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26.3. Using a Named Reply Destination


By default, Apache CXF endpoints using JMS create a temporary queue for sending replies back and forth. If you prefer to use named queues, you can configure the queue used to send replies as part of an endpoint's JMS configuration.

Setting the reply destination name

You specify the reply destination using either the jmsReplyDestinationName attribute or the jndiReplyDestinationName attribute in the endpoint's JMS configuration. A client endpoint will listen for replies on the specified destination and it will specify the value of the attribute in the ReplyTo field of all outgoing requests. A service endpoint will use the value of the jndiReplyDestinationName attribute as the location for placing replies if there is no destination specified in the request’s ReplyTo field.


Example 26.12, “JMS Consumer Specification Using a Named Reply Queue” shows the configuration for a JMS client endpoint.

Example 26.12. JMS Consumer Specification Using a Named Reply Queue

<jms:conduit name="{}HelloWorldJMSPort.jms-conduit">
    <jms:address destinationStyle="queue"
                 jndiReplyDestinationName="myReplyDestination" >
      <jms:JMSNamingProperty name="java.naming.factory.initial"
                             value="org.apache.cxf.transport.jms.MyInitialContextFactory" />
      <jms:JMSNamingProperty name="java.naming.provider.url"
                             value="tcp://localhost:61616" />