4.3. Batching API

Once you have configured your cache to use batching, you use it by calling startBatch() and endBatch() on Cache. E.g.,
   Cache cache = getCache();

   // not using a batch
   cache.put("/a", "key", "value"); // will replicate immediately

   // using a batch
   cache.put("/a", "key", "value");
   cache.put("/b", "key", "value");
   cache.put("/c", "key", "value");
   cache.endBatch(true); // This will now replicate the modifications since the batch was started.

   cache.put("/a", "key", "value");
   cache.put("/b", "key", "value");
   cache.put("/c", "key", "value");
   cache.endBatch(false); // This will "discard" changes made in the batch