Chapter 4. Resources

Anything managed by the Admin Console is a resource. This includes Applications, Services, and Datasources. The Admin Console separates Applications out from other managed resources. The remaining resources are accessible by navigating to the 'Resources' menu item in the Admin Console. They are categorized as JBoss Messaging, JBoss Web, Scripts, Connection Factories, and Datasources.


Resources deployed and modified using the Admin Console should continue to be administered using the Admin Console, as changes are not reflected in the original configuration file for the resource. Manual editing of configuration files and changes made using the Admin Console are not compatible.

4.1. JBoss Messaging

JBoss Messaging provides the Java Messaging Services for the Enterprise Application Platform. Only destinations for JBoss Messaging can be configured through the Admin Console. Destinations are divided into Topics and Queues.

4.1.1. View the Deployed Messaging Queues

A list of Messaging Queues deployed on the EAP server is available in the Admin Console. To view this list:

Procedure 4.1. 

  1. Log in to the Admin Console of the Server at
    1. For JBoss Messaging:

      Click on ResourcesJBoss MessagingQueues
    2. For HornetQ:

      Click on JMS ManagerJMS Queues
A list of the JMS queues deployed on the server will be displayed.

4.1.2. Add a JBoss Messaging Resource

To add new destinations to the Enterprise Application Platform instance, use the following procedures.

Procedure 4.2. Adding a JBoss Messaging Queue

  1. Click ResourcesJBoss MessagingQueues. Click Add a new resource.
  2. Select the Template to use for the resource.
  3. Enter in the name of the Queue, and the JNDI name.
  4. Optional: Edit the other values available. For more information about Queue settings, refer to the JBoss Messaging User Guide.
  5. Click Save.

Procedure 4.3. Adding a JBoss Messaging Topic

  1. Click ResourcesJBoss MessagingTopics. Click Add a new resource.
  2. Select the Template to use for the resource.
  3. Enter in the name of the Topic, and the JNDI name.
  4. Optional: Edit the other values available, or leave them set to their default values. For more information about Topic settings, see the JBoss Messaging User Guide.
  5. Click Save.

4.1.3. Remove a JBoss Messaging Resource

Removing a Messaging Resource will discard all messages associated with that resource. Do this with caution.

Procedure 4.4. Removing a JBoss Messaging Resource

  1. Navigate to the JBoss Messaging Type - Topic or Queue, under ResourcesJBoss Messaging.
  2. Click Delete next to the resource to be deleted.
  3. Click OK to confirm the delete operation.

4.1.4. JBoss Messaging Resource Configuration

Messaging resources can be fine tuned using configuration options. To change the configuration of a messaging resource, follow this procedure.

Procedure 4.5. Configuring a JBoss Messaging Resource

  1. Navigate to the resource to be configured, using ResourcesJBoss MessagingMESSAGING_TYPERESOURCE_NAME.
  2. Click the 'Configuration' tab.
  3. When configuration options have been changed, click Save. For more information about configuration options, refer to the JBoss Messaging User Guide.

4.1.5. JBoss Messaging Resource Control

Various control operations are available for Queues and Topics. Both Messaging Resources have these operations available:
  • Remove all messages - removes all messages from the destination.
  • Start - starts the destination.
  • Stop - stops the destination.
  • List All Messages - lists all messages for the specified selector.
  • List Durable Messages - lists all durable messages for the specified selector.
  • List Non Durable Messages - lists all non durable messages for the specified selector.
Queue specific control operations are:
  • List Message Counter As HTML - displays the message counter as HTML.
  • List Message Counter History As HTML - displays the message counter history as HTML.
  • Reset Message Counter - resets the message counter to zero.
  • Reset Message Counter History - clears the message counter history.
Topic specific control operations are:
  • List All Subscriptions - displays all subscriptions to the topic.
  • List All Subscriptions As HTML - displays all subscriptions to the topic in HTML.
  • List Durable Subscriptions - displays all durable subscriptions.
  • List Durable Subscriptions As HTML - displays all durable subscriptions in HTML.
  • List Non-Durable Subscriptions - displays all non-durable subscriptions.
  • List Non-Durable Subscriptions As HTML - displays all non-durable subscriptions in HTML.
To perform any of these control operations, follow this procedure.

Procedure 4.6. Controlling a JBoss Messaging Resource

  1. Navigate to the resource, using ResourcesJBoss MessagingMESSAGING_TYPERESOURCE_NAME.
  2. Click the 'Control' tab.
  3. Click the operation to be performed. For information about the effect of these operations, refer to the JBoss Messaging User Guide.