20.5. Input with multipart/related

When you write a JAX-RS service, RESTEasy provides an interface that lets you read the multipart/related MIME type. multipart/related indicates that message parts should be considered as parts of a whole, and not individually. You can use multipart/related to perform tasks like sending a web page complete with images in a single message.
Every multipart/related message has a root/start part that references other parts of the message. Parts are identified by their Content-ID headers. multipart/related is defined by RFC 2387. The interface for related input is org.jboss.resteasy.plugins.providers.multipart.MultipartRelatedInput.
public interface MultipartRelatedInput extends MultipartInput
   String getType();

   String getStart();

   String getStartInfo();

   InputPart getRootPart();

   Map<String, InputPart> getRelatedMap();
It works similarly to MultipartInput, as described earlier in this chapter.