4.2. Launcher instance

Launch the Red Hat AMI identified in Chapter 3, Identify a suitable Red Hat AMI, adding the following lines to the "User Data:" field.
      # deploy the hello.war sample application to the Apache Tomcat 6 server which is part of the JBoss Enterprise Web Server offering
      cp /usr/share/java/jboss-ec2-ews-samples/hello-1.0.war /usr/share/tomcat6/webapps/hello.war

      # Configure HTTPd to act as a proxy to the Apache Tomcat 6 server
      cat >> /etc/httpd/conf.d/proxy_ajp.conf <<"EOF"
      <Location /hello>
      ProxyPass         http://localhost:8080/hello
      ProxyPassReverse  http://localhost:8080/hello
      ProxyPreserveHost On

      # Start the Apache Tomcat 6 server
      service tomcat6 start

      # Instruct SELinux to allow HTTPd to serve as a proxy relay
      setsebool -P httpd_can_network_relay 1

      # Start the HTTPd server
      service httpd start