15.6.2. Securing components

We will start with the simplest form of authorization: component security. First, we will look at the @Restrict annotation.


While the @Restrict annotation is a powerful and flexible method for security components, it cannot support EL expressions. Therefore, we recommend using the typesafe equivalent (described later in this chapter) for its compile-time safety. The @Restrict annotation

Seam components can be secured at either the method or the class level with the @Restrict annotation. If both a method and its declaring class are annotated with @Restrict, the method restriction will take precedence and the class restriction will not apply. If a method invocation fails a security check, an exception will be thrown as per the contract for Identity.checkRestriction(). (See the section following for more information on Inline Restrictions.) Placing @Restrict on the component class itself is the equivalent of adding @Restrict to each of its methods.
An empty @Restrict implies a permission check of componentName:methodName. Take for example the following component method:
public class AccountAction {
  public void delete() {
In this example, account:delete is the implied permission required to call the delete() method. This is equivalent to writing @Restrict("#{s:hasPermission('account','delete')}"). The following is another example:
@Restrict @Name("account")
public class AccountAction {
  public void insert() {
  public void delete() {
Here, the component class itself is annotated with @Restrict. This means that any methods without an overriding @Restrict annotation require an implicit permission check. In this case, the insert() method requires a permission of account:insert, while the delete() method requires that the user is a member of the admin role.
Before we go further, we will address the #{s:hasRole()} expression seen in the previous example. s:hasRole and s:hasPermission are EL functions that delegate to the correspondingly-named methods of the Identity class. These functions can be used within any EL expression throughout the entirety of the security API.
Being an EL expression, the value of the @Restrict annotation may refer to any object within a Seam context. This is extremely useful when checking permissions for a specific object instance. Take the following example:
public class AccountAction {
  @In Account selectedAccount;
  public void modify() {
In this example, the hasPermission() function call refers to selectedAccount. The value of this variable will be looked up from within the Seam context, and passed to the hasPermission() method in Identity. This will determine whether the user has the required permissions to modify the specified Account object.