8.10.3. The conversation switcher

Including the following fragment in your JSP or Facelets page will include a drop-down menu that lets you switch to any current conversation, or any other page of the application:
<h:selectOneMenu value="#{switcher.conversationIdOrOutcome}"> 
  <f:selectItem itemLabel="Find Issues" itemValue="findIssue"/> 
  <f:selectItem itemLabel="Create Issue" itemValue="editIssue"/> 
  <f:selectItems value="#{switcher.selectItems}"/> 
<h:commandButton action="#{switcher.select}" value="Switch"/>
This example includes a menu that contains an item for each conversation, plus two additional items that let the user begin an additional conversation.
Only conversations with a description (specified in pages.xml) will be included in the drop-down menu.