24.11.2. Constraining Maps and Collections

Objects within an object graph can also exist in a Map or a Collection (that is, a List, a Set, an Array, etc.). Collections are treated like any other field — for example, if our Widget contained a list of other Widgets in its widgetList field, we would constrain the secret field of the Widgets in this list with the following notation:
@WebRemote(exclude = {"widgetList.secret"}) 
public Widget getWidget();
To constrain a Map's key or value, the notation is slightly different. Appending [key] after the Map's field name constrains the Map's key object values, while [value] constrains the value object values. The following example demonstrates how the values of the widgetMap field have their secret field constrained:
@WebRemote(exclude = {"widgetMap[value].secret"}) 
public Widget getWidget();