30.6. jBPM-related components

The following components are used with jBPM.
An API for controlling Seam pageflows.
  • isInProcess() — returns true if there is currently a pageflow in process.
  • getProcessInstance() — returns jBPM ProcessInstance for the current pageflow.
  • begin(String pageflowName) — begins a pageflow in the context of the current conversation.
  • reposition(String nodeName) — repositions the current pageflow to a particular node.
An API that controls the attributes of the jBPM actor associated with the current session, from within the application.
  • setId(String actorId) — sets the jBPM actor ID of the current user.
  • getGroupActorIds() — returns a Set to which jBPM actor IDs for the current users groups may be added.
An API that controls the current task's jBPM transition from within the application.
  • setName(String transitionName) — sets the jBPM transition name to be used when the current task is ended via @EndTask.
An API for programmatic control of the association between the conversation and business process.
  • businessProcess.taskId — the ID of the task associated with the current conversation.
  • businessProcess.processId — the ID of the process associated with the current conversation.
  • businessProcess.hasCurrentTask() — specifies whether a task instance is associated with the current conversation.
  • businessProcess.hasCurrentProcess() — specifies whether a process instance is associated with the current conversation.
  • createProcess(String name) — creates an instance of the named process definition and associates it with the current conversation.
  • startTask() — starts the task associated with the current conversation.
  • endTask(String transitionName) — ends the task associated with the current conversation.
  • resumeTask(Long id) — associates the task with the specified ID with the current conversation.
  • resumeProcess(Long id) — associates the process with the specified ID with the current conversation.
  • transition(String transitionName) — triggers the transition.
A manager component for the jBPM TaskInstance.
A manager component for the jBPM ProcessInstance.
A manager component for an event-scoped JbpmContext.
A manager component for the jBPM task list.
A manager component for the jBPM pooled task list.
A manager component for the jBPM task lists.
An action handler for pooled task assignment.
A manager component for the process instance task list.
The process instance task list.
All of these components are installed whenever the component org.jboss.seam.bpm.jbpm is installed.