24.5. The Context

The Seam Remoting Context contains additional information that is sent and received as part of a remoting request or response cycle. At this point, it contains only the conversation ID, but may be expanded in future.

24.5.1. Setting and reading the Conversation ID

If you intend to use remote calls within a conversation's scope, then you must be able to read or set the conversation ID in the Seam Remoting context. To read the conversation ID after making a remote request, call Seam.Remoting.getContext().getConversationId(). To set the conversation ID before making a request, call Seam.Remoting.getContext().setConversationId().
If the conversation ID has not been explicitly set with Seam.Remoting.getContext().setConversationId(), then the first valid conversation ID returned by any remoting call is assigned automatically. If you are working with multiple conversations within your page, you may need to set your conversation ID explicitly before each call. Single conversations do not require explicit ID setting.