8.8. Creating a natural conversation

Natural conversations are defined in pages.xml:
<conversation name="PlaceBid" parameter-name="auctionId" 
The first thing to note in the above definition is the conversation name, in this case PlaceBid. The conversation name identifies this particular named conversation uniquely, and is used by the page definition to identify a named conversation in which to participate.
The parameter-name attribute defines the request parameter that will hold the natural conversation ID, and replace the default conversation ID parameter. In this case, parameter-name is auctionId. This means that the URL of your page will contain auctionId=765432 instead of a conversation parameter like cid=123.
The final attribute, parameter-value, defines an EL expression to evaluate the value of the natural business key to use as the conversation ID. In this example, the conversation ID will be the primary key value of the auction instance currently in scope.
Next, we define the pages participating in the named conversation. This is done by specifying the conversation attribute for a page definition:
<page view-id="/bid.xhtml" conversation="PlaceBid" login-required="true"> 
  <navigation from-action="#{bidAction.confirmBid}">        
    <rule if-outcome="success"> 
      <redirect view-id="/auction.xhtml"> 
        <param name="id" value="#{bidAction.bid.auction.auctionId}"/> 