11.2.3. Differences in Application Server Configuration Files General

  • A reminder that the RPM and ZIP distributions of the Enterprise Application Platform are shipped with authentication enabled for the JMX Console, Web Console, JMX Invoker, Admin Console, HTTP Invoker and Profile Service. No user accounts are active by default to assist in preventing default user and password-based attacks.
  • shutdown.sh now accepts a JNDI URL, as follows:
    shutdown.sh -s http://localhost:8080/invoker/JNDIFactory -S
    Where -s defines the server name to perform an operation on; -S specifies the shutdown operation.
  • If a user omits the -c option when starting an instance of JBoss Application Server in Enterprise Application Platform 4.x, the production configuration was started by default. In JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 5, default configuration is used when a user omits the -c option.
  • bin/run.conf now uses a Java heap size of 1303 MB. This is consistent across all configurations.
  • Document Type and Schema Declarations have been updated.
  • The production server profile provided with Enterprise Application Platform 5 restricts the classes served on port 8083. If Remote Method Invocation (RMI) is being used, you may need to make this port available to clients. This option can be set in production/conf/jboss-service.xml:
    <!-- Should non-EJB .class files be downloadable -->
       <attribute name="DownloadServerClasses">false</attribute>
  • The cluster-safe UUID generator can now be used from server/production/deploy/uuid-key-generator.sar/META-INF/jboss-service.xml.
  • The delay period for server/production/deploy/hdscanner-jboss-beans.xml to rescan for deployment changes has been increased to 60 seconds from the previous 5 second delay period.
    <!-- Frequency in milliseconds to rescan the URLs for changes-->
       <property name="scanPeriod">60000</property>