Red Hat Training

A Red Hat training course is available for Red Hat Fuse

Chapter 4. Adding a Remote Console User


The server's remote command console is not configured with a default user. Before you can connect to the server's console remotely, you must add a user to the configuration.
The information in this file is unencrypted so it is not suitable for environments that require strict security.
To add a user:
  1. Open InstallDir/etc/ in your favorite text editor.
  2. Locate the line #admin=admin,admin.
    This line specifies a user admin with the password admin and the role admin.
  3. Remove the leading # to uncomment the line.
  4. Replace the first admin with a name for the user.
  5. Replace the second admin with the password for the user.
  6. Leave the last admin as is, and save the changes.
If you want to access the Fuse Management Console to monitor and manage your Camel routes, ActiveMQ brokers, Web applications, and so on, open a browser to http://localhost:8181/hawtio, after you start up Red Hat JBoss Fuse.