1.4. Writing your own constraints

Extending the set of built-in constraints is extremely easy. Any constraint consists of two pieces: the constraint descriptor (the annotation) and the constraint validator (the implementation class). Here is a simple user-defined descriptor:
public @interface Capitalized {
    CapitalizeType type() default Capitalize.FIRST;
    String message() default "has incorrect capitalization"
type is a parameter describing how the property should to be capitalized. This is a user parameter fully dependent on the annotation business.
message is the default string used to describe the constraint violation and is mandatory. You can hard code the string or you can externalize part/all of it through the Java ResourceBundle mechanism. Parameters values are going to be injected inside the message when the {parameter} string is found (in our example Capitalization is not {type} would generate Capitalization is not FIRST ), externalizing the whole string in ValidatorMessages.properties is considered good practice. See Section 1.3, “Error messages” .
public @interface Capitalized {
    CapitalizeType type() default Capitalize.FIRST;
    String message() default "{validator.capitalized}";

#in ValidatorMessages.properties
validator.capitalized = Capitalization is not {type}
As you can see the {} notation is recursive.
To link a descriptor to its validator implementation, we use the @ValidatorClass meta-annotation. The validator class parameter must name a class which implements Validator<ConstraintAnnotation> .
We now have to implement the validator (ie. the rule checking implementation). A validation implementation can check the value of the a property (by implementing PropertyConstraint ) and/or can modify the hibernate mapping metadata to express the constraint at the database level (by implementing PersistentClassConstraint )
public class CapitalizedValidator
        implements Validator<Capitalized>, PropertyConstraint {
    private CapitalizeType type;

    //part of the Validator<Annotation> contract,
    //allows to get and use the annotation values
    public void initialize(Capitalized parameters) {
        type = parameters.type();

    //part of the property constraint contract
    public boolean isValid(Object value) {
        if (value==null) return true;
        if ( !(value instanceof String) ) return false;
        String string = (String) value;
        if (type == CapitalizeType.ALL) {
            return string.equals( string.toUpperCase() );
        else {
            String first = string.substring(0,1);
            return first.equals( first.toUpperCase();
The isValid() method should return false if the constraint has been violated. For more examples, refer to the built-in validator implementations.
We only have seen property level validation, but you can write a Bean level validation annotation. Instead of receiving the return instance of a property, the bean itself will be passed to the validator. To activate the validation checking, just annotated the bean itself instead. A small sample can be found in the unit test suite.
If your constraint can be applied multiple times (with different parameters) on the same property or type, you can use the following annotation form:
public @interface Patterns {
    Pattern[] value();

public @interface Pattern {
    String regexp();
Basically an annotation containing the value attribute as an array of validator annotations.