23.4.2. Resources and providers as Seam components

Resource and provider instances are, by default, managed by RESTEasy. A resource class will be instantiated by RESTEasy and serve a single request, after which it will be destroyed. This is the default JAX-RS life cycle. Providers are instantiated once for the entire application. These are stateless singletons.
Resources and providers can also be written as Seam components to take advantage of Seam's richer life cycle management, and bijection and security abilities. Make your resource class into a Seam component like so:
public class MyCustomerResource {

    CustomerDAO customerDAO;

    public String getCustomer(@PathParam("customerId") int id) {
         return customerDAO.find(id).getName();

A customerResource instance is now handled by Seam when a request hits the server. This component is event-scoped, so its life cycle is identical to that of the JAX-RS. However, the Seam JavaBean component gives you full injection support, and full access to all other components and contexts. Session, application, and stateless resource components are also supported. These three scopes allow you to create an effectively stateless Seam middle-tier HTTP request-processing application.
You can annotate an interface and keep the implementation free from JAX-RS annotations:
public interface MyCustomerResource {

    public String getCustomer(@PathParam("customerId") int id);

public class MyCustomerResourceBean implements MyCustomerResource {

    CustomerDAO customerDAO;

    public String getCustomer(int id) {
         return customerDAO.find(id).getName();

You can use SESSION-scoped Seam components. By default, the session will however be shortened to a single request. In other words, when an HTTP request is being processed by the RESTEasy integration code, an HTTP session will be created so that Seam components can utilize that context. When the request has been processed, Seam will look at the session and decide if the session was created only to serve that single request (no session identifier has been provided with the request, or no session existed for the request). If the session has been created only to serve this request, the session will be destroyed after the request!
Assuming that your Seam application only uses event, application, or stateless components, this procedure prevents exhaustion of available HTTP sessions on the server. The RESTEasy integration with Seam assumes by default that sessions are not used, hence anemic sessions would add up as every REST request would start a session that will only be removed when timed out.
If your RESTful Seam application has to preserve session state across REST HTTP requests, disable this behavior in your configuration file:
<resteasy:application destroy-session-after-request="false"/>
Every REST HTTP request will now create a new session that will only be removed by timeout or explicit invalidation in your code through Session.instance().invalidate(). It is your responsibility to pass a valid session identifier along with your HTTP requests, if you want to utilize the session context across requests.
Conversation-scoped resource components and conversation mapping are not currently supported, but are planned for future versions of Seam.
Provider classes can also be Seam components. They must be either application-scoped or stateless.
Resources and providers can be EJBs or JavaBeans, like any other Seam component.
EJB Seam components are supported as REST resources. Always annotate the local business interface, not the EJB implementation class, with JAX-RS annotations. The EJB has to be STATELESS.


RESTEasy components do not support hot redeployment. As a result, the components should never be placed in the src/hot folder. The src/main folder should be used instead.


Sub-resources as defined in the JAX RS specification, section 3.4.1, can not be Seam component instances at this time. Only root resource classes can be registered as Seam components. In other words, do not return a Seam component instance from a root resource method.