Chapter 10. Profiling

Profiling is monitoring the resource usage of an application with the aim of detecting areas for improvement. One of the difficulties in profiling is choosing a tool which provides useful data without having too great an impact on performance itself. On Red Hat Enterprise Linux, the OProfile tool is available for profiling the JBoss Enterprise Application Platform, requiring less system resources that other profiling tools.

10.1. Install

Task: Install OProfile

Complete this task to install OProfile and its dependencies.
  1. In a terminal, enter the following command:
    yum install oprofile oprofile-jit
  2. For all enabled yum repositories (/etc/yum.repos.d/*.repo), replace enabled=0 with enabled=1 in each file's debuginfo section. If there is no debug section, add it, using the example below as a template.
    name=Red Hat Enterprise Linux $releasever - $basearch - Debug
  3. In a terminal, enter the following command, modifying the JDK version number to match the version installed:
    yum install yum-plugin-auto-update-debug-info java-1.6.0-openjdk-debuginfo