17.6. Arrays and Collections of JAXB Objects

RESTEasy automatically marshals arrays, java.util.Sets, and java.util.Lists of JAXB objects to and from XML, JSON, Fastinfoset, and other RESTEasy JAXB mappers.
 @XmlRootElement(name = "customer")
 public class Customer
private String name;

public Customer()

public Customer(String name)
   this.name = name;

public String getName()
   return name;

 public class MyResource
   public void putCustomers(Customer[] customers)
      Assert.assertEquals("bill", customers[0].getName());
      Assert.assertEquals("monica", customers[1].getName());

   public Set<Customer> getCustomerSet()
      HashSet<Customer> set = new HashSet<Customer>();
      set.add(new Customer("bill"));
      set.add(new Customer("monica"));

      return set;

   public void putCustomers(List<Customer> customers)
      Assert.assertEquals("bill", customers.get(0).getName());
      Assert.assertEquals("monica", customers.get(1).getName());
The resource above publishes and receives JAXB objects. We assume that these are wrapped in a collection element like the following:
You can change the namespace URI, namespace tag, and collection element name by using the @org.jboss.resteasy.annotations.providers.jaxb.Wrapped annotation on a parameter or method:
 @Target({ElementType.PARAMETER, ElementType.METHOD})
 public @interface Wrapped
String element() default "collection";

String namespace() default "http://jboss.org/resteasy";

String prefix() default "resteasy";
So, if we wanted to output the following XML:
 <foo:list xmlns:foo="http://foo.org">
We would use the @Wrapped annotation as follows:
   @Wrapped(element="list", namespace="http://foo.org", prefix="foo")
   public List<Customer> getCustomerSet()
      List<Customer> list = new ArrayList<Customer>();
      list.add(new Customer("bill"));
      list.add(new Customer("monica"));

      return list;

17.6.1. JSON and JAXB Collections/Arrays

RESTEasy supports using collections with JSON. It encloses lists, sets, or arrays of returned JAXB objects in a simple JSON array. For example:
public static class Foo
   private String test;

   public Foo()

   public Foo(String test)
      this.test = test;

   public String getTest()
      return test;

   public void setTest(String test)
      this.test = test;
A List or Array of the Foo class would be represented in JSON like so:
It would also expect this format when receiving input.