31.5. Container Managed Relationships

Container Managed Relationships (CMRs) are a powerful new feature of CMP 2.0. Programmers have been creating relationships between entity objects since EJB 1.0 was introduced (not to mention since the introduction of databases), but before CMP 2.0 the programmer had to write a lot of code for each relationship in order to extract the primary key of the related entity and store it in a pseudo foreign key field. The simplest relationships were tedious to code, and complex relationships with referential integrity required many hours to code. With CMP 2.0 there is no need to code relationships by hand. The container can manage one-to-one, one-to-many and many-to-many relationships, with referential integrity. One restriction with CMRs is that they are only defined between local interfaces. This means that a relationship cannot be created between two entities in separate applications, even in the same application server.
There are two basic steps to create a container managed relationship: create the cmr-field abstract accessors and declare the relationship in the ejb-jar.xml file. The following two sections describe these steps.

31.5.1. CMR-Field Abstract Accessors

CMR-Field abstract accessors have the same signatures as cmp-fields, except that single-valued relationships must return the local interface of the related entity, and multi-valued relationships can only return a java.util.Collection (or java.util.Set) object. For example, to declare a one-to-many relationship between organization and gangster, we declare the relationship from organization to gangster in the OrganizationBean class:
public abstract class OrganizationBean
    implements EntityBean 
    public abstract Set getMemberGangsters();
    public abstract void setMemberGangsters(Set gangsters);
We also can declare the relationship from gangster to organization in the GangsterBean class:
public abstract class GangsterBean
    implements EntityBean 
    public abstract Organization getOrganization();
    public abstract void setOrganization(Organization org);
Although each bean declared a CMR field, only one of the two beans in a relationship must have a set of accessors. As with CMP fields, a CMR field is required to have both a getter and a setter method.