23.3. Stateless Session Bean in EJB 2.x

To make an EJB 2.x bean clustered, you need to modify its jboss.xml descriptor to contain a <clustered> tag.
  • partition-name specifies the name of the cluster the bean participates in. The default value is DefaultPartition. The default partition name can also be set system-wide using the jboss.partition.name system property.
  • home-load-balance-policy indicates the class to be used by the home stub to balance calls made on the nodes of the cluster. By default, the proxy will load-balance calls in a RoundRobin fashion.
  • bean-load-balance-policy Indicates the class to be used by the bean stub to balance calls made on the nodes of the cluster. By default, the proxy will load-balance calls in a RoundRobin fashion.