Chapter 17. Seam Text

Collaboration-oriented websites require a human-friendly markup language so that formatted text can be entered easily in forum posts, wiki pages, blogs, comments, etc. Seam provides the <s:formattedText/> control to display formatted text that conforms to the Seam Text language. Seam Text is implemented with an ANTLR-based parser. (Experience with ANTLR is not required.)

17.1. Basic formatting

Here is a simple example: It's easy to make *emphasized*, |monospaced|, ~deleted~, super^scripted^ or _underlined_ text.
If we display this using <s:formattedText/>, the following HTML will be produced:
  It's easy to make <i>emphasized</i>, <tt>monospaced</tt>, 
  <del>deleted</del>, super<sup>scripted</sup> or 
  <u>underlined</u> text.
We can use a blank line to indicate a new paragraph, and + to indicate a heading:
        +This is a big heading
        You /must/ have some text following a heading!
        ++This is a smaller heading
        This is the first paragraph. We can split it across multiple 
        lines, but we must end it with a blank line.

        This is the second paragraph.
A simple new line is ignored — you need an additional blank line to wrap text into a new paragraph. This is the HTML that results:
<h1>This is a big heading</h1>
  You <i>must</i> have some text following a heading!
<h2>This is a smaller heading</h2>
  This is the first paragraph. We can split it across multiple 
  lines, but we must end it with a blank line.

  This is the second paragraph.
The # character creates items in an ordered list. Unordered lists use the = character:
        An ordered list:
        #first item
        #second item
        #and even the /third/ item

        An unordered list:

        =an item
        =another item
  An ordered list:
  <li>first item</li>
  <li>second item</li>
  <li>and even the <i>third</i> item</li>

  An unordered list:

  <li>an item</li>
  <li>another item</li>
Quoted sections should be surrounded in double quotes:
        He said:
        "Hello, how are /you/?"

        She answered, "Fine, and you?"
  He said:
<q>Hi, how are

  She answered, <q>Fine, and you?</q>