Chapter 4. Mapping entities to the index structure

All the metadata information needed to index entities is described through annotations. There is no need for xml mapping files. In fact there is currently no xml configuration option available (see HSEARCH-210). You can still use Hibernate mapping files for the basic Hibernate configuration, but the Hibernate Search specific configuration has to be expressed via annotations.

4.1. Mapping an entity

4.1.1. Basic mapping

First, we must declare a persistent class as indexable. This is done by annotating the class with @Indexed (all entities not annotated with @Indexed will be ignored by the indexing process):

Example 4.1. Making a class indexable using the @Indexed annotation

public class Essay {
The index attribute tells Hibernate what the Lucene directory name is (usually a directory on your file system). It is recommended to define a base directory for all Lucene indexes using the property in your configuration file. Alternatively you can specify a base directory per indexed entity by specifying<index>.indexBase, where <index> is the fully qualified classname of the indexed entity. Each entity instance will be represented by a Lucene Document inside the given index (aka Directory).
For each property (or attribute) of your entity, you have the ability to describe how it will be indexed. The default (no annotation present) means that the property is ignored by the indexing process. @Field does declare a property as indexed. When indexing an element to a Lucene document you can specify how it is indexed:
  • name : describe under which name, the property should be stored in the Lucene Document. The default value is the property name (following the JavaBeans convention)
  • store : describe whether or not the property is stored in the Lucene index. You can store the value Store.YES (consuming more space in the index but allowing projection, see Section, “Projection” for more information), store it in a compressed way Store.COMPRESS (this does consume more CPU), or avoid any storage Store.NO (this is the default value). When a property is stored, you can retrieve its original value from the Lucene Document. This is not related to whether the element is indexed or not.
  • index: describe how the element is indexed and the type of information store. The different values are Index.NO (no indexing, ie cannot be found by a query), Index.TOKENIZED (use an analyzer to process the property), Index.UN_TOKENISED (no analyzer pre processing), Index.NO_NORM (do not store the normalization data). The default value is TOKENIZED.
  • termVector: describes collections of term-frequency pairs. This attribute enables term vectors being stored during indexing so they are available within documents. The default value is TermVector.NO.
    The different values of this attribute are:
    Value Definition
    TermVector.YES Store the term vectors of each document. This produces two synchronized arrays, one contains document terms and the other contains the term's frequency.
    TermVector.NO Do not store term vectors.
    TermVector.WITH_OFFSETS Store the term vector and token offset information. This is the same as TermVector.YES plus it contains the starting and ending offset position information for the terms.
    TermVector.WITH_POSITIONS Store the term vector and token position information. This is the same as TermVector.YES plus it contains the ordinal positions of each occurrence of a term in a document.
    TermVector.WITH_POSITIONS_OFFSETS Store the term vector, token position and offset information. This is a combination of the YES, WITH_OFFSETS and WITH_POSITIONS.
Whether or not you want to store the original data in the index depends on how you wish to use the index query result. For a regular Hibernate Search usage storing is not necessary. However you might want to store some fields to subsequently project them (see Section, “Projection” for more information).
Whether or not you want to tokenize a property depends on whether you wish to search the element as is, or by the words it contains. It make sense to tokenize a text field, but probably not a date field.


Note that fields used for sorting must not be tokenized.
Finally, the id property of an entity is a special property used by Hibernate Search to ensure index unicity of a given entity. By design, an id has to be stored and must not be tokenized. To mark a property as index id, use the @DocumentId annotation. If you are using Hibernate Annotations and you have specified @Id you can omit @DocumentId. The chosen entity id will also be used as document id.

Example 4.2. Adding @DocumentId ad @Field annotations to an indexed entity

public class Essay {

    public Long getId() { return id; }

    @Field(name="Abstract", index=Index.TOKENIZED, store=Store.YES)
    public String getSummary() { return summary; }

    public String getText() { return text; }
Example 4.2, “Adding @DocumentId ad @Field annotations to an indexed entity” define an index with three fields: id , Abstract and text . Note that by default the field name is decapitalized, following the JavaBean specification

4.1.2. Mapping properties multiple times

Sometimes one has to map a property multiple times per index, with slightly different indexing strategies. For example, sorting a query by field requires the field to be UN_TOKENIZED. If one wants to search by words in this property and still sort it, one need to index it twice - once tokenized and once untokenized. @Fields allows to achieve this goal.

Example 4.3. Using @Fields to map a property multiple times

@Indexed(index = "Book" )
public class Book {
    @Fields( {
            @Field(index = Index.TOKENIZED),
            @Field(name = "summary_forSort", index = Index.UN_TOKENIZED, store = Store.YES)
            } )
    public String getSummary() {
        return summary;

In Example 4.3, “Using @Fields to map a property multiple times”, the field summary is indexed twice; once as summary in a tokenized way, and once as summary_forSort in an untokenized way. @Field supports 2 attributes useful when @Fields is used:
  • analyzer: defines a @Analyzer annotation per field rather than per property
  • bridge: defines a @FieldBridge annotation per field rather than per property
See below for more information about analyzers and field bridges.

4.1.3. Embedded and associated objects

Associated objects as well as embedded objects can be indexed as part of the root entity index. This is useful if you expect to search a given entity based on properties of associated objects. In the following example the aim is to return places where the associated city is Atlanta (In the Lucene query parser language, it would translate into

Example 4.4. Using @IndexedEmbedded to index associations

public class Place {
    private Long id;

    @Field( index = Index.TOKENIZED )
    private String name;

    @OneToOne( cascade = { CascadeType.PERSIST, CascadeType.REMOVE } )
    private Address address;

public class Address {
    private Long id;

    private String street;

    private String city;

    private Set<Place> places;
In this example, the place fields will be indexed in the Place index. The Place index documents will also contain the fields, address.street, and which you will be able to query. This is enabled by the @IndexedEmbedded annotation.
Be careful. Because the data is denormalized in the Lucene index when using the @IndexedEmbedded technique, Hibernate Search needs to be aware of any change in the Place object and any change in the Address object to keep the index up to date. To make sure the Place Lucene document is updated when it's Address changes, you need to mark the other side of the birirectional relationship with @ContainedIn.
@ContainedIn is only useful on associations pointing to entities as opposed to embedded (collection of) objects.
Let us make our example a bit more complex:

Example 4.5. Nested usage of @IndexedEmbedded and @ContainedIn

public class Place {
    private Long id;

    @Field( index = Index.TOKENIZED )
    private String name;

    @OneToOne( cascade = { CascadeType.PERSIST, CascadeType.REMOVE } )
    private Address address;

public class Address {
    private Long id;

    private String street;

    private String city;

    @IndexedEmbedded(depth = 1, prefix = "ownedBy_")
    private Owner ownedBy;

    private Set<Place> places;

public class Owner {
    @Field(index = Index.TOKENIZED)
    private String name;
Any @*ToMany, @*ToOne and @Embedded attribute can be annotated with @IndexedEmbedded. The attributes of the associated class will then be added to the main entity index. In the previous example, the index will contain the following fields
  • id
  • name
  • address.street
  • address.ownedBy_name
The default prefix is propertyName., following the traditional object navigation convention. You can override it using the prefix attribute as it is shown on the ownedBy property.


The prefix cannot be set to the empty string.
The depth property is necessary when the object graph contains a cyclic dependency of classes (not instances). For example, if Owner points to Place. Hibernate Search will stop including Indexed embedded attributes after reaching the expected depth (or the object graph boundaries are reached). A class having a self reference is an example of cyclic dependency. In our example, because depth is set to 1, any @IndexedEmbedded attribute in Owner (if any) will be ignored.
Using @IndexedEmbedded for object associations allows you to express queries such as:
  • Return places where name contains JBoss and where address city is Atlanta. In Lucene query this would be
  • Return places where name contains JBoss and where owner's name contain Joe. In Lucene query this would be
    +name:jboss +address.orderBy_name:joe
In a way it mimics the relational join operation in a more efficient way (at the cost of data duplication). Remember that, out of the box, Lucene indexes have no notion of association, the join operation is simply non-existent. It might help to keep the relational model normalized while benefiting from the full text index speed and feature richness.


An associated object can itself (but does not have to) be @Indexed
When @IndexedEmbedded points to an entity, the association has to be directional and the other side has to be annotated @ContainedIn (as seen in the previous example). If not, Hibernate Search has no way to update the root index when the associated entity is updated (in our example, a Place index document has to be updated when the associated Address instance is updated).
Sometimes, the object type annotated by @IndexedEmbedded is not the object type targeted by Hibernate and Hibernate Search. This is especially the case when interfaces are used in lieu of their implementation. For this reason you can override the object type targeted by Hibernate Search using the targetElement parameter.

Example 4.6. Using the targetElement property of @IndexedEmbedded

public class Address {
    private Long id;

    @Field(index= Index.TOKENIZED)
    private String street;

    @IndexedEmbedded(depth = 1, prefix = "ownedBy_", targetElement = Owner.class)
    private Person ownedBy;


public class Owner implements Person { ... }

4.1.4. Boost factor

Lucene has the notion of boost factor. It's a way to give more weight to a field or to an indexed element over others during the indexation process. You can use @Boost at the @Field, method or class level.

Example 4.7. Using different ways of increasing the weight of an indexed element using a boost factor

public class Essay {

    public Long getId() { return id; }

    @Field(name="Abstract", index=Index.TOKENIZED, store=Store.YES, boost=@Boost(2f))
    public String getSummary() { return summary; }

    @Field(index=Index.TOKENIZED, boost=@Boost(1.2f))
    public String getText() { return text; }

    public String getISBN() { return isbn; }

In our example, Essay's probability to reach the top of the search list will be multiplied by 1.7. The summary field will be 3.0 (2 * 1.5 - @Field.boost and @Boost on a property are cumulative) more important than the isbn field. The text field will be 1.2 times more important than the isbn field. Note that this explanation in strictest terms is actually wrong, but it is simple and close enough to reality for all practical purposes. Please check the Lucene documentation or the excellent Lucene In Action from Otis Gospodnetic and Erik Hatcher.

4.1.5. Dynamic boost factor

The @Boost annotation used in Section 4.1.4, “Boost factor” defines a static boost factor which is is independent of the state of of the indexed entity at runtime. However, there are usecases in which the boost factor may depends on the actual state of the entity. In this case you can use the @DynamicBoost annotation together with an accompanying custom BoostStrategy.

Example 4.8. Dynamic boost example

public enum PersonType {
     @DynamicBoost(impl = VIPBoostStrategy.class)
     public class Person {
         private PersonType type;  
         // ....
     public class VIPBoostStrategy implements BoostStrategy {
         public float defineBoost(Object value) {
             Person person = ( Person ) value;
             if ( person.getType().equals( PersonType.VIP ) ) {
                 return 2.0f;
             else {
                 return 1.0f;
In Example 4.8, “Dynamic boost example” a dynamic boost is defined on class level specifying VIPBoostStrategy as implementation of the BoostStrategy interface to be used at indexing time. You can place the @DynamicBoost either at class or field level. Depending on the placement of the annotation either the whole entity is passed to the defineBoost method or just the annotated field/property value. It's up to you to cast the passed object to the correct type. In the example all indexed values of a VIP person would be double as important as the values of a normal person.


The specified BoostStrategy implementation must define a public no-arg constructor.
Of course you can mix and match @Boost and @DynamicBoost annotations in your entity. All defined boost factors are cumulative as described in Section 4.1.4, “Boost factor”.

4.1.6. Analyzer

The default analyzer class used to index tokenized fields is configurable through the property. The default value for this property is org.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardAnalyzer.
You can also define the analyzer class per entity, property and even per @Field (useful when multiple fields are indexed from a single property).

Example 4.9. Different ways of specifying an analyzer

@Analyzer(impl = EntityAnalyzer.class)
public class MyEntity {
    private Integer id;

    @Field(index = Index.TOKENIZED)
    private String name;

    @Field(index = Index.TOKENIZED)
    @Analyzer(impl = PropertyAnalyzer.class)
    private String summary;

    @Field(index = Index.TOKENIZED, analyzer = @Analyzer(impl = FieldAnalyzer.class)
    private String body;

In this example, EntityAnalyzer is used to index all tokenized properties (eg. name), except summary and body which are indexed with PropertyAnalyzer and FieldAnalyzer respectively.


Mixing different analyzers in the same entity is most of the time a bad practice. It makes query building more complex and results less predictable (for the novice), especially if you are using a QueryParser (which uses the same analyzer for the whole query). As a rule of thumb, for any given field the same analyzer should be used for indexing and querying. Analyzer definitions

Analyzers can become quite complex to deal with for which reason Hibernate Search introduces the notion of analyzer definitions. An analyzer definition can be reused by many @Analyzer declarations. An analyzer definition is composed of:
  • a name: the unique string used to refer to the definition
  • a tokenizer: responsible for tokenizing the input stream into individual words
  • a list of filters: each filter is responsible to remove, modify or sometimes even add words into the stream provided by the tokenizer
This separation of tasks - a tokenizer followed by a list of filters - allows for easy reuse of each individual component and let you build your customized analyzer in a very flexible way (just like lego). Generally speaking the Tokenizer starts the analysis process by turning the character input into tokens which are then further processed by the TokenFilters. Hibernate Search supports this infrastructure by utilizing the Solr analyzer framework. Make sure to add solr-core.jar and solr-common.jar to your classpath to use analyzer definitions. In case you also want to utilizing a snowball stemmer also include the lucene-snowball.jar. Other Solr analyzers might depend on more libraries. For example, the PhoneticFilterFactory depends on commons-codec. Your distribution of Hibernate Search provides these dependencies in its lib directory.

Example 4.10. @AnalyzerDef and the Solr framework

        tokenizer = @TokenizerDef(factory = StandardTokenizerFactory.class),
        filters = {
                @TokenFilterDef(factory = ISOLatin1AccentFilterFactory.class),
                @TokenFilterDef(factory = LowerCaseFilterFactory.class),
                @TokenFilterDef(factory = StopFilterFactory.class, params = {
                    @Parameter(name="words", value= "org/hibernate/search/test/analyzer/solr/" ),
                    @Parameter(name="ignoreCase", value="true")
public class Team {
A tokenizer is defined by its factory which is responsible for building the tokenizer and using the optional list of parameters. This example use the standard tokenizer. A filter is defined by its factory which is responsible for creating the filter instance using the optional parameters. In our example, the StopFilter filter is built reading the dedicated words property file and is expected to ignore case. The list of parameters is dependent on the tokenizer or filter factory.


Filters are applied in the order they are defined in the @AnalyzerDef annotation. Make sure to think twice about this order.
Once defined, an analyzer definition can be reused by an @Analyzer declaration using the definition name rather than declaring an implementation class.

Example 4.11. Referencing an analyzer by name

@AnalyzerDef(name="customanalyzer", ... )
public class Team {
    private Integer id;

    private String name;

    private String location;

    @Field @Analyzer(definition = "customanalyzer")
    private String description;
Analyzer instances declared by @AnalyzerDef are available by their name in the SearchFactory.
Analyzer analyzer = fullTextSession.getSearchFactory().getAnalyzer("customanalyzer");
This is quite useful wen building queries. Fields in queries should be analyzed with the same analyzer used to index the field so that they speak a common "language": the same tokens are reused between the query and the indexing process. This rule has some exceptions but is true most of the time. Respect it unless you know what you are doing. Available analyzers

Solr and Lucene come with a lot of useful default tokenizers and filters. You can find a complete list of tokenizer factories and filter factories at Let check a few of them.

Table 4.1. Some of the tokenizers available

Factory Description parameters
StandardTokenizerFactory Use the Lucene StandardTokenizer none
HTMLStripStandardTokenizerFactory Remove HTML tags, keep the text and pass it to a StandardTokenizer none

Table 4.2. Some of the filters available

Factory Description parameters
StandardFilterFactory Remove dots from acronyms and 's from words none
LowerCaseFilterFactory Lowercase words none
StopFilterFactory remove words (tokens) matching a list of stop words
words: points to a resource file containing the stop words
ignoreCase: true if case should be ignore when comparing stop words, false otherwise
SnowballPorterFilterFactory Reduces a word to it's root in a given language. (eg. protect, protects, protection share the same root). Using such a filter allows searches matching related words.
language: Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish
and a few more
ISOLatin1AccentFilterFactory remove accents for languages like French none
We recommend to check all the implementations of org.apache.solr.analysis.TokenizerFactory and org.apache.solr.analysis.TokenFilterFactory in your IDE to see the implementations available. Analyzer discriminator (experimental)

So far all the introduced ways to specify an analyzer were static. However, there are usecases where it is useful to select an analyzer depending on the current state of the entity to be indexed, for example in multilingual application. For an BlogEntry class for example the analyzer could depend on the language property of the entry. Depending on this property the correct language specific stemmer should be chosen to index the actual text.
To enable this dynamic analyzer selection Hibernate Search introduces the AnalyzerDiscriminator annotation. The following example demonstrates the usage of this annotation:

Example 4.12. Usage of @AnalyzerDiscriminator in order to select an analyzer depending on the entity state

  @AnalyzerDef(name = "en",
    tokenizer = @TokenizerDef(factory = StandardTokenizerFactory.class),
    filters = {
      @TokenFilterDef(factory = LowerCaseFilterFactory.class),
      @TokenFilterDef(factory = EnglishPorterFilterFactory.class
  @AnalyzerDef(name = "de",
    tokenizer = @TokenizerDef(factory = StandardTokenizerFactory.class),
    filters = {
      @TokenFilterDef(factory = LowerCaseFilterFactory.class),
      @TokenFilterDef(factory = GermanStemFilterFactory.class)
public class BlogEntry {

    private Integer id;

    @AnalyzerDiscriminator(impl = LanguageDiscriminator.class)
    private String language;
    private String text;
    private Set<BlogEntry> references;

    // standard getter/setter
public class LanguageDiscriminator implements Discriminator {

    public String getAnanyzerDefinitionName(Object value, Object entity, String field) {
        if ( value == null || !( entity instanceof Article ) ) {
            return null;
        return (String) value;
The prerequisite for using @AnalyzerDiscriminator is that all analyzers which are going to be used are predefined via @AnalyzerDef definitions. If this is the case one can place the @AnalyzerDiscriminator annotation either on the class or on a specific property of the entity for which to dynamically select an analyzer. Via the impl parameter of the AnalyzerDiscriminator you specify a concrete implementation of the Discriminator interface. It is up to you to provide an implementation for this interface. The only method you have to implement is getAnanyzerDefinitionName() which gets called for each field added to the Lucene document. The entity which is getting indexed is also passed to the interface method. The value parameter is only set if the AnalyzerDiscriminator is placed on property level instead of class level. In this case the value represents the current value of this property.
An implementation of the Discriminator interface has to return the name of an existing analyzer definition if the analyzer should be set dynamically or null if the default analyzer should not be overridden. The given example assumes that the language parameter is either 'de' or 'en' which matches the specified names in the @AnalyzerDefs.


The @AnalyzerDiscriminator is currently still experimental and the API might still change. We are hoping for some feedback from the community about the usefulness and usability of this feature. Retrieving an analyzer

During indexing time, Hibernate Search is using analyzers under the hood for you. In some situations, retrieving analyzers can be handy. If your domain model makes use of multiple analyzers (maybe to benefit from stemming, use phonetic approximation and so on), you need to make sure to use the same analyzers when you build your query.


This rule can be broken but you need a good reason for it. If you are unsure, use the same analyzers.
You can retrieve the scoped analyzer for a given entity used at indexing time by Hibernate Search. A scoped analyzer is an analyzer which applies the right analyzers depending on the field indexed: multiple analyzers can be defined on a given entity each one working on an individual field, a scoped analyzer unify all these analyzers into a context-aware analyzer. While the theory seems a bit complex, using the right analyzer in a query is very easy.

Example 4.13. Using the scoped analyzer when building a full-text query

org.apache.lucene.queryParser.QueryParser parser = new QueryParser(
    fullTextSession.getSearchFactory().getAnalyzer( Song.class )
); luceneQuery = 
    parser.parse( "title:sky Or title_stemmed:diamond" );

org.hibernate.Query fullTextQuery = 
    fullTextSession.createFullTextQuery( luceneQuery, Song.class );

List result = fullTextQuery.list(); //return a list of managed objects
In the example above, the song title is indexed in two fields: the standard analyzer is used in the field title and a stemming analyzer is used in the field title_stemmed. By using the analyzer provided by the search factory, the query uses the appropriate analyzer depending on the field targeted.
If your query targets more that one query and you wish to use your standard analyzer, make sure to describe it using an analyzer definition. You can retrieve analyzers by their definition name using searchFactory.getAnalyzer(String).