
1. File Name Conventions

The following naming conventions are used in file paths for readability. Each convention is styled so that it stands out from the rest of text:
The installation root of the JBoss Enterprise Application Platform instance. This folder contains the main folders that comprise the server such as /jboss-as, /seam, and /resteasy.
The installation root of the JBoss Enterprise Web Platform instance. This folder contains the main folders that comprise the server such as /jboss-as-web, /seam, and /resteasy.
The installation root of the JBoss Enterprise Web Server instance. This folder contains the main folders that comprise the server such as /extras, /httpd, and the /tomcat6 folders.
The installation root of the JBoss Native zip, extracted to the same directory level as JBOSS_EAP_DIST.
The installation root of the Sun Java Web Server instance. The default file locations for this naming convention are:
  • for Solaris 10 x86 or SPARC 64: /opt/SUNWwbsrv70/
The installation root of the Apache HTTP Server. This folder contains the main folders that comprise the server such as /conf, /webapps, and /bin. The JBoss Enterprise Web Server JBOSS_EWS_DIST directory contains the root installation of HTTPD_DIST.
The name of the server profile you use as part of your testing or production configuration. The server profiles reside in JBOSS_EAP_DIST/jboss-as/server or JBOSS_EWP_DIST/jboss-as-web/server.