10.2. Uninstalling JBoss Enterprise Application Platform from a ZIP Installation

If you installed the platform using the Chapter 4, ZIP Installation from the Red Hat Customer Portal method, you only need to delete the root installation directory. The root directory is the one that contains the jboss-as subdirectory.
  1. Open a terminal.
  2. Navigate to the location where you installed the platform.
  3. Warning

    This step completely removes the platform, and all related configuration files stored in the location indicated in Step 2. Ensure you have made copies of configuration files you may want to reuse if you decide to reinstall the platform later.
    Execute the following command, substituting [root_folder_name] with the full path, and name of the platform's root installation folder.
    If you installed the platform to a protected directory on your system, ensure you run this command with the correct access privileges.
    [home]$ rm -r [root_folder_name]
  4. You have completely removed the platform, and all related configuration files and folders from the original installation location.