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Appendix B. Poller Endpoint Properties


Table B.1, “Attributes for configuring a poller endpoint” describes the attributes used to configure a poller endpoint.

Table B.1. Attributes for configuring a poller endpoint

serviceQNameSpecifies the service name of the endpoint.required
endpointStringSpecifies the name of the endpoint.required
interfaceNameQNameSpecifies the interface name of the endpoint. 
targetServiceQNameSpecifies the service name of the target endpoint. 
targetEndPointStringSpecifies the name of the target endpoint. 
targetInterfaceQNameSpecifies the interface name of the target endpoint. 
targetUristringSpecifies the URI of the target endpoint. 
autoCreateDirectorybooleanSpecifies if the endpoint will create the target directory if it does not exist.true
firstTimedateSpecifies the date and the time the first poll will take place.null (The first poll will happen right after start up.)
delaylongSpecifies amount of time, in milliseconds, to wait before performing the first poll.0
periodlongSpecifies the amount of time, in milliseconds, between polls.5000
fileStringSpeficies the file or directory to poll.required
deleteFilebooleanSpecifies if the file is deleted after it is processed.true
recursivebooleanSpecifies if the endpoint processes sub directories when polling.true
archivestringSpecifies the name of the directory to archive files into before deleting them.null (no archiving)


Table B.2, “Beans for configuring a poller endpoint” describes the beans which can be used to configure a poller endpoint.

Table B.2. Beans for configuring a poller endpoint

marshalerorg.apache.servicemix.components.util.FileMarshalerSpecifies the class used to marshal data from the file.DefaultFileMarshaler
lockManagerorg.apache.servicemix.locks.LockManagerSpecifies the class implementing the file locking.SimpleLockManager the class implementing the filtering logic to use for selecting files.