30.5. Components for controlling conversations

The following components allow you to control conversations through either the application or the user interface.
An API for controlling the current Seam conversation's attributes from within the application.
  • getId() — returns the current conversation ID.
  • isNested() — specifies whether the current conversation is a nested conversation.
  • isLongRunning() — specifies whether the current conversation is a long-running conversation.
  • getId() — returns the current conversation ID.
  • getParentId() — returns the conversation ID of the parent conversation.
  • getRootId() — returns the conversation ID of the root conversation.
  • setTimeout(int timeout) — sets the timeout for the current conversation.
  • setViewId(String outcome) — sets the view ID to use when switching back to the current conversation from the conversation switcher, conversation list, or breadcrumbs.
  • setDescription(String description) — sets the description of the current conversation to be displayed in the conversation switcher, conversation list, or breadcrumbs.
  • redirect() — redirects to the last well-defined view ID for this conversation. This is useful after log in challenges.
  • leave() — exits the scope of this conversation, without actually ending the conversation.
  • begin() — begins a long-running conversation (equivalent to @Begin).
  • beginPageflow(String pageflowName) — begin a long-running conversation with a pageflow (equivalent to @Begin(pageflow="...")).
  • end() — ends a long-running conversation (equivalent to @End).
  • pop() — pops the conversation stack, and returns to the parent conversation.
  • root() — returns to the root conversation of the conversation stack.
  • changeFlushMode(FlushModeType flushMode) — changes the flush mode of the conversation.
A manager component for the conversation list.
A manager component for the conversation stack (breadcrumbs).
The conversation switcher.
All of these components are always installed.