1.4. Excluded, Removed, or Deprecated Items


An item that has never featured in a product release but is otherwise part of one of the open source components of the product.
An item that will be removed from a future release, usually the next major version.
An item that was previously in a release of the product and is no longer included. Items will usually be deprecated before being removed.
JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 5.1.2 is a minor release. Compatibility is maintained throughout all minor releases with a major release. This means that all 5.x releases maintain binary compatibility with the initial release, 5.0.0.

1.4.1. Deprecated

Since the release of Enterprise Application Platform version 5.1.1 it's not possible to perform an upgrade from version 4.3. Specifically, updating to 5.1.1 from 4.3 using RPMs is not supported, and will result in platform failure.