7.6. Autowire

Autowiring, or contextual injection, is a common feature with IoC frameworks. Example 7.14, “Include and Exclude with Autowiring” shows you how to use or exclude beans with autowiring.

Example 7.14. Include and Exclude with Autowiring

<bean name="Square" class="org.jboss.demos.ioc.autowire.Square" autowire-candidate="false"/>
<bean name="Circle" class="org.jboss.demos.ioc.autowire.Circle"/>
<bean name="ShapeUser" class="org.jboss.demos.ioc.autowire.ShapeUser">
<bean name="ShapeHolder" class="org.jboss.demos.ioc.autowire.ShapeHolder">
  <incallback method="addShape"/>
  <uncallback method="removeShape"/>
<bean name="ShapeChecker" class="org.jboss.demos.ioc.autowire.ShapesChecker"/>
In both cases - ShapeUser and ShapeChecker - only Circle should be used, since Square is excluded in the contextual binding.