value="true" />
                <property name="myprop1" value="1" />
                <property name="myprop2" value="2" />
        <authentication-provider name="myprovider" />
            <property name="myprop3" value="propValue" />
        <outbound-connection name="my-outbound-connection" uri="http://myhost:7777/"/>
        <remote-outbound-connection name="my-remote-connection" outbound-socket-binding-ref="my-remote-socket" username="myUser" security-realm="ApplicationRealm"/>
        <local-outbound-connection name="myLocalConnection" outbound-socket-binding-ref="my-outbound-socket"/>

Configuration Aspects Not Yet Documented

  • JNDI and Multicast Automatic Detection Use Security Realms with Remote EJB Clients

One way to add security to clients which invoke EJBs remotely is to use security realms. A security realm is a simple database of username/password pairs and username/role pairs. The terminology is also used in the context of web containers, with a slightly different meaning.
To authenticate an EJB to a specific username and password which exists in a security realm, follow these steps:
  • Add a new security realm to the domain controller or standalone server.
  • Add the following parameters to the file, which is in the classpath of the application. This example assumes the connection is referred to as default by the other parameters in the file.
  • Create a custom Remoting connector on the domain or standalone server, which uses your new security realm.
  • Deploy your EJB to the server group which is configured to use the profile with the custom Remoting connector, or to your standalone server if you are not using a managed domain. Add a New Security Realm

  1. Run the Management CLI.

    Start the or jboss-cli.bat command and connect to the server.
  2. Create the new security realm itself.

    Run the following command to create a new security realm named MyDomainRealm on a domain controller or a standalone server.
  3. Create the references to the properties file which will store information about the new role.

    Run the following command to create a pointer a file named, which will contain the properties pertaining to the new role.


    The newly-created properties file is not managed by the included and add-user.bat scripts. It must be managed externally.

Your new security realm is created. When you add users and roles to this new realm, the information will be stored in a separate file from the default security realms. You can manage this new file using your own applications or procedures. Add a User to a Security Realm

  1. Run the or add-user.bat command.

    Open a terminal and change directories to the EAP_HOME/bin/ directory. If you run Red Hat Enterprise Linux or another UNIX-like operating system, run If you run Microsoft Windows Server, run add-user.bat.
  2. Choose whether to add a Management User or Application User.

    For this procedure, type b to add an Application User.
  3. Choose the realm the user will be added to.

    By default, the only available realm is ApplicationRealm. If you have added a custom realm, you can type its name instead.
  4. Type the username, password, and roles, when prompted.

    Type the desired username, password, and optional roles when prompted. Verify your choice by typing yes, or type no to cancel the changes. The changes are written to each of the properties files for the security realm. About Remote EJB Access Using SSL Encryption

By default, the network traffic for Remote Method Invocation (RMI) of EJB2 and EJB3 Beans is not encrypted. In instances where encryption is required, Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) can be utilized so that the connection between the client and server is encrypted. Using SSL also has the added benefit of allowing the network traffic to traverse firewalls that block the RMI port.

12.4. JAX-RS Application Security

12.4.1. Enable Role-Based Security for a RESTEasy JAX-RS Web Service


RESTEasy supports the @RolesAllowed, @PermitAll, and @DenyAll annotations on JAX-RS methods. However, it does not recognize these annotations by default. Follow these steps to configure the web.xml file and enable role-based security.


Do not activate role-based security if the application uses EJBs. The EJB container will provide the functionality, instead of RESTEasy.

Procedure 12.3. Enable Role-Based Security for a RESTEasy JAX-RS Web Service

  1. Open the web.xml file for the application in a text editor.
  2. Add the following <context-param> to the file, within the web-app tags:
  3. Declare all roles used within the RESTEasy JAX-RS WAR file, using the <security-role> tags:
  4. Authorize access to all URLs handled by the JAX-RS runtime for all roles:

Role-based security has been enabled within the application, with a set of defined roles.

Example 12.12. Example Role-Based Security Configuration






12.4.2. Secure a JAX-RS Web Service using Annotations


This topic covers the steps to secure a JAX-RS web service using the supported security annotations

Procedure 12.4. Secure a JAX-RS Web Service using Supported Security Annotations

  1. Enable role-based security. For more information, refer to: Section 12.4.1, “Enable Role-Based Security for a RESTEasy JAX-RS Web Service”
  2. Add security annotations to the JAX-RS web service. RESTEasy supports the following annotations:
    Defines which roles can access the method. All roles should be defined in the web.xml file.
    Allows all roles defined in the web.xml file to access the method.
    Denies all access to the method.

12.5. Secure Remote Password Protocol

12.5.1. About Secure Remote Password Protocol (SRP)

The Secure Remote Password (SRP) protocol is an implementation of a public key exchange handshake described in the Internet Standards Working Group Request For Comments 2945 (RFC2945). The RFC2945 abstract states:
This document describes a cryptographically strong network authentication mechanism known as the Secure Remote Password (SRP) protocol. This mechanism is suitable for negotiating secure connections using a user-supplied password, while eliminating the security problems traditionally associated with reusable passwords. This system also performs a secure key exchange in the process of authentication, allowing security layers (privacy and/or integrity protection) to be enabled during the session. Trusted key servers and certificate infrastructures are not required, and clients are not required to store or manage any long-term keys. SRP offers both security and deployment advantages over existing challenge-response techniques, making it an ideal drop-in replacement where secure password authentication is needed.
The complete RFC2945 specification can be obtained from Additional information on the SRP algorithm and its history can be found at
Algorithms like Diffie-Hellman and RSA are known as public key exchange algorithms. The concept of public key algorithms is that you have two keys, one public that is available to everyone, and one that is private and known only to you. When someone wants to send encrypted information to you, they encrypt the information using your public key. Only you are able to decrypt the information using your private key. Contrast this with the more traditional shared password based encryption schemes that require the sender and receiver to know the shared password. Public key algorithms eliminate the need to share passwords.

12.5.2. Configure Secure Remote Password (SRP) Protocol

To use Secure Remote Password (SRP) Protocol in your application, you first create an MBean which implements the SRPVerifierStore interface. Information about the implementation is provided in The SRPVerifierStore Implementation.

Procedure 12.5. Integrate the Existing Password Store

  1. Create the hashed password information store.

    If your passwords are already stored in an irreversible hashed form, you need to do this on a per-user basis.
    You can implement setUserVerifier(String, VerifierInfo) as a noOp method, or a method that throws an exception stating that the store is read-only.
  2. Create the SRPVerifierStore interface.

    Create a custom SRPVerifierStore interface implementation that can obtain the VerifierInfo from the store you created.
    The verifyUserChallenge(String, Object) can be used to integrate existing hardware token based schemes like SafeWord or Radius into the SRP algorithm. This interface method is called only when the client SRPLoginModule configuration specifies the hasAuxChallenge option.
  3. Create the JNDI MBean.

    Create a MBean that exposes the SRPVerifierStore interface available to JNDI, and exposes any configurable parameters required.
    The default allows you to implement this. You can also implement the MBean using a Java properties file implementation of SRPVerifierStore.
The SRPVerifierStore Implementation

The default implementation of the SRPVerifierStore interface is not recommended for production systems, becauase it requires all password hash information to be available as a file of serialized objects.

The SRPVerifierStore implementation provides access to the SRPVerifierStore.VerifierInfo object for a given username. The getUserVerifier(String) method is called by the SRPService at the start of a user SRP session to obtain the parameters needed by the SRP algorithm.

Elements of a VerifierInfo Object

The username or user ID used to authenticate
A one-way hash of the password the user enters as proof of identity. The class includes a calculateVerifier method which performs the password hashing algorithm. The output password takes the form H(salt | H(username | ':' | password)), where H is the SHA secure hash function as defined by RFC2945. The username is converted from a string to a byte[] using UTF-8 encoding.
A random number used to increase the difficulty of a brute force dictionary attack on the verifier password database in the event that the database is compromised. The value should be generated from a cryptographically strong random number algorithm when the user's existing clear-text password is hashed.
The SRP algorithm primitive generator. This can be a well known fixed parameter rather than a per-user setting. The utility class provides several settings for g, including a suitable default obtained via SRPConf.getDefaultParams().g().
The SRP algorithm safe-prime modulus. This can be a well-known fixed parameter rather than a per-user setting. The utility class provides several settings for N including a good default obtained via SRPConf.getDefaultParams().N().

Example 12.13. The SRPVerifierStore Interface



public interface SRPVerifierStore
    public static class VerifierInfo implements Serializable

        public String username;

        public byte[] salt;
        public byte[] g;
        public byte[] N;

    public VerifierInfo getUserVerifier(String username)
        throws KeyException, IOException;

    public void setUserVerifier(String username, VerifierInfo info)
        throws IOException;

     public void verifyUserChallenge(String username, Object auxChallenge)
         throws SecurityException;

Chapter 13. Single Sign On (SSO)

13.1. About Single Sign On (SSO) for Web Applications


Single Sign On (SSO) allows authentication to one resource to implicitly authorize access to other resources.

Clustered and Non-Clustered SSO

Non-clustered SSO limits the sharing of authorization information to applications on the same virtual host. In addition, there is no resiliency in the event of a host failure. Clustered SSO data can be shared between applications in multiple virtual hosts, and is resilient to failover. In addition, clustered SSO is able to receive requests from a load balancer.

How SSO Works

If a resource is unprotected, a user is not challenged to authenticate at all. If a user accesses a protected resource, the user is required to authenticate.

Upon successful authentication, the roles associated with the user are stored and used for authorization of all other associated resources.
If the user logs out of an application, or an application invalidates the session programmatically, all persisted authorization data is removed, and the process starts over.
A session timeout does not invalidate the SSO session if other sessions are still valid.

Limitations of SSO

No propagation across third-party boundaries.
SSO can only be used between applications deployed within JBoss EAP 6 containers.
Container-managed authentication only.
You must use container-managed authentication elements such as <login-config> in your application's web.xml.
Requires cookies.
SSO is maintained via browser cookies and URL rewriting is not supported.
Realm and security-domain limitations
Unless the requireReauthentication parameter is set to true, all web applications configured for the same SSO valve must share the same Realm configuration in web.xml and the same security domain.
You can nest the Realm element inside the Host element or the surrounding Engine element, but not inside a context.xml element for one of the involved web applications.
The <security-domain> configured in the jboss-web.xml must be consistent across all web applications.
All security integrations must accept the same credentials (for instance, username and password).

13.2. About Clustered Single Sign On (SSO) for Web Applications

Single Sign On (SSO) is the ability for users to authenticate to a single web application, and by means of a successful authentication, to be granted authorization to multiple other applications. Clustered SSO stores the authentication and authorization information in a clustered cache. This allows for applications on multiple different servers to share the information, and also makes the information resilient to a failure of one of the hosts.
A SSO configuration is called a valve. A valve is connected to a security domain, which is configured at the level of the server or server group. Each application which should share the same cached authentication information is configured to use the same valve. This configuration is done in the application's jboss-web.xml.
Some common SSO valves supported by the web subsystem of JBoss EAP 6 include:
  • Apache Tomcat ClusteredSingleSignOn
  • Apache Tomcat IDPWebBrowserSSOValve
  • SPNEGO-based SSO provided by PicketLink
Depending on the specific type of valve, you may need to do some additional configuration in your security domain, in order for your valve to work properly.

13.3. Choose the Right SSO Implementation

JBoss EAP 6 runs Java Enterprise Edition (EE) applications, which may be web applications, EJB applications, web services, or other types. Single Sign On (SSO) allows you to propagate security context and identity information between these applications. Depending on your organization's needs, a few different SSO solutions are available. The solution you use depends on whether you use web applications, EJB applications, or web services; whether your applications run on the same server, multiple non-clustered servers, or multiple clustered servers; and whether you need to integrate into a desktop-based authentication system or you only need authentication between your applications themselves.
Kerberos-Based Desktop SSO

If your organization already uses a Kerberos-based authentication and authorization system, such as Microsoft Active Directory, you can use the same systems to transparently authenticate to your enterprise applications running in JBoss EAP 6.

Non-Clustered and Web Application SSO

If you need to propagate security information among applications which run within the same server group or instance, you can use non-clustered SSO. This only involves configuring the valve in your application's jboss-web.xml descriptor.

Clustered Web Application SSO

If you need to propagate security information among applications running in a clustered environment across multiple JBoss EAP 6 instances, you can use the clustered SSO valve. This is configured in your application's jboss-web.xml.

13.4. Use Single Sign On (SSO) In A Web Application


Single Sign On (SSO) capabilities are provided by the web and Infinispan subsystems. Use this procedure to configure SSO in web applications.


  • You need to have a configured security domain which handles authentication and authorization.
  • The infinispan subsystem needs to be present. It is present in the full-ha profile for a managed domain, or by using the standalone-full-ha.xml configuration in a standalone server.
  • The web cache-container and SSO cache-container must each be present. The initial configuration files already contain the web cache-container, and some of the configurations already contain the SSO cache-container as well. Use the following commands to check for and enable the SSO cache container. Note that these commands modify the ha profile of a managed domain. You can change the commands to use a different profile, or remove the /profile=full portion of the command, for a standalone server.

    Example 13.1. Check for the web cache-container

    The profiles and configurations mentioned above include the web cache-container by default. Use the following command to verify its presence. If you use a different profile, substitute its name instead of ha.
    If the result is success the subsystem is present. Otherwise, you need to add it.

    Example 13.2. Add the web cache-container

    Use the following three commands to enable the web cache-container to your configuration. Modify the name of the profile as appropriate, as well as the other parameters. The parameters here are the ones used in a default configuration.

    Example 13.3. Check for the SSO cache-container

    Run the following Management CLI command:
    Look for output like the following: "sso" => {
    If you do not find it, the SSO cache-container is not present in your configuration.

    Example 13.4. Add the SSO cache-container

    /profile=ha/subsystem=infinispan/cache-container=web/replicated-cache=sso:add(mode="SYNC", batching=true)
  • The web subsystem needs to be configured to use SSO. The following command enables SSO on the virtual server called default-host, and the cookie domain The cache name is sso, and reauthentication is disabled.
  • Each application which will share the SSO information needs to be configured to use the same <security-domain> in its jboss-web.xml deployment descriptor and the same Realm in its web.xml configuration file.
Differences Between Clustered and Non-Clustered SSO Valves

Clustered SSO allows sharing of authentication between separate hosts, while non-clustered SSO does not. The clustered and non-clustered SSO valves are configured the same way, but the clustered SSO includes the cacheConfig, processExpiresInterval and maxEmptyLife parameters, which control the clustering replication of the persisted data.

Example 13.5. Example Clustered SSO Configuration

Because clustered and non-clustered SSO configurations are so similar, only a clustered configuration is shown. This example uses a security domain called tomcat.

Table 13.1. SSO Configuration Options

Option Description
The host domain to be used for SSO cookies. The default is /. To allow and to share SSO cookies, you could set the cookieDomain to
Clustered SSO only. The maximum number of seconds an SSO valve with no active sessions will be usable by a request, before expiring. A positive value allows proper handling of shutdown of a node if it is the only one with active sessions attached to the valve. If maxEmptyLife is set to 0, the valve terminates at the same time as the local session copies, but backup copies of the sessions, from clustered applications, are available to other cluster nodes. Allowing the valve to live beyond the life of its managed sessions gives the user time to make another request which can then fail over to a different node, where it activates the backup copy of the session. Defaults to 1800 seconds (30 minutes).
Clustered SSO only. The minimum number of seconds between efforts by the valve to find and invalidate SSO instances which have expired the MaxEmptyLife timeout. Defaults to 60 (1 minute).
If true, each request uses cached credentials to reauthenticate to the security realm. If false (the default), a valid SSO cookie is sufficient for the valve to authenticate each new request.
Invalidate a Session

An application can programmatically invalidate a session by invoking method javax.servlet.http.HttpSession.invalidate().

13.5. About Kerberos

Kerberos is a network authentication protocol for client/server applications. It allows authentication across a non-secure network in a secure way, using secret-key symmetric cryptography.
Kerberos uses security tokens called tickets. To use a secured service, you need to obtain a ticket from the Ticket Granting Service (TGS), which is a service running on a server on your network. After obtaining the ticket, you request a Service Ticket (ST) from an Authentication Service (AS), which is another service running on your network. You then use the ST to authenticate to the service you want to use. The TGS and the AS both run inside an enclosing service called the Key Distribution Center (KDC).
Kerberos is designed to be used in a client-server environment, and is rarely used in Web applications or thin client environments. However, many organizations already use a Kerberos system for desktop authentication, and prefer to reuse their existing system rather than create a second one for their Web Applications. Kerberos is an integral part of Microsoft Active Directory, and is also used in many Red Hat Enterprise Linux environments.

13.6. About SPNEGO

Simple and Protected GSS_API Negotiation Mechanism (SPNEGO) provides a mechanism for extending a Kerberos-based Single Sign On (SSO) environment for use in Web applications.
When an application on a client computer, such as a web browser, attempts to access a protect page on the web server, the server responds that authorization is required. The application then requests a service ticket from the Kerberos Key Distribution Center (KDC). After the ticket is obtained, the application wraps it in a request formatted for SPNEGO, and sends it back to the Web application, via the browser. The web container running the deployed Web application unpacks the request and authenticates the ticket. Upon successful authentication, access is granted.
SPNEGO works with all types of Kerberos providers, including the Kerberos service included in Red Hat Enterprise Linux and the Kerberos server which is an integral part of Microsoft Active Directory.

13.7. About Microsoft Active Directory

Microsoft Active Directory is a directory service developed by Microsoft to authenticate users and computers in a Microsoft Windows domain. It is included as part of Microsoft Windows Server. The computer in the Microsoft Windows Server is referred to as the domain controller. Red Hat Enterprise Linux servers running the Samba service can also act as the domain controller in this type of network.
Active Directory relies on three core technologies which work together:
  • Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP), for storing information about users, computers, passwords, and other resources.
  • Kerberos, for providing secure authentication over the network.
  • Domain Name Service (DNS) for providing mappings between IP addresses and host names of computers and other devices on the network.

13.8. Configure Kerberos or Microsoft Active Directory Desktop SSO for Web Applications


To authenticate your web or EJB applications using your organization's existing Kerberos-based authentication and authorization infrastructure, such as Microsoft Active Directory, you can use the JBoss Negotation capabilities built into JBoss EAP 6. If you configure your web application properly, a successful desktop or network login is sufficient to transparently authenticate against your web application, so no additional login prompt is required.

Difference from Previous Versions of the Platform

There are a few noticeable differences between JBoss EAP 6 and earlier versions:

  • Security domains are configured centrally, for each profile of a managed domain, or for each standalone server. They are not part of the deployment itself. The security domain a deployment should use is named in the deployment's jboss-web.xml or jboss-ejb3.xml file.
  • Security properties are configured as part of the security domain, as part of its central configuration. They are not part of the deployment.
  • You can no longer override the authenticators as part of your deployment. However, you can add a NegotiationAuthenticator valve to your jboss-web.xml descriptor to achieve the same effect. The valve still requires the <security-constraint> and <login-config> elements to be defined in the web.xml. These are used to decide which resources are secured. However, the chosen auth-method will be overridden by the NegotiationAuthenticator valve in the jboss-web.xml.
  • The CODE attributes in security domains now use a simple name instead of a fully-qualified class name. The following table shows the mappings between the classes used for JBoss Negotiation, and their classes.

Table 13.2. Login Module Codes and Class Names

Simple Name Class Name Purpose
Kerberos Kerberos login module
SPNEGO The mechanism which enables your Web applications to authenticate to your Kerberos authentication server.
AdvancedLdap Used with LDAP servers other than Microsoft Active Directory.
AdvancedAdLdap Used with Microsoft Active Directory LDAP servers.
Jboss Negotiation Toolkit

The JBoss Negotiation Toolkit is a debugging tool which is available for download from It is provided as an extra tool to help you to debug and test the authentication mechanisms before introducing your application into production. It is an unsupported tool, but is considered to be very helpful, as SPNEGO can be difficult to configure for web applications.

Procedure 13.1. Setup SSO Authentication for your Web or EJB Applications

  1. Configure one security domain to represent the identity of the server. Set system properties if necessary.

    The first security domain authenticates the container itself to the directory service. It needs to use a login module which accepts some type of static login mechanism, because a real user is not involved. This example uses a static principal and references a keytab file which contains the credential.
    The XML code is given here for clarity, but you should use the Management Console or Management CLI to configure your security domains.
    <security-domain name="host" cache-type="default">
          <login-module code="Kerberos" flag="required">
             <module-option name="storeKey" value="true"/>
             <module-option name="useKeyTab" value="true"/>
             <module-option name="principal" value="host/testserver@MY_REALM"/>
             <module-option name="keyTab" value="/home/username/service.keytab"/>
             <module-option name="doNotPrompt" value="true"/>
             <module-option name="debug" value="false"/>
  2. Configure a second security domain to secure the web application or applications. Set system properties if necessary.

    The second security domain is used to authenticate the individual user to the Kerberos or SPNEGO authentication server. You need at least one login module to authenticate the user, and another to search for the roles to apply to the user. The following XML code shows an example SPNEGO security domain. It includes an authorization module to map roles to individual users. You can also use a module which searches for the roles on the authentication server itself.
    <security-domain name="SPNEGO" cache-type="default">
          <!-- Check the username and password -->
          <login-module code="SPNEGO"  flag="requisite">
             <module-option name="password-stacking" value="useFirstPass"/>
             <module-option name="serverSecurityDomain" value="host"/>
          <!-- Search for roles -->
          <login-module code="UserRoles" flag="required">
             <module-option name="password-stacking" value="useFirstPass" />
             <module-option name="usersProperties" value="" />
             <module-option name="rolesProperties" value="" />
  3. Specify the security-constraint and login-config in the web.xml

    The web.xml descriptor contain information about security constraints and login configuration. The following are example values for each.
       <display-name>Security Constraint on Conversation</display-name>
       <description> role required to log in to the Application</description>
  4. Specify the security domain and other settings in the jboss-web.xml descriptor.

    Specify the name of the client-side security domain (the second one in this example) in the jboss-web.xml descriptor of your deployment, to direct your application to use this security domain.
    You can no longer override authenticators directly. Instead, you can add the NegotiationAuthenticator as a valve to your jboss-web.xml descriptor, if you need to. The <jacc-star-role-allow> allows you to use the asterisk (*) character to match multiple role names, and is optional.
  5. Add a dependency to your application's MANIFEST.MF, to locate the Negotiation classes.

    The web application needs a dependency on class to be added to the deployment's META-INF/MANIFEST.MF manifest, in order to locate the JBoss Negotiation classes. The following shows a properly-formatted entry.
    Manifest-Version: 1.0
    Build-Jdk: 1.6.0_24

Your web application accepts and authenticates credentials against your Kerberos, Microsoft Active Directory, or other SPNEGO-compatible directory service. If the user runs the application from a system which is already logged into the directory service, and where the required roles are already applied to the user, the web application does not prompt for authentication, and SSO capabilities are achieved.

Chapter 14. Role-Based Security in Applications

14.2. About Security Auditing

Security auditing refers to triggering events, such as writing to a log, in response to an event that happens within the security subsystem. Auditing mechanisms are configured as part of a security domain, along with authentication, authorization, and security mapping details.
Auditing uses provider modules. You can use one of the included ones, or implement your own.

14.3. About Security Mapping

Security mapping allows you to combine authentication and authorization information after the authentication or authorization happens, but before the information is passed to your application. One example of this is using an X509 certificate for authentication, and then converting the principal from the certificate to a logical name which your application can display.
You can map principals (authentication), roles (authorization), or credentials (attributes which are not principals or roles).
Role Mapping is used to add, replace, or remove roles to the subject after authentication.
Principal mapping is used to modify a principal after authentication.
Attribute mapping is used to convert attributes from an external system to be used by your application, and vice versa.

14.4. About the Security Extension Architecture

The architecture of the JBoss EAP 6 security extensions consists of three parts. These three parts connect your application to your underlying security infrastructure, whether it is LDAP, Kerberos, or another external system.

The first part of the infrastructure is the JAAS API. JAAS is a pluggable framework which provides a layer of abstraction between your security infrastructure and your application.

The main implementation in JAAS is, which implements the AuthenticationManager and RealmMapping interfaces. JaasSecurityManager integrates into the EJB and web container layers, based on the <security-domain> element of the corresponding component deployment descriptor.
The JaasSecurityManagerService MBean

The JaasSecurityManagerService MBean service manages security managers. Although its name begins with Jaas, the security managers it handles need not use JAAS in their implementation. The name reflects the fact that the default security manager implementation is the JaasSecurityManager.

The primary role of the JaasSecurityManagerService is to externalize the security manager implementation. You can change the security manager implementation by providing an alternate implementation of the AuthenticationManager and RealmMapping interfaces.
The second fundamental role of the JaasSecurityManagerService is to provide a JNDI javax.naming.spi.ObjectFactory implementation to allow for simple code-free management of the binding between the JNDI name and the security manager implementation. To enable security, specify the JNDI name of the security manager implementation via the <security-domain> deployment descriptor element.
When you specify a JNDI name, an object-binding needs to already exist. To simplify the setup of the binding between the JNDI name and security manager, the JaasSecurityManagerService binds a next naming system reference, nominating itself as the JNDI ObjectFactory under the name java:/jaas. This permits a naming convention of the form java:/jaas/XYZ as the value for the <security-domain> element, and the security manager instance for the XYZ security domain is created as needed, by creating an instance of the class specified by the SecurityManagerClassName attribute, using a constructor that takes the name of the security domain.


You do not need to include the java:/jaas prefix in your deployment descriptor. You may do so, for backward compatibility, but it is ignored.
The JaasSecurityDomain MBean

The is an extension of JaasSecurityManager which adds the notion of a KeyStore, a KeyManagerFactory, and a TrustManagerFactory for supporting SSL and other cryptographic use cases.

Further information

For more information, and practical examples of the security architecture in action, refer to Section 14.5, “About Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS)”.

14.5. About Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS)

The security architecture of JBoss EAP 6 is comprised of the security configuration subsystem, application-specific security configurations which are included in several configuration files within the application, and the JAAS Security Manager, which is implemented as an MBean.
Domain, Server Group, and Server Specific Configuration

Server groups (in a managed domain) and servers (in a standalone server) include the configuration for security domains. A security domain includes information about a combination of authentication, authorization, mapping, and auditing modules, with configuration details. An application specifies which security domain it requires, by name, in its jboss-web.xml.

Application-specific Configuration

Application-specific configuration takes place in one or more of the following four files.

Table 14.1. Application-Specific Configuration Files

File Description
The deployment descriptor for an Enterprise JavaBean (EJB) application, located in the META-INF directory of the EJB. Use the ejb-jar.xml to specify roles and map them to principals, at the application level. You can also limit specific methods and classes to certain roles. It is also used for other EJB-specific configuration not related to security.
The deployment descriptor for a Java Enterprise Edition (EE) web application. Use the web.xml to declare the security domain the application uses for authentication and authorization, as well as resource and transport constraints for the application, such as limiting which types of HTTP requests are allowed. You can also configure simple web-based authentication in this file. It is also used for other application-specific configuration not related to security.
Contains JBoss-specific extensions to the ejb-jar.xml descriptor.
Contains JBoss-specific extensions to the web.xml descriptor..


The ejb-jar.xml and web.xml are defined in the Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE) specification. The jboss-ejb3.xml provides JBoss-specific extensions for the ejb-jar.xml, and the jboss-web.xml provides JBoss-specific extensions for the web.xml.
The JAAS Security Manager MBean

The Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS) is a framework for user-level security in Java applications, using pluggable authentication modules (PAM). It is integrated into the Java Runtime Environment (JRE). In JBoss EAP 6, the container-side component is the MBean. It provides the default implementations of the AuthenticationManager and RealmMapping interfaces.

The JaasSecurityManager MBean integrates into the EJB and web container layers based on the security domain specified in the EJB or web deployment descriptor files in the application. When an application deploys, the container associates the security domain specified in the deployment descriptor with the security manager instance of the container. The security manager enforces the configuration of the security domain as configured on the server group or standalone server.
Flow of Interaction between the Client and the Container with JAAS

The JaasSecurityManager uses the JAAS packages to implement the AuthenticationManager and RealmMapping interface behavior. In particular, its behavior derives from the execution of the login module instances that are configured in the security domain to which the JaasSecurityManager has been assigned. The login modules implement the security domain's principal authentication and role-mapping behavior. You can use the JaasSecurityManager across different security domains by plugging in different login module configurations for the domains.

To illustrate how the JaasSecurityManager uses the JAAS authentication process, the following steps outline a client invocation of method which implements method EJBHome. The EJB has already been deployed in the server and its EJBHome interface methods have been secured using <method-permission> elements in the ejb-jar.xml descriptor. It uses the jwdomain security domain, which is specified in the <security-domain> element of the jboss-ejb3.xml file. The image below shows the steps, which are explained afterward.
Authentication steps for an EJB

Figure 14.1. Steps of a Secured EJB Method Invocation

  1. The client performs a JAAS login to establish the principal and credentials for authentication. This is labeled Client Side Login in the figure. This could also be performed via JNDI.
    To perform a JAAS login, you create a LoginContext instance and pass in the name of the configuration to use. Here, the configuration name is other. This one-time login associates the login principal and credentials with all subsequent EJB method invocations. The process does not necessarily authenticate the user. The nature of the client-side login depends on the login module configuration that the client uses. In this example, the other client-side login configuration entry uses the ClientLoginModule login module. This module binds the user name and password to the EJB invocation layer for later authentication on the server. The identity of the client is not authenticated on the client.
  2. The client obtains the EJBHome method and invokes it on the server. The invocation includes the method arguments passed by the client, along with the user identity and credentials from the client-side JAAS login.
  3. On the server, the security interceptor authenticates the user who invoked the method. This involves another JAAS login.
  4. The security domain under determines the choice of login modules. The name of the security domain is passed to the LoginContext constructor as the login configuration entry name. The EJB security domain is jwdomain. If the JAAS authentication is successful, a JAAS Subject is created. A JAAS subject includes a PrincipalSet, which includes the following details:
    • A instance that corresponds to the client identity from the deployment security environment.
    • A called Roles, which contains the role names from the user's application domain. Objects of type objects represent the role names. These roles validate access to EJB methods according to constraints in ejb-jar.xml and the EJBContext.isCallerInRole(String) method implementation.
    • An optional named CallerPrincipal, which contains a single that corresponds to the identity of the application domain's caller. The CallerPrincipal group member is the value returned by the EJBContext.getCallerPrincipal() method. This mapping allows a Principal in the operational security environment to map to a Principal known to the application. In the absence of a CallerPrincipal mapping, the operational principal is the same as the application domain principal.
  5. The server verifies that the user calling the EJB method has the permission to do so. Performing this authorization involves the following steps:
    • Obtain the names of the roles allowed to access the EJB method from the EJB container. The role names are determined by ejb-jar.xml descriptor <role-name> elements of all <method-permission> elements containing the invoked method.
    • If no roles have been assigned, or the method is specified in an exclude-list element, access to the method is denied. Otherwise, the doesUserHaveRole method is invoked on the security manager by the security interceptor to check if the caller has one of the assigned role names. This method iterates through the role names and checks if the authenticated user's Subject Roles group contains a SimplePrincipal with the assigned role name. Access is allowed if any role name is a member of the Roles group. Access is denied if none of the role names are members.
    • If the EJB uses a custom security proxy, the method invocation is delegated to the proxy. If the security proxy denies access to the caller, it throws a java.lang.SecurityException. Otherwise, access to the EJB method is allowed and the method invocation passes to the next container interceptor. The SecurityProxyInterceptor handles this check and this interceptor is not shown.
    • For web connection requests, the web server checks the security constraints defined in web.xml that match the requested resource and the accessed HTTP method.
      If a constraint exists for the request, the web server calls the JaasSecurityManager to perform the principal authentication, which in turn ensures the user roles are associated with that principal object.

14.6. Use a Security Domain in Your Application


To use a security domain in your application, first you must configure the domain in either the server's configuration file or the application's descriptor file. Then you must add the required annotations to the EJB that uses it. This topic covers the steps required to use a security domain in your application.

Procedure 14.1. Configure Your Application to Use a Security Domain

  1. Define the Security Domain

    You can define the security domain either in the server's configuration file or the application's descriptor file.
    • Configure the security domain in the server's configuration file

      The security domain is configured in the security subsystem of the server's configuration file. If the JBoss EAP 6 instance is running in a managed domain, this is the domain/configuration/domain.xml file. If the JBoss EAP 6 instance is running as a standalone server, this is the standalone/configuration/standalone.xml file.
      The other, jboss-web-policy, and jboss-ejb-policy security domains are provided by default in JBoss EAP 6. The following XML example was copied from the security subsystem in the server's configuration file.
      <subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:security:1.2">
              <security-domain name="other" cache-type="default">
                      <login-module code="Remoting" flag="optional">
                          <module-option name="password-stacking" value="useFirstPass"/>
                      <login-module code="RealmDirect" flag="required">
                          <module-option name="password-stacking" value="useFirstPass"/>
              <security-domain name="jboss-web-policy" cache-type="default">
                      <policy-module code="Delegating" flag="required"/>
              <security-domain name="jboss-ejb-policy" cache-type="default">
                      <policy-module code="Delegating" flag="required"/>
      You can configure additional security domains as needed using the Management Console or CLI.
    • Configure the security domain in the application's descriptor file

      The security domain is specified in the <security-domain> child element of the <jboss-web> element in the application's WEB-INF/jboss-web.xml file. The following example configures a security domain named my-domain.
      This is only one of many settings which you can specify in the WEB-INF/jboss-web.xml descriptor.
  2. Add the Required Annotation to the EJB

    You configure security in the EJB using the @SecurityDomain and @RolesAllowed annotations. The following EJB code example limits access to the other security domain by users in the guest role.
    package example.ejb3;
    import javax.annotation.Resource;
    import javax.ejb.SessionContext;
    import javax.ejb.Stateless;
    import org.jboss.ejb3.annotation.SecurityDomain;
     * Simple secured EJB using EJB security annotations
     * Allow access to "other" security domain by users in a "guest" role.
    @RolesAllowed({ "guest" })
    public class SecuredEJB {
       // Inject the Session Context
       private SessionContext ctx;
        * Secured EJB method using security annotations
       public String getSecurityInfo() {
          // Session context injected using the resource annotation
          Principal principal = ctx.getCallerPrincipal();
          return principal.toString();
    For more code examples, see the ejb-security quickstart in the JBoss EAP 6 Quickstarts bundle, which is available from the Red Hat Customer Portal.

14.7. Use Role-Based Security In Servlets

To add security to a servlet, you map each servlet to a URL pattern, and create security constraints on the URL patterns which need to be secured. The security constraints limit access to the URLs to roles. The authentication and authorization are handled by the security domain specified in the WAR's jboss-web.xml.

Before you use role-based security in a servlet, the security domain used to authenticate and authorize access needs to be configured in the JBoss EAP 6 container.

Procedure 14.2. Add Role-Based Security to Servlets

  1. Add mappings between servlets and URL patterns.

    Use <servlet-mapping> elements in the web.xml to map individual servlets to URL patterns. The following example maps the servlet called DisplayOpResult to the URL pattern /DisplayOpResult.
  2. Add security constraints to the URL patterns.

    To map the URL pattern to a security constraint, use a <security-constraint>. The following example constrains access from the URL pattern /DisplayOpResult to be accessed by principals with the role eap_admin. The role needs to be present in the security domain.
    	<display-name>Restrict access to role eap_admin</display-name>
    		<web-resource-name>Restrict access to role eap_admin</web-resource-name>
    You need to specify the authentication method, which can be any of the following: BASIC, FORM, DIGEST, CLIENT-CERT, SPNEGO. This example uses BASIC authentication.
  3. Specify the security domain in the WAR's jboss-web.xml

    Add the security domain to the WAR's jboss-web.xml in order to connect the servlets to the configured security domain, which knows how to authenticate and authorize principals against the security constraints. The following example uses the security domain called acme_domain.

Example 14.1. Example web.xml with Role-Based Security Configured

<web-app xmlns=""

<display-name>Use Role-Based Security In Servlets</display-name>



  <display-name>Restrict access to role eap_admin</display-name>
      <web-resource-name>Restrict access to role eap_admin</web-resource-name>




14.8. Use A Third-Party Authentication System In Your Application

You can integrate third-party security systems with JBoss EAP 6. These types of systems are usually token-based. The external system performs the authentication and passes a token back to the Web application through the request headers. This is often referred to as perimeter authentication. To configure perimeter authentication in your application, add a custom authentication valve. If you have a valve from a third-party provider, be sure it is in your classpath and follow the examples below, along with the documentation for your third-party authentication module.


The location for configuring valves has changed in JBoss EAP 6. There is no longer a context.xml deployment descriptor. Valves are configured directly in the jboss-web.xml descriptor instead. The context.xml is now ignored.

Example 14.2. Basic Authentication Valve

This valve is used for Kerberos-based SSO. It also shows the most simple pattern for specifying a third-party authenticator for your Web application.

Example 14.3. Custom Valve With Header Attributes Set

This example shows how to set custom attributes on your valve. The authenticator checks for the presence of the header ID and the session key, and passes them into the JAAS framework which drives the security layer, as the username and password value. You need a custom JAAS login module which can process the username and password and populate the subject with the correct roles. If no header values match the configured values, regular form-based authentication semantics apply.
Writing a Custom Authenticator

Writing your own authenticator is out of scope of this document. However, the following Java code is provided as an example.

Example 14.4.

 * JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source.
 * Copyright 2006, Red Hat Middleware LLC, and individual contributors
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 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this software; if not, write to the Free
 * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
 * 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site:

import java.util.StringTokenizer;

import javax.servlet.http.Cookie;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;

import org.apache.catalina.Realm;
import org.apache.catalina.Session;
import org.apache.catalina.authenticator.Constants;
import org.apache.catalina.connector.Request;
import org.apache.catalina.connector.Response;
import org.apache.catalina.deploy.LoginConfig;
import org.jboss.logging.Logger;


 * JBAS-2283: Provide custom header based authentication support
 * Header Authenticator that deals with userid from the request header Requires
 * two attributes configured on the Tomcat Service - one for the http header
 * denoting the authenticated identity and the other is the SESSION cookie
 * @author <a href="">Anil Saldhana</a>
 * @author <a href="">Stefan Guilhen</a>
 * @version $Revision$
 * @since Sep 11, 2006
public class GenericHeaderAuthenticator extends ExtendedFormAuthenticator {
  protected static Logger log = Logger

  protected boolean trace = log.isTraceEnabled();

  // JBAS-4804: GenericHeaderAuthenticator injection of ssoid and
  // sessioncookie name.
  private String httpHeaderForSSOAuth = null;

  private String sessionCookieForSSOAuth = null;

   * <p>
   * Obtain the value of the <code>httpHeaderForSSOAuth</code> attribute. This
   * attribute is used to indicate the request header ids that have to be
   * checked in order to retrieve the SSO identity set by a third party
   * security system.
   * </p>
   * @return a <code>String</code> containing the value of the
   *         <code>httpHeaderForSSOAuth</code> attribute.
  public String getHttpHeaderForSSOAuth() {
    return httpHeaderForSSOAuth;

   * <p>
   * Set the value of the <code>httpHeaderForSSOAuth</code> attribute. This
   * attribute is used to indicate the request header ids that have to be
   * checked in order to retrieve the SSO identity set by a third party
   * security system.
   * </p>
   * @param httpHeaderForSSOAuth
   *            a <code>String</code> containing the value of the
   *            <code>httpHeaderForSSOAuth</code> attribute.
  public void setHttpHeaderForSSOAuth(String httpHeaderForSSOAuth) {
    this.httpHeaderForSSOAuth = httpHeaderForSSOAuth;

   * <p>
   * Obtain the value of the <code>sessionCookieForSSOAuth</code> attribute.
   * This attribute is used to indicate the names of the SSO cookies that may
   * be present in the request object.
   * </p>
   * @return a <code>String</code> containing the names (separated by a
   *         <code>','</code>) of the SSO cookies that may have been set by a
   *         third party security system in the request.
  public String getSessionCookieForSSOAuth() {
    return sessionCookieForSSOAuth;

   * <p>
   * Set the value of the <code>sessionCookieForSSOAuth</code> attribute. This
   * attribute is used to indicate the names of the SSO cookies that may be
   * present in the request object.
   * </p>
   * @param sessionCookieForSSOAuth
   *            a <code>String</code> containing the names (separated by a
   *            <code>','</code>) of the SSO cookies that may have been set by
   *            a third party security system in the request.
  public void setSessionCookieForSSOAuth(String sessionCookieForSSOAuth) {
    this.sessionCookieForSSOAuth = sessionCookieForSSOAuth;

   * <p>
   * Creates an instance of <code>GenericHeaderAuthenticator</code>.
   * </p>
  public GenericHeaderAuthenticator() {

  public boolean authenticate(Request request, HttpServletResponse response,
      LoginConfig config) throws IOException {
    log.trace("Authenticating user");

    Principal principal = request.getUserPrincipal();
    if (principal != null) {
      if (trace)
        log.trace("Already authenticated '" + principal.getName() + "'");
      return true;

    Realm realm = context.getRealm();
    Session session = request.getSessionInternal(true);

    String username = getUserId(request);
    String password = getSessionCookie(request);

    // Check if there is sso id as well as sessionkey
    if (username == null || password == null) {
      log.trace("Username is null or password(sessionkey) is null:fallback to form auth");
      return super.authenticate(request, response, config);
    principal = realm.authenticate(username, password);

    if (principal == null) {
      forwardToErrorPage(request, response, config);
      return false;

    session.setNote(Constants.SESS_USERNAME_NOTE, username);
    session.setNote(Constants.SESS_PASSWORD_NOTE, password);

    register(request, response, principal, HttpServletRequest.FORM_AUTH,
        username, password);
    return true;

   * Get the username from the request header
   * @param request
   * @return
  protected String getUserId(Request request) {
    String ssoid = null;
    // We can have a comma-separated ids
    String ids = "";
    try {
      ids = this.getIdentityHeaderId();
    } catch (JMException e) {
      if (trace)
        log.trace("getUserId exception", e);
    if (ids == null || ids.length() == 0)
      throw new IllegalStateException(
          "Http headers configuration in tomcat service missing");

    StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(ids, ",");
    while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
      ssoid = request.getHeader(st.nextToken());
      if (ssoid != null)
    if (trace)
      log.trace("SSOID-" + ssoid);
    return ssoid;

   * Obtain the session cookie from the request
   * @param request
   * @return
  protected String getSessionCookie(Request request) {
    Cookie[] cookies = request.getCookies();
    log.trace("Cookies:" + cookies);
    int numCookies = cookies != null ? cookies.length : 0;

    // We can have comma-separated ids
    String ids = "";
    try {
      ids = this.getSessionCookieId();
      log.trace("Session Cookie Ids=" + ids);
    } catch (JMException e) {
      if (trace)
        log.trace("checkSessionCookie exception", e);
    if (ids == null || ids.length() == 0)
      throw new IllegalStateException(
          "Session cookies configuration in tomcat service missing");

    StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(ids, ",");
    while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
      String cookieToken = st.nextToken();
      String val = getCookieValue(cookies, numCookies, cookieToken);
      if (val != null)
        return val;
    if (trace)
      log.trace("Session Cookie not found");
    return null;

   * Get the configured header identity id in the tomcat service
   * @return
   * @throws JMException
  protected String getIdentityHeaderId() throws JMException {
    if (this.httpHeaderForSSOAuth != null)
      return this.httpHeaderForSSOAuth;
    return (String) mserver.getAttribute(new ObjectName(
        "jboss.web:service=WebServer"), "HttpHeaderForSSOAuth");

   * Get the configured session cookie id in the tomcat service
   * @return
   * @throws JMException
  protected String getSessionCookieId() throws JMException {
    if (this.sessionCookieForSSOAuth != null)
      return this.sessionCookieForSSOAuth;
    return (String) mserver.getAttribute(new ObjectName(
        "jboss.web:service=WebServer"), "SessionCookieForSSOAuth");

   * Get the value of a cookie if the name matches the token
   * @param cookies
   *            array of cookies
   * @param numCookies
   *            number of cookies in the array
   * @param token
   *            Key
   * @return value of cookie
  protected String getCookieValue(Cookie[] cookies, int numCookies,
      String token) {
    for (int i = 0; i < numCookies; i++) {
      Cookie cookie = cookies[i];
      log.trace("Matching cookieToken:" + token + " with cookie name="
          + cookie.getName());
      if (token.equals(cookie.getName())) {
        if (trace)
          log.trace("Cookie-" + token + " value=" + cookie.getValue());
        return cookie.getValue();
    return null;

Chapter 15. Migration

15.1. Configure Application Security Changes

Configure security for basic authentication

In previous versions of JBoss EAP, properties files placed in the EAP_HOME/server/SERVER_NAME/conf/ directory were on classpath and could be easily found by the UsersRolesLoginModule. In JBoss EAP 6, the directory structure has changed. Properties files must be packaged within the application to make them available in the classpath.


You must stop the server before editing the server configuration file for your change to be persisted on server restart.
To configure security for basic authentication, add a new security domain under security-domains to the standalone/configuration/standalone.xml or the domain/configuration/domain.xml server configuration file:
<security-domain name="example">
        <login-module code="UsersRoles" flag="required">
            <module-option name="usersProperties" 
            <module-option name="rolesProperties" 
If the JBoss EAP 6 instance is running as a standalone server, ${jboss.server.config.dir} refers to the EAP_HOME/standalone/configuration/ directory. If the instance is running in a managed domain, ${jboss.server.config.dir} refers to the EAP_HOME/domain/configuration/ directory.
Modify security domain names

In JBoss EAP 6, security domains no longer use the prefix java:/jaas/ in their names.

  • For Web applications, you must remove this prefix from the security domain configurations in the jboss-web.xml.
  • For Enterprise applications, you must remove this prefix from the security domain configurations in the jboss-ejb3.xml file. This file has replaced the jboss.xml in JBoss EAP 6.

Chapter 16. Authentication and Authorization

16.1. About Authentication

Authentication refers to identifying a subject and verifying the authenticity of the identification. The most common authentication mechanism is a username and password combination. Other common authentication mechanisms use shared keys, smart cards, or fingerprints. The outcome of a successful authentication is referred to as a principal, in terms of Java Enterprise Edition declarative security.
JBoss EAP 6 uses a pluggable system of authentication modules to provide flexibility and integration with the authentication systems you already use in your organization. Each security domain contains one or more configured authentication modules. Each module includes additional configuration parameters to customize its behavior. The easiest way to configure the authentication subsystem is within the web-based management console.
Authentication is not the same as authorization, although they are often linked. Many of the included authentication modules can also handle authorization.

16.2. About Authorization

Authorization is a mechanism for granting or denying access to a resource based on identity. It is implemented as a set of declarative security roles which can be granted to principals.
JBoss EAP 6 uses a modular system to configure authorization. Each security domain can contain one or more authorization policies. Each policy has a basic module which defines its behavior. It is configured through specific flags and attributes. The easiest way to configure the authorization subsystem is by using the web-based management console.
Authorization is different from authentication, and usually happens after authentication. Many of the authentication modules also handle authorization.

16.3. Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS)

Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS) is a security API which consists of a set of Java packages designed for user authentication and authorization. The API is a Java implementation of the standard Pluggable Authentication Modules (PAM) framework. It extends the Java Enterprise Edition access control architecture to support user-based authorization.
In JBoss EAP 6, JAAS only provides declarative role-based security. For more information about declarative security, refer to Section 2.4, “About Declarative Security”.
JAAS is independent of any underlying authentication technologies, such as Kerberos or LDAP. You can change your underlying security structure without changing your application. You only need to change the JAAS configuration.

16.4. About Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS)

The security architecture of JBoss EAP 6 is comprised of the security configuration subsystem, application-specific security configurations which are included in several configuration files within the application, and the JAAS Security Manager, which is implemented as an MBean.
Domain, Server Group, and Server Specific Configuration

Server groups (in a managed domain) and servers (in a standalone server) include the configuration for security domains. A security domain includes information about a combination of authentication, authorization, mapping, and auditing modules, with configuration details. An application specifies which security domain it requires, by name, in its jboss-web.xml.

Application-specific Configuration

Application-specific configuration takes place in one or more of the following four files.

Table 16.1. Application-Specific Configuration Files

File Description
The deployment descriptor for an Enterprise JavaBean (EJB) application, located in the META-INF directory of the EJB. Use the ejb-jar.xml to specify roles and map them to principals, at the application level. You can also limit specific methods and classes to certain roles. It is also used for other EJB-specific configuration not related to security.
The deployment descriptor for a Java Enterprise Edition (EE) web application. Use the web.xml to declare the security domain the application uses for authentication and authorization, as well as resource and transport constraints for the application, such as limiting which types of HTTP requests are allowed. You can also configure simple web-based authentication in this file. It is also used for other application-specific configuration not related to security.
Contains JBoss-specific extensions to the ejb-jar.xml descriptor.
Contains JBoss-specific extensions to the web.xml descriptor..


The ejb-jar.xml and web.xml are defined in the Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE) specification. The jboss-ejb3.xml provides JBoss-specific extensions for the ejb-jar.xml, and the jboss-web.xml provides JBoss-specific extensions for the web.xml.
The JAAS Security Manager MBean

The Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS) is a framework for user-level security in Java applications, using pluggable authentication modules (PAM). It is integrated into the Java Runtime Environment (JRE). In JBoss EAP 6, the container-side component is the MBean. It provides the default implementations of the AuthenticationManager and RealmMapping interfaces.

The JaasSecurityManager MBean integrates into the EJB and web container layers based on the security domain specified in the EJB or web deployment descriptor files in the application. When an application deploys, the container associates the security domain specified in the deployment descriptor with the security manager instance of the container. The security manager enforces the configuration of the security domain as configured on the server group or standalone server.
Flow of Interaction between the Client and the Container with JAAS

The JaasSecurityManager uses the JAAS packages to implement the AuthenticationManager and RealmMapping interface behavior. In particular, its behavior derives from the execution of the login module instances that are configured in the security domain to which the JaasSecurityManager has been assigned. The login modules implement the security domain's principal authentication and role-mapping behavior. You can use the JaasSecurityManager across different security domains by plugging in different login module configurations for the domains.

To illustrate how the JaasSecurityManager uses the JAAS authentication process, the following steps outline a client invocation of method which implements method EJBHome. The EJB has already been deployed in the server and its EJBHome interface methods have been secured using <method-permission> elements in the ejb-jar.xml descriptor. It uses the jwdomain security domain, which is specified in the <security-domain> element of the jboss-ejb3.xml file. The image below shows the steps, which are explained afterward.
Authentication steps for an EJB

Figure 16.1. Steps of a Secured EJB Method Invocation

  1. The client performs a JAAS login to establish the principal and credentials for authentication. This is labeled Client Side Login in the figure. This could also be performed via JNDI.
    To perform a JAAS login, you create a LoginContext instance and pass in the name of the configuration to use. Here, the configuration name is other. This one-time login associates the login principal and credentials with all subsequent EJB method invocations. The process does not necessarily authenticate the user. The nature of the client-side login depends on the login module configuration that the client uses. In this example, the other client-side login configuration entry uses the ClientLoginModule login module. This module binds the user name and password to the EJB invocation layer for later authentication on the server. The identity of the client is not authenticated on the client.
  2. The client obtains the EJBHome method and invokes it on the server. The invocation includes the method arguments passed by the client, along with the user identity and credentials from the client-side JAAS login.
  3. On the server, the security interceptor authenticates the user who invoked the method. This involves another JAAS login.
  4. The security domain under determines the choice of login modules. The name of the security domain is passed to the LoginContext constructor as the login configuration entry name. The EJB security domain is jwdomain. If the JAAS authentication is successful, a JAAS Subject is created. A JAAS subject includes a PrincipalSet, which includes the following details:
    • A instance that corresponds to the client identity from the deployment security environment.
    • A called Roles, which contains the role names from the user's application domain. Objects of type objects represent the role names. These roles validate access to EJB methods according to constraints in ejb-jar.xml and the EJBContext.isCallerInRole(String) method implementation.
    • An optional named CallerPrincipal, which contains a single that corresponds to the identity of the application domain's caller. The CallerPrincipal group member is the value returned by the EJBContext.getCallerPrincipal() method. This mapping allows a Principal in the operational security environment to map to a Principal known to the application. In the absence of a CallerPrincipal mapping, the operational principal is the same as the application domain principal.
  5. The server verifies that the user calling the EJB method has the permission to do so. Performing this authorization involves the following steps:
    • Obtain the names of the roles allowed to access the EJB method from the EJB container. The role names are determined by ejb-jar.xml descriptor <role-name> elements of all <method-permission> elements containing the invoked method.
    • If no roles have been assigned, or the method is specified in an exclude-list element, access to the method is denied. Otherwise, the doesUserHaveRole method is invoked on the security manager by the security interceptor to check if the caller has one of the assigned role names. This method iterates through the role names and checks if the authenticated user's Subject Roles group contains a SimplePrincipal with the assigned role name. Access is allowed if any role name is a member of the Roles group. Access is denied if none of the role names are members.
    • If the EJB uses a custom security proxy, the method invocation is delegated to the proxy. If the security proxy denies access to the caller, it throws a java.lang.SecurityException. Otherwise, access to the EJB method is allowed and the method invocation passes to the next container interceptor. The SecurityProxyInterceptor handles this check and this interceptor is not shown.
    • For web connection requests, the web server checks the security constraints defined in web.xml that match the requested resource and the accessed HTTP method.
      If a constraint exists for the request, the web server calls the JaasSecurityManager to perform the principal authentication, which in turn ensures the user roles are associated with that principal object.

16.5. Java Authorization Contract for Containers (JACC)

16.5.1. About Java Authorization Contract for Containers (JACC)

Java Authorization Contract for Containers (JACC) is a standard which defines a contract between containers and authorization service providers, which results in the implementation of providers for use by containers. It was defined in JSR-115, which can be found on the Java Community Process website at It has been part of the core Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE) specification since Java EE version 1.3.
JBoss EAP 6 implements support for JACC within the security functionality of the security subsystem.

16.5.2. Configure Java Authorization Contract for Containers (JACC) Security

To configure Java Authorization Contract for Containers (JACC), you need to configure your security domain with the correct module, and then modify your jboss-web.xml to include the correct parameters.
Add JACC Support to the Security Domain

To add JACC support to the security domain, add the JACC authorization policy to the authorization stack of the security domain, with the required flag set. The following is an example of a security domain with JACC support. However, the security domain is configured in the Management Console or Management CLI, rather than directly in the XML.

<security-domain name="jacc" cache-type="default">
        <login-module code="UsersRoles" flag="required">
        <policy-module code="JACC" flag="required"/>
Configure a Web Application to use JACC

The jboss-web.xml is located in the META-INF/ or WEB-INF/ directory of your deployment, and contains overrides and additional JBoss-specific configuration for the web container. To use your JACC-enabled security domain, you need to include the <security-domain> element, and also set the <use-jboss-authorization> element to true. The following application is properly configured to use the JACC security domain above.

Configure an EJB Application to Use JACC

Configuring EJBs to use a security domain and to use JACC differs from Web Applications. For an EJB, you can declare method permissions on a method or group of methods, in the ejb-jar.xml descriptor. Within the <ejb-jar> element, any child <method-permission> elements contain information about JACC roles. Refer to the example configuration for more details. The EJBMethodPermission class is part of the Java Enterprise Edition 6 API, and is documented at

Example 16.1. Example JACC Method Permissions in an EJB

    <description>The employee and temp-employee roles may access any method of the EmployeeService bean </description>

You can also constrain the authentication and authorization mechanisms for an EJB by using a security domain, just as you can do for a web application. Security domains are declared in the jboss-ejb3.xml descriptor, in the <security> child element. In addition to the security domain, you can also specify the run-as principal, which changes the principal the EJB runs as.

Example 16.2. Example Security Domain Declaration in an EJB


16.6. Java Authentication SPI for Containers (JASPI)

16.6.1. About Java Authentication SPI for Containers (JASPI) Security

Java Application SPI for Containers (JASPI or JASPIC) is a pluggable interface for Java applications. It is defined in JSR-196 of the Java Community Process. Refer to for details about the specification.

16.6.2. Configure Java Authentication SPI for Containers (JASPI) Security

To authenticate against a JASPI provider, add a <authentication-jaspi> element to your security domain. The configuration is similar to a standard authentication module, but login module elements are enclosed in a <login-module-stack> element. The structure of the configuration is:

Example 16.3. Structure of the authentication-jaspi element

	<login-module-stack name="...">
	  <login-module code="..." flag="...">
	    <module-option name="..." value="..."/>
	<auth-module code="..." login-module-stack-ref="...">
	  <module-option name="..." value="..."/>

The login module itself is configured in exactly the same way as a standard authentication module.
Because the web-based management console does not expose the configuration of JASPI authentication modules, you need to stop JBoss EAP 6 completely before adding the configuration directly to EAP_HOME/domain/configuration/domain.xml or EAP_HOME/standalone/configuration/standalone.xml.

Appendix A. Reference

A.1. Included Authentication Modules

The following authentication modules are included in JBoss EAP 6. Some of these handle authorization as well as authentication. These usually include the word Role within the Code name.
When you configure these modules, use the Code value or the full (package qualified) name to refer to the module.

Table A.1. Client

This login module is designed to establish caller identity and credentials when JBoss EAP 6 is acting as a client. It should never be used as part of a security domain used for actual server authentication.

Table A.2. Client Module Options

Option Type Default Description
true or false
Set to true if each thread has its own principal and credential storage. Set to false to indicate that all threads in the VM share the same identity and credential.
useFirstPass or false
Set to useFirstPass to indicate that this login module should look for information stored in the LoginContext to use as the identity. This option can be used when stacking other login modules with this one.
true or false
Set to true if the identity and credential seen at the start of the login() method should be restored after the logout() method is invoked.

Table A.3. Certificate

This login module is designed to authenticate users based on X509 Certificates. A use case for this is CLIENT-CERT authentication of a web application.

Table A.4. Certificate Module Options

Option Type Default Description
Name of the security domain that has the JSSE configuration for the truststore holding the trusted certificates.
The class name of the to use for verification of the login certificate.

Table A.5. CertificateUsers

Uses a properties resources. The first maps usernames to passwords, and the second maps usernames to roles.

Table A.6. CertificateUsers Module Options

Option Type Default Description
A string
Defines the principal name that should be assigned to requests which contain no authentication information. This can allow unprotected servlets to invoke methods on EJBs that do not require a specific role. Such a principal has no associated roles and can only access either unsecured EJBs or EJB methods that are associated with the unchecked permission constraint.
useFirstPass or false
Set to useFirstPass to indicate that this login module should look for information stored in the LoginContext to use as the identity. This option can be used when stacking other login modules with this one.
hashAlgorithm A string
The name of the algorithm to use to hash the password. There is no default so this option must be explicitly set to enable hashing. When hashAlgorithm is specified, the clear text password obtained from the CallbackHandler is hashed before it is passed to UsernamePasswordLoginModule.validatePassword as the inputPassword argument. The expectedPassword stored in the file must be comparably hashed. Refer to for information on and the algorithms this class supports.
base64 or hex
The string format for the hashed password, if hashAlgorithm is also set.
A string
The default encoding set in the container's environment.
The encoding used to convert the clear-text password to a byte array.
The fully-qualified file path and name of a properties file or resource
The file containing the mappings between users and passwords. Each property in the file has the format username=password.
The fully-qualified file path and name of a properties file or resource
The file containing the mappings between users and roles. Each property in the file has the format username=role1,role2,...,roleN.
true or false
Whether the password comparison should ignore case. This is useful for hashed password encoding where the case of the hashed password is not significant.
A fully-qualified classname.
A Principal implementation class which contains a constructor that takes a String argument for the princpal name.
A single character
. (a single period)
The character used to seperate the username from the role group name in the rolesGroup file.
Name of the resource or file to fall back to if the usersProperties file can't be found.
Name of the resource or file to fall back to if the rolesProperties file cannot be found.
true or false
Whether to hash the password entered by the user, when hashAlgorithm is specified. Defaults to true.
true or false
Whether the store password returned from getUsersPassword() should be hashed, when hashAlgorithm is specified.
A fully-qualified classname.
The class name of the org.jboss.crypto.digest.DigestCallback implementation that includes pre or post digest content such as salt values. Only used if hashAlgorithm is specified.
A fully-qualified classname.
The class name of the org.jboss.crypto.digest.DigestCallback implementation that includes pre/post digest content like salts for hashing the store password. Only used if hashStorePassword is true and hashAlgorithm is specified.
Various none
All options prefixed with callback.option. are passed to the DigestCallback.init(Map) method. The input username is always passed in via the option, and the input/store password is passed in via the option to the digestCallback or storeDigestCallback.

Table A.7. CertificateRoles

This login module extends the Certificate login module to add role mapping capabilities from a properties file. It takes all of the same options as the Certificate login module, and adds the following options.

Table A.8. CertificateRoles Module Options

Option Type Default Description
A string
The name of the resource or file containing the roles to assign to each user. The role properties file must be in the format username=role1,role2 where the username is the DN of the certificate, escaping any = (equals) and space characters. The following example is in the correct format:
CN\=unit-tests-client,\ OU\=Red\ Hat\ Inc.,\ O\=Red\ Hat\ Inc.,\ ST\=North\ Carolina,\ C\=US=JBossAdmin
A string
Name of the resource or file to fall back to if the rolesProperties file cannot be found.
A single character
. (a single period)
Which character to use as the role group separator in the roleProperties file.

Table A.9. Database

Code Database
A JDBC-based login module that supports authentication and role mapping. It is based on two logical tables, with the following definitions.
  • Principals: PrincipalID (text), Password (text)
  • Roles: PrincipalID (text), Role (text), RoleGroup (text)

Table A.10. Database Module Options

Option Type Default Description
A JNDI resource
The name of the JNDI resource storing the authentication information. This option is required.
A prepared SQL statement
select Password from Principals where PrincipalID=?
The prepared SQL query to obtain the information about the principal.
A prepared SQL statement
select Role, RoleGroup from Roles where PrincipalID=?
The prepared SQL query to obtain the information about the roles. It should be equivalent to select Role, RoleGroup from Roles where PrincipalID=?, where Role is the role name and the RoleGroup column value should always be either Roles with a capital R or CallerPrincipal.

Table A.11. DatabaseCertificate

This login module extends the Certificate login module to add role mapping capabilities from a database table. It has the same options plus these additional options:

Table A.12. DatabaseCertificate Module Options

Option Type Default Description
A JNDI resource
The name of the JNDI resource storing the authentication information. This option is required.
A prepared SQL statement
select Role,RoleGroup from Roles where PrincipalID=?
SQL prepared statement to be executed in order to map roles. It should be an equivalent to select Role, RoleGroup from Roles where PrincipalID=?, where Role is the role name and the RoleGroup column value should always be either Roles with a capital R or CallerPrincipal.
true or false
Whether any existing JTA transaction should be suspended during database operations.

Table A.13. Identity

Associates the principal specified in the module options with any subject authenticated against the module. The type of Principal class used is If no principal option is specified a principal with the name of guest is used.

Table A.14. Identity Module Options

Option Type Default Description
A string
The name to use for the principal.
A comma-separated list of strings
A comma-delimited list of roles which will be assigned to the subject.

Table A.15. Ldap

Authenticates against an LDAP server, when the username and password are stored in an LDAP server that is accessible using a JNDI LDAP provider. Many of the options are not required, because they are determined by the LDAP provider or the environment.

Table A.16. Ldap Module Options

Option Type Default Description
class name
InitialContextFactory implementation class name.
ldap:// URL
URL for the LDAP server.
none, simple, or the name of a SASL mechanism
The security level to use to bind to the LDAP server.
A transport protocol
If unspecified, determined by the provider.
The transport protocol to use for secure access, such as SSL.
A string
The name of the principal for authenticating the caller to the service. This is built from other properties described below.
A credential type
The type of credential used by the authentication scheme. Some examples include hashed password, clear-text password, key, or certificate. If this property is unspecified, the behavior is determined by the service provider.
A string
Prefix added to the username to form the user DN. You can prompt the user for a username and build the fully-qualified DN by using the principalDNPrefix and principalDNSuffix.
Suffix added to the username to form the user DN. You can prompt the user for a username and build the fully-qualified DN by using the principalDNPrefix and principalDNSuffix.
true or false
Whether the credential should be obtained as an opaque Object using the type of Callback rather than as a char[] password using a JAAS PasswordCallback. This allows for passing non-char[] credential information to the LDAP server.
A fully-qualified DN
The fully-qualified DN for the context to search for user roles.
An attribute
The attribute in the user object that contains the DN for the context to search for user roles. This differs from rolesCtxDN in that the context to search for a user's roles may be unique for each user.
An attribute
Name of the attribute containing the user roles.
true or false
Whether or not the roleAttributeID contains the fully-qualified DN of a role object. If false, the role name is taken from the value of the roleNameAttributeId attribute of the context name. Certain directory schemas, such as Microsoft Active Directory, require this attribute to be set to true.
An attribute
Name of the attribute within the roleCtxDN context which contains the role name. If the roleAttributeIsDN property is set to true, this property is used to find the role object's name attribute.
An attribute
Name of the attribute in the UserRolesAttributeDN that corresponds to the user ID. This is used to locate the user roles.
true or false
Whether or not the search for user roles should match on the user's fully distinguished DN or the username only. If true, the full user DN is used as the match value. If false, only the username is used as the match value against the uidAttributeName attribute.
true or false
Whether to allow empty passwords. Most LDAP servers treat empty passwords as anonymous login attempts. To reject empty passwords, set this to false.

Table A.17. LdapExtended

An alternate LDAP login module implementation that uses searches to locate the bind user and associated roles. The roles query recursively follows DNs to navigate a hierarchical role structure. It uses the same java.naming options as the Ldap module, and uses the following options instead of the other options of the Ldap module.
The authentication happens in 2 steps:
  1. An initial bind to the LDAP server is done using the bindDN and bindCredential options. The bindDN is a LDAP user with the ability to search both the baseCtxDN and rolesCtxDN trees for the user and roles. The user DN to authenticate against is queried using the filter specified by the baseFilter attribute.
  2. The resulting user DN is authenticated by binding to the LDAP server using the user DN as the InitialLdapContext environment Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL. The Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS property is set to the String password obtained by the callback handler.

Table A.18. LdapExtended Module Options

Option Type Default Description
A fully-qualified DN
The fixed DN of the top-level context to begin the user search.
A fully-qualified DN
The DN used to bind against the LDAP server for the user and roles queries. This DN needs read and search permissions on the baseCtxDN and rolesCtxDN values.
A string, optionally encrypted
The password for the bindDN. This can be encrypted if the jaasSecurityDomain is specified.
A JMX ObjectName
The JMX ObjectName of the JaasSecurityDomain to use to decrypt the bindCredential. The encrypted form of the password is the format returned by the JaasSecurityDomain.encrypt64(byte[]) method.
LDAP filter string
A search filter used to locate the context of the user to authenticate. The input username or userDN obtained from the login module callback is substituted into the filter anywhere a {0} expression is used. A common example for the search filter is (uid={0}).
fully-qualified DN
The fixed DN of the context to search for user roles. This is not the DN where the actual roles are, but the DN where the objects containing the user roles are. For example, in a Microsoft Active Directory server, this is the DN where the user account is.
LDAP filter string
A search filter used to locate the roles associated with the authenticated user. The input username or userDN obtained from the login module callback is substituted into the filter anywhere a {0} expression is used. The authenticated userDN is substituted into the filter anywhere a {1} is used. An example search filter that matches on the input username is (member={0}). An alternative that matches on the authenticated userDN is (member={1}).
true or false
Whether or not the roleAttributeID contains the fully-qualified DN of a role object. If false, the role name is taken from the value of the roleNameAttributeId attribute of the context name. Certain directory schemas, such as Microsoft Active Directory, require this attribute to be set to true.
Role name
A role included for all authenticated users
true or false
A flag indicating if the DN returned by a query contains the roleNameAttributeID. If set to true, the DN is checked for the roleNameATtributeID. If set to false, the DN is not checked for the roleNameAttributeID. This flag can improve the performance of LDAP queries.
true or false
A flag indicating if the DN is to be parsed for the username. If set to true, the DN is parsed for the username. If set to false the DN is not parsed for the username. This option is used together with usernameBeginString and usernameEndString.
a string
Defines the string which is to be removed from the start of the DN to reveal the username. This option is used together with usernameEndString.
a string
Defines the string which is to be removed from the end of the DN to reveal the username. This option is used together with usernameBeginString.
An attribute
Name of the attribute within the roleCtxDN context which contains the role name. If the roleAttributeIsDN property is set to true, this property is used to find the role object's name attribute.
An attribute
The name of the attribute in the user entry that contains the DN of the user. This may be necessary if the DN of the user itself contains special characters (backslash for example) that prevent correct user mapping. If the attribute does not exist, the entry's DN is used.
An integer
The numbers of levels of recursion the role search will go below a matching context. Disable recursion by setting this to 0.
An integer
10000 (10 seconds)
The timeout in milliseconds for user or role searches.
The search scope to use.
true or false
Whether to allow empty passwords. Most LDAP servers treat empty passwords as anonymous login attempts. To reject empty passwords, set this to false.

Table A.19. RoleMapping

Maps a role which is the end result of the authentication process to a declarative role. This module must be flagged as optional when you add it to the security domain.

Table A.20. RoleMapping Module Options

Option Type Default Description
The fully-qualified file path and name of a properties file or resource
The fully-qualified file path and name of a properties file or resource which maps roles to replacement roles. The format is original_role=role1,role2,role3
true or false
Whether to add to the current roles, or replace the current roles with the mapped ones. Replaces if set to true.

Table A.21. RunAs

A helper module that pushes a run as role onto the stack for the duration of the login phase of authentication, and pops the run as role off the stack in either the commit or abort phase. This login module provides a role for other login modules that must access secured resources in order to perform their authentication, such as a login module which accesses a secured EJB. RunAsLoginModule must be configured before the login modules that require a run as role to be established.

Table A.22. RunAs Options

Option Type Default Description
A role name.
The name of the role to use as the run as role during the login phase.

Table A.23. Simple

A module for quick setup of security for testing purposes. It implements the following simple algorithm:
  • If the password is null, authenticate the user and assign an identity of guest and a role of guest.
  • Otherwise, if the password is equal to the user, assign an identity equal to the username and both admin and guest roles.
  • Otherwise, authentication fails.
Simple Module Options

The Simple module has no options.

Table A.24. ConfiguredIdentity

Associates the principal specified in the module options with any subject authenticated against the module. The type of Principal class used is

Table A.25. ConfiguredIdentity Module Options

Option Type Default Description
Name of a principal.
The principal which will be associated with any subject authenticated against the module.

Table A.26. SecureIdentity

This module is provided for legacy purposes. It allows you to encrypt a password and then use the encrypted password with a static principal. If your application uses SecureIdentity, consider using a password vault mechanism instead.

Table A.27. SecureIdentity Module Options

Option Type Default Description
string none The username for authentication.
encrypted string none
The password to use for authentication. To encrypt the password, use the module directly at the command line.
java password_to_encrypt
Paste the result of this command into the module option's value field.
A JCA resource none
The name of the JCA connection factory for your datasource.

Table A.28. PropertiesUsers

Uses a properties file to store usernames and passwords for authentication. No authorization (role mapping) is provided. This module is only appropriate for testing.

Table A.29. PropertiesUsers Module Options

Option Type Default Description
The fully-qualified file path and name of a Java properties file or resource. none
The properties file containing the usernames and clear-text passwords to be used for authentication.

Table A.30. SimpleUsers

This login module stores the username and clear-text password in a Java properties file. It is included for testing only, and is not appropriate for a production environment.

Table A.31. SimpleUsers Module Options

Option Type Default Description
string none The username to use for authentication.
string none The clear-text password to use for authentication.

Table A.32. LdapUsers

The LdapUsers module is superseded by the ExtendedLDAP and AdvancedLdap modules.

Table A.33. Kerberos

Performs Kerberos login authentication, using GSSAPI. This module is part of the security framework from the API provided by Sun Microsystems. Details can be found at This module needs to be paired with another module which handles the authentication and roles mapping.

Table A.34. Kerberos Module Options

Option Type Default Description
true or false
Whether or not to add the KerberosKey to the subject's private credentials.
true or false
If set to true, the user is not prompted for the password.
Boolean value of true or false
If true, the GTG is obtained from the ticket cache. If false, the ticket cache is not used.
A file or resource representing a Kerberos ticket cache.
The default depends on which operating system you use.
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux / Solaris: /tmp/krb5cc_uid, using the numeric UID value of the operating system.
  • Microsoft Windows Server: uses the Local Security Authority (LSA) API to find the ticketcache.
The location of the ticket cache.
true or false
false Whether to obtain the principal's key from a key table file.
A file or resource representing a Kerberos keytab.
the location in the operating system's Kerberos configuration file, or /home/user/krb5.keytab
The location of the key table file.
A string none
The name of the principal. This can either be a simple user name or a service name such as host/ Use this instead of obtaining the principal from the key table, or when the key table contains more than one principal.
true or false
Whether to retrieve the username and password from the module's shared state, using and as the keys. If authentication fails, no retry attempt is made.
true or false
Same as useFirstPass, but if authentication fails, the module uses the CallbackHandler to retrieve a new username and password. If the second authentication fails, the failure is reported to the calling application.
true or false
Whether to store the username and password in the module's shared state. This does not happen if the keys already exist in the shared state, or if authentication fails.
true or false
Set this to true to clear the username and password from the shared state after both phases of authentication complete.

Table A.35. SPNEGOUsers

Allows SPNEGO authentication to a Microsoft Active Directory server or other environment which supports SPNEGO. SPNEGO can also carry Kerberos credentials. This module needs to be paired with another module which handles authentication and role mapping.

Table A.36. SPNEGO Module Options

Option Type Default Description
true or false
Whether or not to store the key.
true or false
Whether to use a key table.
String reperesenting a principal for Kerberos auhentication.
The name of the principal for authentication.
A file or resource representing a keytab.
The location of a key table.
true or false
Whether to prompt for a password.
true or false
Whether to record more verbose messages for debugging purposes.

Table A.37. AdvancedLdap

Code AdvancedLdap
A module which provides additional functionality, such as SASL and the use of a JAAS security domain.

Table A.38. AdvancedLdap Module Options

Option Type Default Description
The type of SASL authentication to use for binding to the directory server.
The name of the JAAS security domain to use.
The URI of the directory server.
A fully qualified Distinguished Name (DN).
The distinguished name to use as the base for searches.
String representing a LDAP search filter.
The filter to use to narrow down search results.
A string representing an LDAP attribute.
The LDAP attribute which contains the names of authorization roles.
true or false
Whether the role attribute is a Distinguished Name (DN).
String representing an LDAP attribute.
The attribute contained within the RoleAttributeId which contains the actual role attribute.
true or false
Whether to recorsively search the RoleAttributeId for roles.

Table A.39. AdvancedADLdap

Code AdvancedADLdap
This module extends the AdvancedLdap login module, and adds extra parameters that are relevant to Microsoft Active Directory.

Table A.40. UsersRoles

Code UsersRoles
A simple login module that supports multiple users and user roles stored in two different properties files.

Table A.41. UsersRoles Module Options

Option Type Default Description
Path to a file or resource.
The file or resource which contains the user-to-password mappings. The format of the file is user=hashed-password
Path to a file or resource.
The file or resource which contains the user-to-role mappings. The format of the file is username=role1,role2,role3
useFirstPass or false
A value of useFirstPass indicates that this login module should first look to the information stored in the LoginContext for the identity. This option can be used when stacking other login modules with this one.
A string representing a password hashing algorithm.
The name of the algorithm to use to hash the password. There is no default so this option must be explicitly set to enable hashing. When hashAlgorithm is specified, the clear text password obtained from the CallbackHandler is hashed before it is passed to UsernamePasswordLoginModule.validatePassword as the inputPassword argument. The password stored in the file must be comparably hashed.
base64 or hex
The string format for the hashed password, if hashAlgorithm is also set.
A string
The default encoding set in the container's runtime environment
The encoding used to convert the clear-text password to a byte array.
A principal name
Defines the principal name assigned to requests which contain no authentication information. This can allow unprotected servlets to invoke methods on EJBs that do not require a specific role. Such a principal has no associated roles and can only access unsecured EJBs or EJB methods that are associated with the unchecked permission constraint.
Custom Authentication Modules

Authentication modules are implementations of Refer to the API documentation for more information about creating a custom authentication module.

A.2. Included Authorization Modules

The following modules provide authorization services.
Code Class

A.3. Included Security Mapping Modules

The following security mapping roles are provided in JBoss EAP 6.
Code Class

A.4. Included Security Auditing Provider Modules

JBoss EAP 6 provides one security auditing provider.
Code Class

A.5. jboss-web.xml Configuration Reference


The jboss-web.xml is a file within your deployment's WEB-INF or META-INF directory. It contains configuration information about features the JBoss Web container adds to the Servlet 3.0 specification. Settings specific to the Servlet 3.0 specification are placed into web.xml in the same directory.

The top-level element in the jboss-web.xml file is the <jboss-web> element.
Mapping Global Resources to WAR Requirements

Many of the available settings map requirements set in the application's web.xml to local resources. The explanations of the web.xml settings can be found at

For instance, if the web.xml requires jdbc/MyDataSource, the jboss-web.xml may map the global datasource java:/DefaultDS to fulfill this need. The WAR uses the global datasource to fill its need for jdbc/MyDataSource.

Table A.42. Common Top-Level Attributes

Attribute Description
A mapping to an env-entry required by the web.xml.
A mapping to an ejb-ref required by the web.xml.
A mapping to an ejb-local-ref required by the web.xml.
A mapping to a service-ref required by the web.xml.
A mapping to a resource-ref required by the web.xml.
A mapping to a resource-env-ref required by the web.xml.
A mapping to a message-destination-ref required by the web.xml.
A mapping to a persistence-context-ref required by the web.xml.
A mapping to a persistence-unit-ref required by the web.xml.
A mapping to a post-context required by the web.xml.
A mapping to a pre-destroy required by the web.xml.
A mapping to a data-source required by the web.xml.
context-root The root context of the application. The default value is the name of the deployment without the .war suffix.
virtual-host The name of the HTTP virtual-host the application accepts requests from. It refers to the contents of the HTTP Host header.
annotation Describes an annotation used by the application. Refer to <annotation> for more information.
listener Describes a listener used by the application. Refer to <listener> for more information.
session-config This element fills the same function as the <session-config> element of the web.xml and is included for compatibility only.
valve Describes a valve used by the application. Refer to <valve> for more information.
overlay The name of an overlay to add to the application.
security-domain The name of the security domain used by the application. The security domain itself is configured in the web-based management console or the management CLI.
security-role This element fills the same function as the <security-role> element of the web.xml and is included for compatibility only.
use-jboss-authorization If this element is present and contains the case insensitive value "true", the JBoss web authorization stack is used. If it is not present or contains any value that is not "true", then only the authorization mechanisms specified in the Java Enterprise Edition specifications are used. This element is new to JBoss EAP 6.
disable-audit If this empty element is present, web security auditing is disabled. Otherwise, it is enabled. Web security auditing is not part of the Java EE specification. This element is new to JBoss EAP 6.
disable-cross-context If false, the application is able to call another application context. Defaults to true.
The following elements each have child elements.

Describes an annotation used by the application. The following table lists the child elements of an <annotation>.

Table A.43. Annotation Configuration Elements

Attribute Description
Name of the class of the annotation
The element, such as @ServletSecurity, which represents servlet security.
The element, such as @RunAs, which represents the run-as information.
The element, such as @MultiPart, which represents the multi-part information.

Describes a listener. The following table lists the child eleents of a <listener>.

Table A.44. Listener Configuration Elements

Attribute Description
Name of the class of the listener
List of condition elements, which indicate what kind of listener to add to the Context of the application. Valid choices are:
Adds a ContainerListener to the Context.
Adds a LifecycleListener to the Context.
Adds an InstanceListener to the Context.
Adds a WrapperListener to the Context.
Adds a WrapperLifecycle to the Context.
The name of the module containing the listener class.
A parameter. Contains two child elements, <param-name> and <param-value>.

Describes a valve of the application. It contains the same configuration elements as <listener>.

A.6. EJB Security Parameter Reference

Table A.45. EJB security parameter elements

Element Description
Contains child elements pertaining to the security identity of an EJB.
<use-caller-identity />
Indicates that the EJB uses the same security identity as the caller.
Contains a <role-name> element.
If present, indicates the principal assigned to outgoing calls. If not present, outgoing calls are assigned to a principal named anonymous.
Specifies the role the EJB should run as.
Describes the role named in <role-name>

Example A.1. Security identity examples

This example shows each tag described in Table A.45, “EJB security parameter elements”. They can also be used inside a <servlet>.
                    <description>A private internal role</description>

Appendix B. Revision History

Revision History
Revision 2.0.0-3Fri Jul 17 2015Scott Mumford
Built from Content Specification: 13944, Revision: 765278 by smumford

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